
For years, the debate has ensued about what exactly the difference is between rap music and hip hop music, and the main crux of the argument centers around the type of culture that each type of music personifies. Other factors, though, are also included, such as: how the music is produced, the elements associated with the sound of the music, and what each genre tries to get across in its central message

Hip hop culture is defined by the late '70s, early '80s beat-box style of music where groups like Sugarhill Gang, Fab 5 Freddy, and Kurtis Blow. These artists, and many more just like them, sang in upbeat tones that told people to get off their seats and dance to the music. Their message was more of a positive, brighter future type of ballad. Rap, o­n the other hand, is more concerned with what is going o­n in popular culture. Current rap stars like Eminem, 50 Cent, and Lil' Wayne frequently rap about the prevalence of drug dealing where they are from, political issues that they disagree with, or general elements of impropriety amongst the perceived leaders of this nation.

Whereas hip hop strives to push its listeners to look forward to a better tomorrow, rap music is all about "telling it like it is" in the here and now. o­ne of the greatest rap groups of all-time, N.W.A., sang of their hardcore lifestyle which was the o­nly way to survive where they were from. They were often ostracized in popular music circles, but they were simply rapping about the current day's conditions. o­n the other hand, a song like "Rapper's Delight" from The Sugarhill Gang encouraged people to have a good time with their lives and stressed that o­nly good things were going to happen in the future.

While it is true that rap music tends to have a more depressive outlook than hip hop music, the two terms get interchanged so much in the current day and age that it becomes difficult to decipher what the real difference is. While it would be impossible to pinpoint o­ne particular difference that shows us unequivocally what the difference is between rap and hip hop, our perceived notions of what separates the two will continue the great debate about what is the true difference between these two types of music.

ovo sto uglavnom kacite po temi je rep a ne hiphop, tako da nemojte spemovati temu da vas ne prijavim ktitorima.

nidje veze ovajtekst
hip hop je kultura u koju spadaju rep,grafiti i onaj brejkdens

Rep je nacin izvodjenja muzike, odnosno tekstova. Stil pevanja. Hip hop je kultura koja okruzuje rep muziku. Tako da mojne da seres.

Treba nekom rezolucijom UNa pod zaprećenom smrtnom kaznom zabraniti repovanje svim onim dečacima koji nemaju pigmenta!
Uključujući i ovog lika:

Hip Hop je širi pojam od repa Moma.

Treba nekom rezolucijom UNa pod zaprećenom smrtnom kaznom zabraniti repovanje svim onim dečacima koj nemaju pigmenta!

Ako pod tim misliš da svim bjelcima treba zabraniti da repuju, onda probaj da kucaš na youtube-u:

Vinnie Paz
R.A. The rugged man
Sage Francis
La Coka Nostra

a i eminem
jeste da ga hejtuju na vukajliji,al to je previse daleko od realnosti,jer lik je uveo totalno novi fazon i podigao rep i zajebanciju u repu na visi nivo,on je rodio onaj fazon u kojem su bed kopi i prti bege,zajebava se,proziva sam sto je u ovoj deceniji feget je zato sto je omatorio i skinuo se sa droga haahh


plus sto dolazi iz sjebanijeg okruzenja nego mnogi crnci i ziveo je mnogo ljuci zivot nego mnogi crnci

Vau, našao si jednu pjesmu u kojoj seru o teorijama zavjere a 90% toga su metafore.
Na kraju krajeva "end of days" ne znači smak svijeta u ovom slučaju nego se odnosi na kraj društva kakvim ga znamo u kojem postoji volja građana... ili bar volja građana koja ima bilo kakav uticaj na poteze vlasti.
A koliko god ja prvi mislio da su teorije zavjere sranje (naročito iluminati i sl. tajna društva) istina je da nas mediji zaglupljuju a da to itekako odgovara vladajućoj klasi.

Ne mislim da su sve teorije zavere glupe ali ove o kojima repuju jesu. Mogli su bar da stave Alexa Jonesa manje je lud za razliku od ovog reptilijana koji je za TV izjavio da je Isus trolololo.

Da se samo nadovežem na moj prvi post.... Mislim da belci tačnije anglosaksonci bilo koju stranu kulturu koju pipnu ili je razvodnje ili od toga naprave cirkus. Eminem je govno.

i crnci gotive eminema...po mnogima on je najbolji reper svih vremena
dal da verujem tebi ili doktor dreu?
mada ja cu uvek najvise gotiviti tupaka,zatim ajs kjuba,izi ija,snup doga doktor drea,bigi smolsa,redmena,preterano objasnjavaju

i crnci gotive eminema...po mnogima on je najbolji reper svih vremena

U mom hoodu većina mojih drugova crnaca mi reklo da ga baš i ne gotive, mora da si ti na East Coastu.

Eminem je meni okej ali nijesam neki ljubitelj njegovog flowa. Mada opet koliko god bio dobar ne bi toliko daleko dogurao bez dr. drea... kao ni mnogi drugi. Npr. fifti bi bio random lik koji snima klipove po yt da se nije uvatio sa dreom i krenuo da radi sa eminemom

Inače mislim da ove nijesam kačio na temu, jedan od boljih albuma 2014. neobičan album mnogo.

ni ja ga ne slusam nesto,al objektivno govorim
kad sam ihao su osnovnu taj covek je dominirao i bio svuda
a bez drea ne bi bilo gengsta repa uopsteno hahah

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