
Napoleon, N..ole? Slučajnost? Ne bih reko

gahaha este vidili prajsles detalje na sliki uno
sliki haha
Да се најебем мајке смрдљивом блицу више! До скоро су ми били мало изнад, али после овога су ми у истом кошу са куриром и пинком.

slazem se sa naslovom u svakom slucaju, nema zasta da citam dalje

Ko god šeta noću po livadi, kriv je za ono što mu se desi. Jedan moj drug tako nagazio na vilinsko kolo i više nije svoj.

И ово су се сетили ноћас да пишу кад сам узео ту књигу да спремам испит.

Juče u busu scena:
Kontrolorka traži karte redom, sve regularno, dođe do jedne žene, ova ima kartu, isto sve o.k. i pita ona kontrolorku:
-"A jelte, jel se nešto promenilo kod vas? Mislim, ko vas sada plaća, grad ili privatnik?"
Ova gleda belo, slegne ramenima, kaže:
-"Ne znam ja ništa."
Ova žena, kao nastavlja konverzaciju pa opet pita:
-"A kome li onda idu pare od karata?"
Ridžovanka ni pet ni šest nego:
-"Ja mislim najviše trafikama, kod nas u centrali se slabo prodaju."


Sea otters are awful. You've probably seen the image macros floating around Facebook, exclaiming over how they hold hands while they sleep to make sure they don't drift apart. Well, that true. But then, they also rape baby seals. As it turns out, sea otters are some of the biggest sickos of the animal kingdom.

It takes a lot of resources to feed an otter - they need to eat approximately 25% of their body weight every single day. When food is in short supply things can get ugly. Some males will hold otter pups hostage until the mother pays a ransom of food to the male.

But they don't just kidnap babies. Sea otters also rape baby seals to death. Male otters will find a juvenile harbor seal and mount it, as if he were mating with a female otter. Unfortunately, part of the mating process involves holding the female’s head under water which ultimately kills the seal pups (and over 10% of female otters). For over an hour and a half, the male otter will hold the seal pup in this position, raping it until it is dead. Sometimes when the seal pup dies, it is just let go and the otter will begin to groom itself. Some otters, however, will hang on to the dead pup and continue to rape its dead and decaying corpse for up to a week later.

Sea otters aren't even the scariest otters, believe it or not. In South America 6-foot long river otters still exist. And they hunt in packs.

pa ove životinje su bogovi :D

pa ja sam ti ovo linkovao sto puta, sa sve slikom one brkate vidre :)

It takes a lot of resources to feed an otter - they need to eat approximately 25% of their body weight every single day.

meni se ovaj dio sviđa

But they don't just kidnap babies. Sea otters also rape baby seals to death. Male otters will find a juvenile harbor seal and mount it, as if he were mating with a female otter. Unfortunately, part of the mating process involves holding the female’s head under water which ultimately kills the seal pups (and over 10% of female otters). For over an hour and a half, the male otter will hold the seal pup in this position, raping it until it is dead. Sometimes when the seal pup dies, it is just let go and the otter will begin to groom itself. Some otters, however, will hang on to the dead pup and continue to rape its dead and decaying corpse for up to a week later.


Bačje ova oće te jebe, gotovo.