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  11. Ah Milenkovic, jedna od mnogih misterija srbskog fudbala. Kako taj covek igra i zaradjuje milione, sta samo zasto sto je visok!? Pa onda je i bombaj mogao da zivi od fudbala..

    Jos jedna misterija je onaj Djuricic Covek Bebeceg Lica, pogledajte njegovu statistiku od 2013-te, covek se ko slina razvlaci od kluba do kluba. Da krivo mi je sto ta dva balvana mesecno uzmu vise para postenog i normalnog porodicnog coveka koji posteno zaradjuje tipa thilmo itd

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    013–2016 Benfica 12 (0)
    2014–2015 → Mainz 05 (loan) 11 (0)
    2015 → Southampton (loan) 9 (0)
    2016 → Anderlecht (loan) 17 (1)
    2016–2018 Sampdoria 20 (0)
    2018 → Benevento (loan) 15 (0)

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  17. Sweden's match against Belgium took place at the King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. Despite a fatal shooting just half a mile away. At half-time, the announcement came that the match was cancelled. Two Swedes have been killed in a shooting in central Brussels.

    A video shows how the perpetrator shouts "Allahu akbar" and starts shooting. The match is played Despite the fact that Sweden's European Championship qualifier against Belgium was scheduled approximately 1.5 hours after the crime, the first half started as planned. - We have received information about some form of attack and have been called to a meeting with the Belgian police and organizers on site here, says the Swedish Football Association's head of security, Martin Fredman, half an hour into the match. - Now we are in a situation where we don't know if the match will be finished. Right now we are safe and secure inside the arena. That's why we play football out there. Despite the decision to start the match, it was suspended at half time.

    Stefan Pettersson, Fredrik Reinfeldt, Stefan Dejemyr and Håkan Sjöstrand from the Swedish Football Association held a crisis meeting and, according to Viaplay, the Swedish players then decided that they did not want to continue playing at halftime. Response after the shooting in Brussels on Monday evening. Response after the shooting in Brussels on Monday evening.

    The Swedish Football Association has received information that the perpetrator is still at large. Hence the match started During the match, Martin Fredman talked about the reason why the match was started in the first place. - You simply don't want Swedes to go out on the town now, he says. - It is the mayor together with the police who make this decision. "We know the threat picture"

    After the recent Koran burnings in Sweden, the terror threat level in the country has been raised. Fredman does not want to speculate on whether the shooting could be connected there. - We know the threat that exists against Swedes around the world. It is not new. We follow it from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs every time we travel somewhere. It cannot be ruled out, of course, he says.


  18. veceras praznik fudbala nadam se da ce kapiten igrati od pocetka dosta je vise kalkulacija PIXI ALO

"Vukajlija je jedini i najveći rečnik slenga i idioma u srpskom jeziku."

ZabavniPark | 18. April, 2010.