12/10/2013 14:45
Fartulo Dabahho
Hello Dear,
My name is FATY,a tall good looking young girl,so lovely and caring with good understanding.fair in complexion,care with good sharing,honesty.I saw your profile which interested me much and i decided to contact you. I really want to have a good friendship with you even if you have married we can be friends ,i have a reason of selecting you as my friend,pls if you wish to know more.Pls contact me through this my e-mail address ok , We need to talk and know ourself more and equally share pictures to each other.hope to hear from you. Please reply me with my e-mail address here fartudabah@yahoo.com Yours New Friend
FATY Thanks
Поздрав Поштовани,
Моје име је фати, висок добра млада девојка, тако лепо и брижан са добрим ундерстандинг.фаир у тен, уз добру негу дељење, хонести.И видио свој профил који ме интересује колико и сам одлучио да вас контактирају. Ја стварно желим да се добро пријатељство са вама, чак и ако сте у браку можемо да будемо пријатељи, имам разлог да те избор као мој пријатељ, плс ако желите да знате море.Плс ме контактирате преко овог моју е-маил адресу ОК , Морамо да разговарамо, а знам себе више и подједнако деле фотографије на сваком отхер.хопе да чујем од вас. Молим вас одговорите ми са мојом е-маил адресу овде фартудабах@иахоо.цом
Ваш Нови Друг
фати Хвала
I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart because my Doctor just announce to me that I will die in few months time because of extent damage of esophageal cancer. I have been suffering from this dreaded sickness for long, base on this development I want to will my money which is deposited in a security company to an individual who is willingly to build a charity home for orphanage and abandoned kids.
I am in search of a reliable person who will use the Money to build charity organization for the saints and the person will take 30% of the total sum. While 70% of the money will go to the charity and orphanage. I am from Sarawak Malaysia, my husband died 6 years ago as a result of car accident. i don't want a friend or someone i know to handle this project. I want the actualization of my dream to establish this charity home to come in reality even while am dead.
The total money in question is $3.5million dollars. I will provide you with other information's once you indicate your willingness.
Spavajte sa starijim ženama! One imaju mnogo iskustva, a neće vas obavezivati...
One imaju mnogo iskustva,
a neće vas obavezivati...
Ko su tete?
Termin "teta" koristi se za opisivanje sredovečnih ili starijih, dobrodržećih žena, koje traže mlađe ljubavnike.
Ja jebem lolololo
Fartulo Dabahho
Hello Dear,
My name is FATY,a tall good looking young girl,so lovely and caring with good understanding.fair in complexion,care with good sharing,honesty.I saw your profile which interested me much and i decided to contact you. I really want to have a good friendship with you even if you have married we can be friends ,i have a reason of selecting you as my friend,pls if you wish to know more.Pls contact me through this my e-mail address ok , We need to talk and know ourself more and equally share pictures to each other.hope to hear from you. Please reply me with my e-mail address here fartudabah@yahoo.com
Yours New Friend
FATY Thanks
Поздрав Поштовани,
Моје име је фати, висок добра млада девојка, тако лепо и брижан са добрим ундерстандинг.фаир у тен, уз добру негу дељење, хонести.И видио свој профил који ме интересује колико и сам одлучио да вас контактирају. Ја стварно желим да се добро пријатељство са вама, чак и ако сте у браку можемо да будемо пријатељи, имам разлог да те избор као мој пријатељ, плс ако желите да знате море.Плс ме контактирате преко овог моју е-маил адресу ОК , Морамо да разговарамо, а знам себе више и подједнако деле фотографије на сваком отхер.хопе да чујем од вас. Молим вас одговорите ми са мојом е-маил адресу овде фартудабах@иахоо.цом
Ваш Нови Друг
фати Хвала
Ja sam prošle godine dobio pare a vi nastavite da ne vjerujete u te informacije i da visite na sajtu.
Pa javi se curi. Šta te košta :)
Šta da se javim. To jebao prošle godine. Vrišti Fata ko da joj kolju Muja :)
:fejspalm nogom:
sad pogledah spem folder...
imam dosta ponuda kako da budem uspesan sa zenama. klikni ovde da jebes. koj kurac?
bar mi ne nude vijagru.
meni kockarnice neke salju mejlove u spam, ne znam odkud im moj mejl.
ja im RekNo
I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow in my heart because my Doctor just announce to me that I will die in few months time because of extent damage of esophageal cancer. I have been suffering from this dreaded sickness for long, base on this development I want to will my money which is deposited in a security company to an individual who is willingly to build a charity home for orphanage and abandoned kids.
I am in search of a reliable person who will use the Money to build charity organization for the saints and the person will take 30% of the total sum. While 70% of the money will go to the charity and orphanage. I am from Sarawak Malaysia, my husband died 6 years ago as a result of car accident. i don't want a friend or someone i know to handle this project. I want the actualization of my dream to establish this charity home to come in reality even while am dead.
The total money in question is $3.5million dollars. I will provide you with other information's once you indicate your willingness.
Yours Sincerely.
Siti Wahab
Meni došla poruka od Coca-Cole da sam dobio 750 000$ u nekoj nagradi, koja se održala u Južnoj Africi, proplakoh od smijeha.
Spavajte sa starijim ženama! One imaju mnogo iskustva, a neće vas obavezivati...
One imaju mnogo iskustva,
a neće vas obavezivati...
Ko su tete?
Termin "teta" koristi se za opisivanje sredovečnih ili starijih, dobrodržećih žena, koje traže mlađe ljubavnike.
Ja jebem lolololo