

Životinja sa smokingom.

- Ko je onaj lik?
- Mene mnogo podseća na Palmu...
- Kurac bre, Palma! Pogledaj ga, mali, debeo, nosi taj moking, i to geganje... pravi pingvin!
- Pa o tome ti i pričam...


Gle, ladno nema u tom slengu, morala sam da pretražim da proverim. :D
Sećam se jedne epizode kada je Pingvin rekao jednoj razmaženoj, ali meni mnogo simpatičnoj žemskoj: ''Come, let us fly my dove.'' Awwww.

hahahaha, sprdnja na svoj račun... lol :)

Aha, ona je lepa i bogata, može da leti kad oće, a siroma pingvin je pametan kradljivac dragulja, ali strašan i grozan, skresali mu krila dok je još bio klinac... Wait, that is so, so.... Sad...

It almost made me cry... :)

I did cry in the end of the episode. A bit. :)

I told you that you are very frail... :)

ne diraj mi precednika lolo

-Please, Oswald if it's money you want, I can get you more!
-All I wanted from you, dearie was a little friendship. That would've cost you nothing!

No cost, but priceless... :D

If this continues I'll be forced to determine detention fot both of you...

You wouldn't dare to do it to your Oghma... Really, when I frist came here, I thought that SHE is you daughter. Don't no why, just did...

And, one more thing and I'll stop, I promise - I hope that you aren't jealous... :))

bićeš ti đentlmen pa ćeš odležati oba bana zbirno :)