
Ja posecujem omegle i zezam ljude :D

Festival kobasica, retko kad nabasam na neku ribu sto snima pornic ili pokazuje sise.

Dosadan sajt.

sad sam prvi put u životu otišla, crka sam od smeha, majko mila koliko bolesnih ljudi ima na ovom svetu...

Сјајно за лупање глупости - додуше онај клевербот има и неку сврху, ваљда га користе да развијају вештачку инталигенцију коју после убацују у игрице...

Festival kobasica, retko kad nabasam na neku ribu sto snima pornic ili pokazuje sise.


Omegle shit, samo Indijci vise tamo.

ja idem kad sam bolestan pa ne smem da mrdnem iz kuce...mada ponekad i kad dodju ortaci pa zajebavamo ljude...

hahahahahaa ja sam bolestan, i od toga se ne odvajam to me jedino drzi normalnim jer ja iz kuce ne smem da izadjem skoro, mada sam nasao par lepih devojaka normalnih, ali vecinom su bolesni ako kazes da si musko ispale te :D

To mi je glavno sredstvo da mi brže prođe dan. Obožavam da trolujem na Omegle-u.

You: Hi
Stranger: hey 16 year old female
You: Oh really
Stranger: yeah you?
You: Im 19 transsexual
Stranger: So you are a.... what?
You: M2F
Stranger: Ohh crazy life huh?
You: No, why?
Stranger: just wondering. why did you go female?
You: That's what I am on the inside
Stranger: Oh thats cool. I've never talked to a transsexual before. did it hurt?
You: No silly
You: Why would it hurt?
Stranger: How does it work? Like do you have girl parts now? and wouldnt it be sore?
You: Well, not yet
You: I receive hormons for now
You: girl hormons
Stranger: oh you havent done it yet?
You: No
Stranger: Are you nervous?
You: No, Im looking forward to it
Stranger: Thats good (:
You: My hair is falling off
Stranger: Oh no! Girls are supposed to have hair!
You: And my breasts are going bigger and bigger
Stranger: Are you going to buy a wig
You: My facial and body hair silly
Stranger: Ohhhhhhhh. That makes sense.
You: So, what about you?
Stranger: No I'm not loosing facial hair. I never had any. But being a girl is the best thingg ever!!
You: You mean losing, loosing means something completely different
Stranger: Lol Okay smarty pants
You: Yeah, I'm a little bit grammar Nazi
You: Besides I'm a little bit real Nazi, LOL
Stranger: Haha thats okay (: I won the spelling bee in 3rd grade
You: And over the years you got stupider?
Stranger: I think so :(
You: Oh, poor child
You: Oh, I'm a lesbian
You: I mean I will be
Stranger: Wait, you want to be a girl just so you can be a lesbian????
You: Duh!
Stranger: If you like girls why would you change your sex
You: Because, penis is yuck!
Stranger: I dont think so (:
You: You like penis?
Stranger: Yes I am not gay
You: Have you "experienced" one?
Stranger: If thats what you call it hahah yes
You: Oh, naughty girl. Who was it?
Stranger: My bestfriend. We were curious
You: And he deflowered your rose?
Stranger: Correct
Stranger: have you ever deflowered a rose?
You: Oh, I wish I had a hymen
Stranger: A vag?
You: Yeah
You: But soon...
Stranger: Have you ever had sex with a girl?
You: No, I'm a virgin. I hate my masculine body
Stranger: I think you should try it before you rule it out haha.
You: Well, sometimes I masturbate in my mom's undies
Stranger: Lmfao. That doesnt count
You: Awww, highlight of having no life.
You: Bye.


My hair is falling off

.... obraz? :D

And he deflowered your rose?


Ако си ово ти, добар трол, али добар и енглески.

upravo me kinez muva...pretstavio sam se ko nevaljala 14. god. klinka
na omegle-u