
There is no need to make such a choice, you can both think and feel.

The supreme Way is not difficult- it simply dislikes choosing.

I am not concerned about superior way, I'm just telling you that you can both think and feel. One does not exclude the other.


I mi ga malo pretjerasmo s engleskim.

And who said that they exclude each other?

Necu vise gnjaviti, i ovo malo sto sam napisao posle prvog posta je otislo u vetar.

Ti si rekao "don't think, feel" što implicira da ako misliš, nećeš moći osjećati na pravi način, a to dalje znači da jedno ipak na neki način isključuje drugo. Ili se tako samo meni čini...

Vidis o cemu ti pricam: previse si razmisljao oko jedne proste recenice ;)

A šta ti misliš čemu mozak služi?
Normalno da ću razmišljati!!! Neću pustiti da mi mozak zakržlja.

Evo sta kaze Cak Suldiner o mizantropiji:

From above and around,
observations are collected
Knowledge is taken in by curious life forms
That may bring hope from beyond
Beneath the giver of life, our sun
An examination of another kind is done

A view from those who stood high
And breathing the sky
An opinion from below and from above

Some were decided, some were not
A few looked away, but none forgot

Hater of all mankind
There is some hope
For those who own their mind
They came, they saw and acknowledged
Some good, some bad
Opinion: Dangerous

Stay where you are, don't get consumed
By what they created from sheer neglect
In denial of years and years of
shattered souls
That were lost to the power of
Fragile, frightful minds

A view from those who stood high
And breathing the sky
An opinion from below and from above

Some were decided, some were not
A few looked away, but none forgot

Ne postoji ideologija, niti filozofija metala. Metal je muzički izraz u koji se mogu uklopiti različite filozofije, ako je nekome uopšte cilj da ima neku filozofiju. Što se mene tiče, ja sam pre za to da se obrađuju raznolike teme koje najviše inspirišu samog autora, a ne da se radi po nekoj narudžbi ili zato što je u određenom pravcu popularno da se sve vrti oko jednih te istih tema.

Time je tema okoncana...