
Dakle bluz vi sto volite i sto se razumete pisite malo da vidimo i mi sto se ne razumemo kaka je to muzika.

Bluz je kad se dobar čovjek osjeća loše – to je najpoznatija njegova definicija. Ja bih dodao da je to i onda kad se dobar čovjek osjeća jako dobro ali ga niko oko njega ne razumije. To je muzika koju je lako svirati, ali teško osjetiti – kao što reče Džimi Hendriks a citiraše ga neki na ovom sajtu (Christine?) Uglavnom ga kontaju samo oni što znaju svirati bar jedan instrument i uz to u sebi nose neku zanimljivu „heavy“ životnu priču. Ostalima je nerazumljiv, dosadan i ponavljajući. Bluz je muzika koju su večeras izvodili Jelena Popin, Pera Džo i sjajna ostala ekipa na svirci sa koje sam se upravo vratio. Na neki način je to prodaja duše đavolu, jer kad-tad svi bluzeri kroče na raskršće. A odatle uglavnom nema povratka. Zato bježi, bježi od iskušenja dok još nije kasno...

То је кад Роберт Џонсон пева Хелхаунд он мај трејл, а док слушате имате утисак као да су му пред вратима, која је забарикадирао тек толико да има времена да сними песму.

Kako je meni bluz kul......
Ima onaj film Blues brothers čini mi se, i u toku filma izvode par pjesama, baš su kul :)

Блуз је кева. Не капирам како некоме може да буде досадан.

Srpski Bozicni Bluz

It was the night before Bozic and all through the kuca,
I sensed the smell of posna sarma and rakija vruca.
By the dimnjak the opanci were hung kind-a krivo
In hopes that Sveti Nikola would soon bring me some pivo.

My Tata was in his soba and he was snoring pretty hard,
I guess he was tired from stealing the tree from my neighbor's backyard.
My Mama was in the basement cooking like a fool,
Adding just the right amount of Vegeta to her corba pasulj.

When out on the lawn there arose such a galama,
My dad yelled from his room "Pa, sta je sa vama!"
There was a knocking on the front door with such a loud barrage,
I yelled through the window "This is a Serbian house, come in through the garage!"

Standing in the garage right next to my car,
Was my drunk Ujka Rade coming home from the bar.
"Ajde, idi spavaj" I told him with might,
Nobody was going to ruin my chances of seeing Deda Mraz tonight.

About two hours later I heard a noise down the stairs,
I jumped from my krevet to see who was there.
Standing by the tree and eating some leftover pizza
It was good ol' Deda Mraz reeking of homemade sljivovica.

He was all dressed in red and big as an ox,
He wore some brown papuce along with black socks.
Smelling like a gipsy that's been drinking for days,
He wasn't what I expected ... I was actually amazed.

"U picku materinu, kako mrzim ovaj posao," he said,
And then I think he muttered something about his
wife and how he wished she was dead.
He started putting the presents under the tree with absolutely no desire,
They were all wrapped up kinda' shitty with the paper bags from Meijer's.

A package of 12 carape for me and another pack of 12 for my brother,
About 3 pairs of gace for my dad and a can of turska kafa for my mother.
this Serbian Santa was crooked ... he was nothing like the fable,
I should've known it when he swiped my pack of smokes that I left on the table.

I yelled out: "Hej!" and Deda Mraz turned around like a car,
He quickly took off one papuca and threw it at me like a ninja star.
The look in his eyes was nothing but fright,
He said "Ma, jebi se u dupe" and dashed out of sight.

Up through the dimnjak I heard a loud shriek,
Deda Mraz had just farted like some wild bik.
He got in his fijaker, specially made for hladne zime,
And he yelled at his jelene, ime po ime.
"Napred Marko i Bobane, Petre i Gorane,
Hajde Jovan i Nenad, Pavle i Zoran..."
And then he yelled, "Hajdemo brze, moramo poc',

Najkontroverzniji blues/jazz muzicar 20. veka. Iskreno, ni ja ga jos nisam 100% ukapirao.

Tom Waits - Elephant Beer Blues

Eve od Tom Waitsa nesto...
Ali mi je licno bolja verzija od alabama blind boysa...

Mada je Boris ujebao na ovom live-u gore...mator je nemojte mu uzeti za zlo.

Mi deremo bluz na jam sessionima, napijemo se ko magarci pa improvizujemo tekstove. Ludilo na šta to ispadne.

Блуз је кева. Не капирам како некоме може да буде досадан.


Evo nečega s' početaka. Nji' mnogo gotivim.

@Serb ,turio sam gore već Sumadijski .. ;-)

Блуз је кева. Не капирам како некоме може да буде досадан.

Nemam šta da dodam. Trenutno sam još u fazi "otkrivanja" i sve se više oduševljavam, bluz je roditelj.

Storma ne gubi vreme sa bluz muzikom, ionako ce ti dosaditi. Probaj nesto vako:

Nema šanse da mi dosadi. :)