
mislim da je najjaci komenatar na razilazenje zareta i gocija dala mlada je to.

Perisa Pejovic Sada mi je jasno zasto se u svakom komentaru pruza podrska Zaretu.. Zato sto komentare nas, postovaoca lika i djela Gocija, odmah brisete.. Sram vas bilo admini
39 mins · Like

zare i goci ne brisemo nista ! samo ti pisi kralju
21 mins · Like

Perisa Pejovic Ne govorite istinu. Moj predhodni post, u kome sam podrzao Gocija, ste obrisali.
18 mins · Like

17 mins · Like

Perisa Pejovic Javljam se.
14 mins · Like


najavljivali u kurjaku u futogu njihov nastup pre koji mesec.ja picka ne odem,kao skupo mi.sada cu kurac da ih to su prave fore.das par soma,veceras,pijes i slusas krajisnike.pravo opstenarodno veselje.

Што мрзим овај тип весељака, најгора категорија смарача.
"е ајде веселите се мсм оно људи су дошли овде да се зезају ајмо рукице ногице горе оп оп" итд

hahah ovaj niksa je beskurpulozna licnost

a dacic je sjajan animator....sve su ustale da igraju kad ih je pozvao, al se usapunjala svinja

neki dan sam otkrio da ovo postoji na internetu, poznat mi ovaj mladic sto susi kosu

Ovo je fejk video. Metalike ne peru kosu.

nixa je bas glava onako za nabod u nju

U Novom Sadu teška govna padaju sa neba.
Upravo ostao bez neta i struje

Teebra, trolovo sam za net i struju.

Samo govna padaju.

Muslims! Where Are They Happy?
They’re not happy in Gaza …
They’re not happy in Egypt …
They’re not happy in Libya …
They’re not happy in Morocco …
They’re not happy in Iran …
They’re not happy in Iraq …
They’re not happy in Yemen ….
They’re not happy in Afghanistan ….
They’re not happy in Pakistan …
They’re not happy in Syria …
They’re not happy in Lebanon …
They’re happy in Australia …
They’re happy in Canada ..
They’re happy in England …
They’re happy in France ..
They’re happy in Italy ..
They’re happy in Germany …
They’re happy in Sweden ..
They’re happy in the USA …
They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland …
They’re happy in Denmark …
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim
and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like,
Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering…
How damn dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim
Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Lets have a look at the evidence:
No Christmas
No television
No computer games
No nude women (or men)
No pork chops
No hot dogs
No burgers
No beer
No bacon
Rags for clothes
Towels for hats
Constant wailing from some idiot in a tower
More than one wife
More than one mother-in-law
You can’t shave
Your wife can’t shave
Your wife is picked by someone else for you
Then they tell them that “when they die, it all gets better”???
Well No Shit...It’s not like it could get much worse!

Russian soldier is laid on the grass
Chechen rebel with the knife: “Turn around”
Russian moves slightly sideways
Chechen rebel off camera: “LAY DOWN!”
Chechen rebel takes the knife out and leans towards the Russian
Aleksey Lipatov: “You dont need to cut me. I’ll tell you everything.”
Chechen rebel with the knife: “what are you gonna tell me?”
Chechen rebel off camera: “Go ahead talk”
Aleksey Lipatov: “I’ll tell you where its located”
Chechen rebel off camera: “Where is it located?”
Aleksey Lipatov points towards a hill with houses: “There in that house”
Chechen rebel with the knife: “What?”
Chechen rebel off camera: “What is in that house?”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Weapons and ammo”
Chechen rebel with knife: “Where? In that house?” and points
Aleksey Lipatov: “Yes from there”
Chechen with knife looks at his combatant
Chechen rebel off camera: “Hes lying…”
Chechen rebel of camera: “Lay on the ground”
Chechen rebel with knife: “what else you have to tell us?”
Chechen rebel off camera: “Where are the weapons!”
Aleksey Lipatov: “what?”
Chechen rebel of camera: “The weapons and the ammo”
Aleksey Lipatov: “On the top of the mountains”
Chechen rebel with knife: “Where?”
Aleksey Lipatov: “There on top” and points.
Chechen rebel with knife: “Are you sure?”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Yes, yes”
AK shots are fired…
Following the conversation, the Chechen rebel with the knife doesn’t want to behead the kid and backs off.
Chechen rebel says in Chechen: “What do you want me to do?”
Chechen rebel off camera “Just cut his head off”
Aleksey Lipatov: “There it’s right there” and points.
Several Chechens yelling all at once: “Leave him alone and come back!”
Gun shots area fired from an AK.
Chechens continue yelling after a Russian runs away: “Leave him the alone. Come back already”
Chechen rebel with the knife: “Turn around”
Chechen rebel “take off your belt”
Chechens of camera: “Come on cut him up”
Aleksey Lipatov: “You don’t have to”
Chechen rebel off camera: “Just cut, I’m up already”
Aleksey Lipatov: “You don’t need to, please …”
Chechen rebel hits him with belt
Chechen rebel: “All right come on!”
Chechen rebel with Adidas jacket: “Hands back!”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Please don’t”
Chechen in Adidas: “Hands back!”
Chechen in Adidas: hits him in the face “I said hands back!!”
Russian is hit with an AK.
Chechen rebel of camera: “Quickly, quickly”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Please, lets talk…”
Chechen rebel with camera: “HANDS BACK! you fuck”
Chechen “fuck the belt”
Russian hit with the rifle
Chechen rebel off camera “Just fucking cut him already!”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Please, I don’t want to do ” they wrestle
Aleksey Lipatov: screaming” I DON’T WANT TO DIE! PLEASE!”
Chechens: “cut him”
Aleksey Lipatov crying: “I DON’T WANT TO DIE PLEASE!! You are very good people, please!”
Chechen rebel with camera: “Yes, we are very, very good people. THE BEST”
Chechen: “get the knife”
Chechen punches the Russian in the head a few times
Chechen rebel with the knife “Stop fucking hitting him”
Chechen rebel with camera: “You gonna live in the grave city”
Aleksey Lipatov “MOM! MOM!”
Chechen rebel with camera: “Torture him”
Aleksey Lipatov: “I WANT TO LIVE!”
Camera man with sarcastic tone: “He wants to live!”
Aleksey Lipatov screaming. Fight 3 on 1
Aleksey Lipatov: “Come on fellows… I just want to live”
Chechen rebel: “CUT HIM NOW”
Aleksey Lipatov: “Leave me alone!”
Knife cuts through his throat.
Aleksey Lipatov is kneeling and gets butted in the head with an AK rifle.
Chechen rebel with the knife to the guy with the AK: “What the fuck are you doing, fuck off!”
Chechen rebel with knife: “I’ll do this myself!”
Slitting Aleksey Lipatov’s throat, stabbing him in the neck over and over and over until Aleksey Lipatov dies.

Et, baš sam informisan o svakakvoj muzici al ovo do sada nisam čuo i oduševljen sam.
