
Au Maestro kakve si pesme sad bacio, pa Cocaine i Angie su redovne, ne moze bolje od toga.


arktik mankiz, da sumiram "The band quickly got successful but never appeared happy about it. Talking to the NME the band said '"We have loads of mates and haven't changed a bit since our success. Incidentally, we're kicking the fat guy out and replacing him with someone more easy on the eye"'.

In 2006 they won the Mercury Music Prize. This is an award given to whoever in the music world can fuck more than thirteen girls at a time and survive. Their drummer won 1st prize and received his prize of a night in Las Vegas, giving his amazing cock power a bit more exercise, as you do. The band have been hailed by many as the best band ever! ever! ever! Big Dave said he prefers them than the fast food rockers."


Auuu, koliki je bog Dauni. Ne znam je li posle WW2 rođeno toliko holivudsko božanstvo!

Tebra, posrao si se na temu postovanjem G5!

Tebra, posrao si se na temu postovanjem G5!

Jbg. Nisam hteo

Jedna u kojoj se pronalaze skromni džentlmeni:

Maestro, tema je jebačka, ne seljačka muzika. I da, u bontonu iz 40-ih piše: Ljudi koji nisu ćelavi zbog bolesti, ćelavi su zbog bolesti.

Al sam retard, trolujem sam svoju temu