
Otvorio sam ovu temu prvenstveno zbog spema definicijama i posterima o igricama
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Tol'ko od mene :)

heroji, warcraft, i red alert sa varijacijama su carske stvari

ostalo sto si nabrojao je tesko sranje :))

a sto se tice pucacina izdvojio bih


"Born to be wild!" after singing Steppenwolfs song 'Born To Be Wild' on the microphone in the 3rd episode of Duke Nukem 3D, Shrapnel City, level 1
Ah... much better! after peeing on the toilet
Blow it out your ass!
Born to be wiiiiiiild... singing in a karaoke
Come get some! reference by Evil Dead 3 in a quote from Ash.
Come on! after the player was not moving for a while
Damn it!
Damn, I hate disco!
Damn, I'm good!
Damn... I'm looking good! after looking at himself in a mirror
Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.
Damn, you're ugly. in reference to Predator
Eat shit and die
Fire in the hole, asshole! After blowing up some alien bastards
Game over!
Get away from her, you bitch! in reference to Aliens
Get that crap outta here! After an enemy dies violently (exploding)
Die, you son of a bitch! [after defeating the Mini Battlelords

Get back to work, you slacker! checking out office computer playing duke3d
Go ahead, make my day. (reference to the phrase "Go ahead, make my day" written by Joseph C. Stinson and spoken by the character Harry Callahan from the 1983 film 'Sudden Impact')
Gonna rip you a new one.
Guess again, freakshow. I'm coming back to town, and the last thing that's gonna go through your mind before you die... is my size- 13 boot!
Groovy! reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 2
Hail to the king baby! reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 3
Heh, heh, heh... what a mess! After an enemy dies violently (exploding)
Hmm, I need it bad! After plenty violation getting health
Hmm, don't have time to play with myself. Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine
Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine.seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom
Holy cow!
Holy shit!
I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck. reference to Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket
I'm gonna get medieval on your asses! reference to Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction
I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!
I'm gonna put this smack dab on your ass!
I've got balls of steel. examining the Duke Nukem pinball machine in an arcade
I ain't afraid of no quake! in reference to ID Software's Quake PC Game
I like a good cigar...and a bad woman...
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum. (Predated by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in They Live who says: I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum. 1)
It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak! when encountering the Emperor
It's time to abort your whole freaking species! After defeating the Queen
Kill them all and let God sort 'em out!
Let's rock!
Let's go surfin' now. Everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me. singing Beach Boys' 'Surfin Safari'
Looks like cleanup on aisle four.
Love, exciting and new. singing 'The Love Boat' by Paul Williams and Charles Fox
My boot, your face; the perfect couple.
My name is Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! After defeating the Battlelord
No way I'm eating this shit!
Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!
Now this is a force to be reckoned with! after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down
Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
Oh...your ass is grass and I've got the weed-whacker.
Ooh, that's gotta hurt. (says sarcastically after blowing up enemy corpses)
See you in Hell!
Shake it, baby!
Shit happens. after stepping in alien feces
Sometimes I even amaze myself.
Staying alive, staying alive, la. singing Bee Gees 'Staying Alive'
Suck it down!
This really pisses me off!
This is KTIT, K-Tit! Bringing you the breast- err, best tunes in town.
That's gonna leave a mark!
We meet again, Doctor Jones! after discovering Indiana Jones corpse hanging
What are you waitin' for? Christmas? after the player has been away from keyboard for a while
What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae eater?
Where is it?
Who wants some?
Yeah, piece of cake!
Yippie ka-yay, motherfucker! reference to Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard Films
You guys suck!
You're pissing me off!
You're an inspiration for birth control.
Your face, your ass, what's the difference?
You wanna dance?
That's one dead space marine. (Reference to doom in chapter 1 episode 3 in the church area)

e da, zaboravih civilizaciju i age of empires sve delove

Sos nisu to sve moji favoriti,postavio sam ih samo onako,da budu tu na jednom mestu.
Moji favoriti sto se tice igara su Warcraft i Red alert 2
A od rpg-eva Diablo dvojka
Mozda jos i starcraft

Dibalo II i Diablo II - Lord of Destruction(ekspanzija) od rpg-ova. Volim i Knights of Honor(strategija), mada to je igrica od pre 6 godina, pa i nije toliki old skul.

Ви ово зовете олд скул гејмингом??? Млади сте ви много...

Цивилизација 1
Изгубљени викинзи
Принц од Ирана

Допунићу списак касније ако се неко уопште сећа овога...

Civilizaciju i vikinge sam igrao,joj kako sam se nervirao oko vikinga,stigao sam do egipta i ih nisam obrnuo

Ako je vama to oldskul, šta je onda ovo:

Ovo onda mora da su praigrice. Inače, na ove sam se ja podiga, znači Sega Mega, Terminator, Nintendo i te konzole. Nađa bi još slika, al sam zaboravio kako se zovu. Jebote, zaboravih kako se zove najbolji dio mojega detinjstva...

To Milice, to je oldskul. Ljudi, sve od Sonija jedinice pa nadalje je njuskul, nemojte to ođe da stavljate.

I ja isto Peki, a tako i Drajver, Krašov karting, Kraš Bandikot, GTA i šta sve ne... Mene Soni jedinica nekako spada u midlskul, ne oldskul ka što reko.

ja sam se odskora zarazio Fallout dvojkom. Neki lik odradio restauraciju igrice... IGRA JE ZAKON

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