
Bio je Rasni na dočeku olimpijaca u Beogradu.

Penis, vagina, izmet, dojka.

Yeah, Warren, that's the problem with old men. You can kick 'em down the stairs, and say it's an accident, but you can't just shoot 'em.

''Osim poraza Njemačke na penale, ništa nije nemoguće u nogometu.'' - Boris Dežulović

"- Kaman spik Nešo nubara čmar!
- no no no mastro onli Nešo Bog spik!" Saša Stevčić, Abdul Azis Aškal

Iz Simpsonovih:

Come on Homer, you're our man, if you can't do it, no one can.
- I guess no one can

Ili ovaj:

And remember when I let that escaped lunatic in the house, cause he was dressed as Santa Claus? Well you have a gambling problem.

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God gave us music so that we, first and foremost, will be guided upward by it. All qualities are united in music: it can lift us up, it can be capricious, it can cheer us up and delight us, nay, with its soft, melancholy tunes, it can even break the resistance of the toughest character. Its main purpose, however, is to lead our thoughts upward, so that it elevates us, even deeply moves us. ... Music also provides pleasant entertainment and saves everyone who is interested in it from boredom. All humans who despise it should be considered mindless, animal-like creatures. Ever be this most glorious gift of God my companion on my life's journey, and I can consider myself fortunate to have come to love it. Let us sing out in eternal praise to God who is offering us this beautiful enjoyment.

I had always heard your entire life flashes in front of your eyes the second before you die. First of all, that one second isn't a second at all, it stretches on forever, like an ocean of time... For me, it was lying on my back at Boy Scout camp, watching falling stars... And yellow leaves, from the maple trees, that lined our street... Or my grandmother's hands, and the way her skin seemed like paper... And the first time I saw my cousin Tony's brand new Firebird... And Janie... And Janie... And... Carolyn. I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday.

dal stvarno mislite da će sad neko čitati sve to još na engleskom?

Too bad. And Mozart, not long after writing The Magic Flute, had died-in his thirties-of kidney disease. And had been buried in an unmarked pauper's grave.

Thinking this, he wondered if Mozart had any intuition that the future did not exist, that he had already used up his little time. Maybe I have too, Rick thought as he watched the rehearsal move along. This rehearsal will end, the performance will end, the singers will die, eventually the last score of the music will be destroyed in one way or another; finally the name "Mozart" will vanish, the dust will have won. If not on this planet then another. We can evade it awhile. As the andys can evade me and exist a finite stretch longer. But I will get them or some other bounty hunter gets them. In a way, he realized, I'm part of the form-destroying process of entropy.

Човек не може тако дубоко пасти да не би могао пасти још дубље, човек не може трпети тако тешко да не би могао поднети још теже. Ево управо овде човеков дух, који човека издиже изнад животиње, понижава га дубоко испод животиње. Терао сам караване дева, лама, магараца и мазги. Видео сам десетине тих животиња како полежу чим их човек претовари за само килограм више, како полежу ако држе да се с њима лоше поступа, и како се без јаука дају радије на смрт избичевати - и то сам такође видео - него да устану, преузму терет или да даље подносе лош поступак. Видео сам магарце продане људима који су животиње гадно мучили. Магарци би престали да једу и крепали би. Чак ни кукуруз није могао изменити њихову одлуку. Али човек? Круна стварања? Он воли бити роб, он је поносан што сме бити војник и да буде убијен картечом, он воли да буде бичеван и злостављан. Зашто? Зато што може мислити. Зато што може да замисли наду. Зато што се нада да ће ипак бити боље. То је његово проклетство, а не његов благослов. Сажаљевање робова? Сажаљевање војника и војних богаља? Мржња тирана? Не! Не! Не! Да сам скочио преко ограде, не бих сада био у паклу у којем ни сами ђаволи не могу издржати. Али нисам скочио, и сада немам права да се жалим или чак другог оптужујем. Пусти просјака да умре од глади ако у њему поштујеш човека. Немам права да оплакујем своју тужну судбину. Зашто нисам скочио? Зашто сада не скочим? Зашто допуштам да ме муче и злостављају? Зато што се надам да ћу се моћи вратити поново у живот. Зато што се надам да ћу поново видети Њу Орлеанс. Зато што се надам и што радије пливам кроз говна него да своју вољену и мажену наду бацим у говна.

Zorana, smrdi ti iz usta

''Nekad je svetlo na kraju tunela jednostavno voz.'' - Čarls Barkli

Ako je ovo rekao Barkli pojedem muda.

Hoćeš neki prilog uz muda, Bombaš?

da, slika je inače odličan dokaz da je on to rekao...lolčina jebena

ovo je kao da si rekao VIDEO SAM U NASLOVU INFORMERA tipa, iako znaš da je u 90% slučajeva izvučeno iz konteksta ili čak ni to, nego izmišljena izjava

"ja ne ulazim u bitku po tome kolika je sila koja mi preti vec po tome koliku svetinju branim"
dusko vujosevic