Tekst narodnjaka + Gugl Translejt = ?

  1. Koje govno od teme. Smorili ste više.

  2. Mile Kitić Kraljica trotoara

    The sky cracked above the city
    I just then, oo dear God
    I met the first love on the street
    wet to the skin

    Ever since I saw her
    like two centuries have passed
    no longer a girl, now a woman
    someone is waiting

    My first love
    My first acrros bridge
    my first love
    my innocence

    My first love
    now sweeping the world
    became the queen of the sidewalk

    Her eyes are not shining
    to see me was not allowed
    she did not want a cigarette
    she took, she took only a smoke

    Evo, ovo sam ja na ovoj temi napisao..

  3. YouCantHandleTheTruћ

    Љубав боли, љубав
    Љубав ожиљци рана,
    Ани и означава срце,
    није довољно јак или јака

    Да се много бола
    требати пуно бола
    љубави је као облак
    има много кише

    Љубав боли
    Љубав боли

    Ово кад сам прочит'о, сетио сам се само једног човека који би тако певао - престолонаследника Александра Карађорђевића. :Д

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR7yFS8SQk8

    I walk the road to love
    maybe they took us luck wishes
    But we make parting time
    and sadness is replaced joy

    We were not far away from happiness
    change our ways, is a
    just that we went a step further
    I would love to come true

    It was not until they reach the threshold of oblivion
    always be something you remember me
    past permeated my soul
    I will never get over


    When lonely met me budes
    One look and my gifts
    this man whom you loved
    and when you get over quickly

  5. It was not until they reach the threshold of oblivion


  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwDbHv7Ymlo&feature=related

    While in a bar you are you, druze
    around your house wind scraped
    woman you are, say, remarried
    Children over the world, scattered

    Come back, druze
    You survived the war are
    what you and brandy
    winning the peace

    While in a bar you are you, druze
    the name of your second serve
    apprentice you shop prokockase
    parents themselves get old

    While in a bar you are you, druze
    from you crows circling effortlessly
    Vineyards home sold
    shattered windows in the house

  7. Moćni Minže mogo si ovo "aman aman" da prevedeš :D

  8. aman aman, aman aman

    Isto! :)

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0z2rSZ_dyo

    On my face blue clump
    in the bare feet of my eye
    l to 'remember the old druze
    one woman with blue hair

    Ref. 2x
    It's been a warm winter
    I was all that the heart has
    I was, but no longer
    old friend, greeted the

    Snow falls this night
    sadness in the winter hid
    I remember the blue woman
    it once was mine

    Ref. 2x

    On the fidelity she swore
    until it is met
    warm winter, white women
    never forgotten

  10. Warm winter night..sušta suprotnost od Amorfisovog-Cold winter day:)

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO5EJDPnRhE

    I wanted to gypsy palm of my views
    I have given a
    I went through the dusty village
    and left me waiting for you dear
    it smelled a flower in my garden otrgose

    Here I am again in his homeland
    kerovi forgotten me and bark at me
    I met an old violin players, said a sad face
    Yesterday you married your beauty

    I lit the whole village
    that we did not want to tell
    that her bridal stores
    What doziveh better to me no

    Was streaming tears, as drum nakvasise
    as if it rains zavicajne natopise
    it is their otplaka, now is my turn
    But I will not cry, tears were for women

    I loved it once, I know, I will not
    wedding guests are breaking and I do not know where I
    home we are not going there all my mind
    it has no loved ones to be happy sets

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1hGKQa6yu8

    Do not come down from the balcony,
    and do not ask where I was,
    Why are we crying eyes,
    which is why I have tears lio.

    I stood near the tomb
    deceased and his mother was called,
    wearing her gift from the heart,
    but I gave it to her.

    Do not make noise with your sandals
    when silaziš from the balcony,
    everything I think, my dear,
    old mother to come down.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQO2phwbJW8&feature=youtu.be

    Neh silluzy sa chardacka ee neh peetuy gdeh summ beeoh zushtoh soo teeh ochee pluchneh zbogh cheguh summ soozeh leeoh

  14. Хеј мала сестра шта си урадио
    Хеј мала сестра која је само један
    Хеј мала сестра ко ти је Супермен
    Хеј мала сестра која је једна желите
    Хеј мала сестра пуцао пиштољ!

    То је леп дан да поново почну
    То је леп дан за Вхите Веддинг
    То је леп дан да се поново покрене.

    Хеј мала сестра шта си урадио
    Хеј мала сестра која је само један
    Био сам удаљен тако дуго (тако дуго)
    Био сам удаљен тако дуго (тако дуго)
    Пустио сам да идем толико дуго

    То је леп дан да поново почнете (цоме он)
    То је леп дан за Вхите Веддинг
    То је леп дан да се поново покрене.

    (Пицк ит уп)

    Таке ме врати кући
    Постоји нотхин 'фер у овом свету
    Постоји нотхин 'сигурно у овом свету
    И ту је Нотхин 'сигурни у овом свету
    И ту је Нотхин 'чист у овом свету
    Тражите нешто што је преостало у овом свету
    Почните поново

    То је леп дан за Вхите Веддинг
    То је леп дан да се поново покрене.
    То је леп дан за Вхите Веддинг
    То је леп дан да поново почну

  15. I love egg
    Egg will not allow anyone

    лололо Је л' препознаје неко? :Д

  16. Hahahaha, koja tema! Samo da se upišem, pa ću se poslije igrati s vama.

  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHb0czDWOTg
    No sleep duso us tired
    because in our veins flows the fate
    the fate of our rivers are deep
    large and broad, with no shore

    Ref. 2x
    I did not kill duso
    killed rosy wine
    your love is killing me unfaithful
    unfaithful, damn you

    This life, life is no longer
    Why to hide, you know that that's
    without you I do not know how they last
    and to give a lot, it's all over

    Ref. 3x

Rekli o sajtu

Kada pitate dva čoveka o nečemu, dobićete više od dva mišljenja. Na toj osnovi je stvoren Vukajlija. Rečnik slenga i idioma.

Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.