Licence Agreements/Terms of Use

Il Capitano 2009-11-06 12:09:42 +0000

Nalazi se u instalaciji svake aplikacije.Citanjem tih pojmova mozgu se automatski salju komande da preskoci sledecih n redova.Ko je nekada u zivotu procitao Licence Agreements/Terms of Use svaka mu cast.Velika je umetnost to uraditi svojevoljno.
p.s. Ko ne klikne "I accept" nece nikad zavrsiti instalaciju.

Tipicni primer:


A. You may use Megaupload Toolbar for personal
purposes. For commercial use, you need an
express written permission of Megaupload Limited.

B. You may not reproduce, distribute, transmit,
print or transfer information related to
Megaupload Toolbar.....i tako u nedogled
Netipican primer,primer zanimljivog licence agreementa :D :
"This program is freeware, you can copy it as much as you like.

If this program accidentaly screws up and destroys data on your PC, electrocutes you,makes your monitor explode in your face, set's your house on fire, kills you, causes everyone on the planet(and beyond) to try to kill you, hacks into a nearby nuclear misile and targets your house, changes your bank balance to $0, gets you banned from online games, adds your name to a hitman's list, sucks you into the computer and plays pong with you(with you as ball), causes secret agencies to come after you, makes you believe you got maggots crawling under your skin, turns your room into a gate to hell, becomes sentient and starts killing everyone on this planet, gets you sent to jail with a guy named big bubba or does anything else you don't want it to do, don't blame the author of this program!!

Do you agree to this?"

39 : 7
  1. hahahaha
    nikad ni ne procitam...:P

  2. hahahhaha BAS je tako!

  3. Ја читам сваки.

Omiljeno za [1]

Najnovije definicije

Rekli o sajtu

Definiše se sve i svašta. Tako se mogu pročitati definicije baksuza, alapače, čitulje, smrti, rezervoara za smeh, kolateralne štete, Živojinović Velimira, zvanog Bate, dnevne svetlosti, gospođe džem!, Brus Lija… „Je l’ ti puši ćale?”, „Je l’ mogu u WC?”, „Chuck Norrisisati” i još mnogo toga može se naći na ovoj internet stranici. Zato ne iznenađuje što se mnogi kad jednom dođu, ponovo vraćaju na nju. Neki čak postaju i zavisnici, pa traže od moderatora da ih banuju, poput jednog studenta koji je zahtevao da mu zabrane pristup na nedelju, dve dana da bi mogao da uči.

Status Magazin · April 2009.