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Ne volim nešto posebno noviji talas, Vaughna poštujem, pretežno slušam period od 1920-1930, najkasnije 60-ih. Krle96, evo ti malo brže:

Od novijeg talasa gotivim neo-swing, upravo zbog brzine:

Hvala Seltiče kad se setiš sličnih stvari stavljaj s posvetom!

tvoja priča, eru, hm? :(

Hahahahaha cekaj cekaj...bluz jebeni?

Bluz je tuzna muzika, ja danas dobio zelju da napisem bluz pesmu marku nasem...

a da su se makar dogovorili da ne bude aktivan danas na nalogu

Јест да нисам претерано добар са енглеским, ал из срца је. Марко :*
Занемарите што је Видра мало идеализована, морао сам Марка да представим као човека од укуса. О покојнику све најлепше.

Blues for M

Early this morning at Kosjeric town
Someone knocked upon his door,
He looked through the window
And his head touched the floor

If you seen him, you probably think he was tough guy
But, you're wrong
He loved a woman
Oh, really, he really loved a woman
Woman called Little Otter,
Little O, red hair Bosnian girl
Yeah, he surely loved her,
Yeah, he surely did...

But, as you know, love is never so simple
And Little O never loved him
Yeah, she never ever loved him
Cause he was fat man, while she was slim!

She was from Bosnia, land of bears,
With eyes sharp as knife and skin white as snow
He wanted to eat her pussy,
But she didn't want to blow...

Well, I guess you know why he was sad man...

Anyway, early this morning at Kosjeric town,
While red Sun was low
Someone knocked upon his door!
While he was lookin' through the window
Hot air filled the room
And he suddenly broke into cold sweat,
And tried to catch some air,
But instead, he experienced shortness of breath,
Yeah, poor little Y faced his own death...
As his head touched the floor,
He knew he won't see Little O nevermore...

Ahahaha, Reme, brao, ovo je za udžbenike!!!!