
ја данас први пут отишо, и већ луда забава

isao sam par puta,al to bas u trenucima onog najgoreg smora

све неки напаљени Индуси, јебо им ја матер

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hi asl

You: hi

You: im 16

You: samantha

You: u ?

Stranger: 16 jordan

You: like river ?

You: u re from africa ?

Stranger: No england

You: there is no river jordan in england u idiot

You: how u can be jordan ???

Stranger: Not in africa as well dumbass

You: answer me NOW ?


Stranger: Fuck you honkey bastard


Stranger: No its not

You: I.R.A!

You: jesus was in jordan

Stranger: The river jordan is not in africa dumb shit

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

meni tamo žene stalno pokazuju sise

јебига њидро, да си мушко салетали би те курчеви са свих страна

ja sam jednog indijca lozio da sam zensko i da hocu da se jebem,onda mu rekao da imam sidu,a on u fazonu:,,pa dobro,nema veze,, hahahaha
ахаххааххааххаахаххахахахахахахахах умирем јебено а невиђено је глупо хахахахахахаххааххахааххаахаххаахаххаахха

aj se organizujemo nas 200 sa vukajlije da trazimo amere po ovom sajtu i da se predstavljamo kao kosovari, pa im jebemo mater zapadnjacku i pisamo po 11.9.2001.

Vukajlija brani Kosovo!

Ако кажеш да си мушко, гасе конверзацију, лоло.

jordan je u aziji
pravda za jordan!

upravo naleteh na amera koji misli da se u Evropi govori "europeanish" i "english"

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi! im male looking for f's

You: hi

You: im milf

You: one old dirty milf

Stranger: thats hot bb

You: wanna watch me

Stranger: no. no cam but like to fuvk u

You: are u young ?

Stranger: middle age...

You: like middle earth babe :D

Stranger: u like role play and fantasy....u?

You: ooo im so horrny now

You: can u make my dick go hard ?

Stranger: great bb. what do you look?

You: i wear bag

You: and boots

Stranger: ur f right?

You: yes

You: but i have extra parts :D

Stranger: wet pussy?

You: wet pussy and big dick

You: u like that

You: i can fuck u

You: u can fuck me

Stranger: damn. i dont like that

You: why :(

You: i have dog too

Stranger: no reason...instinct

You: wanna watch me how i fuck my dog

Stranger: bahhhhhh

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: m

You: milf

Stranger: 21

You: 47

You: wanna have fun on skype ?

Stranger: horny?

Stranger: yeah

You: very

You: from ?

Stranger: usa

You: are u white ?

Stranger: tuckduck101

Stranger: yeah

You: 100% ?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: lol

You: u dont have any black blood

Stranger: no

Stranger: u?

Stranger: black cock

You: no im from germany

You: i wanna pure white man

Stranger: good:)

You: what are u ?

Stranger: its me

Stranger: german

You: no u re not

You: u like Hitler ?

Stranger: huh?

Stranger: hate jews

You: and black people ?

Stranger: yeah

You: ok

You: wanna watch me how i have sex with my german shepard ?

Stranger: no

You: why :(

You: im so horrny now

Stranger: just u

You: i will add u on skype

You: u can watch me

Stranger: i told u my thing

You: i like to fuck my dog

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: bog te jebo

Stranger: m

You: milf

You: oćeš kurca pederu ?

Stranger: whats this

You: one nice thing

You: u want ?

Stranger: name

Stranger: asl?

You: kurac

You: germany

You: u?

Stranger: spain

You: ola

Stranger: hola

You: hombre

You: u know kasandra

Stranger: what brings u to omegle

You: i wanna have fun

You: u?

Stranger: ya

Stranger: give skype

You: kurac_1001 poljubiš me u glavić

You: add me

You: my dick is so hard babe

Stranger: i cant get it

Stranger: ur e-mail

You: jebemtimater.š

Stranger: your sex

You: yes

You: i sex

Stranger: whats ur sex

You: yes

You: with u

You: :)

Stranger: u male or female

You: i like anal sex

You: u ?

Stranger: 69

You: and like male and female

You: i like when someone shit on my face

Stranger: ur fb account

Stranger: please

You: i dont have that

You: what is taht

You: can we have sex there ?

Stranger: yes

You: how :D

Stranger: ur skype account is not searched

Stranger: send me req

You: what is skype account ?

You: i dont have req

Stranger: dupinderdeep94

You: my pc is not new

Stranger: send me ur nude pic at

You: what?!?!?!?!

You: im 11 years old u perv

You: im gonna call police for this u idiot

You: only dad can see me nude

You: u re sick man

Stranger: fuck u go to hell

Stranger: then

Stranger: get lost

You: noo

Stranger: shit germans

You: u are per i gonna call police

You: perv*

Stranger: go to hell

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

- asl?
- 16, male, England. Horny
- From now on, you're under arrest. Scotland Yard here, we have your phone number and your parents might expect a phone call about what their young child is doing on the internet.
-Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Gomila bolesnika ovde trazi ribu i ne mare cak i ako je mladja od 18 (nekad i ako je dosta mladja). Verovatno se mnogi zajebavaju, ali neki su ludi provereno. Tako napalim likove da sam f16uk (devojka iz UK i da imam 16 godina) i kad se naprze pokazem im cuveni avion f 16:

Хахахахаха КБО какав си ти манијак хахахахахахахахахах

како има глупих људи јеботе...

Aахахахахахах сам се себи смејем јбт