
Druže jel ti živiš ispod kamena

Reče lik koji misli da zna "istinu" prateći teoretičare zavjera sa Bitchutea, te random šiljane na 8kunu i šarlatane Ron i Jim Watkins LOL

Ti bukvalno živiš ispod kamena. Onog koji nema veze sa stvarnosti. Nijedna tvoja predikcija se nije ostvarila. Ama baš nijedna. I ti još uvijek insistiraš da je govno zlato. Trodupli facepalm.

Hoćule što nisi primio Fajzera nego Kineza, ako nije previše intimno pitanje?
Zanima me kako ti kao čovek od nauke izabereš vakcinu sa najmanjom zaštitom kod koje treba 40 dana da bi se razvio imunitet, umesto Fajzera koji je najsavremenija tehnologija i koja štiti 94%?

Mislim to bih očekivao od nekog poremećenog antivaksera koji je primoran da primi vakcini al od tebe kao čoveka koji veruje struci i preporukama struke i koji je veoma informisan - to nisam očekivao.

Zato sto si glup LOL

Nisi mi odgovorio hocule? Sta ti bi da primis najmanje efikasnu vakcinu?

Odgovorio sam ti,zato sto si glup.Sta ima veze sto je najmanje efikasna kad je dovoljno efikasna i sluzi onome cemu je namenjena.Bilo mi je svejedno koju cu da uzmem.

Something a lot of people are missing in this whole AZ audit thing.

The Dems will try and say, when AZ is de-certified, that Xiden still has enough electoral votes so it doesn't matter. Except it does in a big way.

Because the part everyone is missing is - Trump still has not conceded the election! This is very important for what comes next.

You see, if AZ decertifies their results the ENTIRE election is now in question. Congress cannot certify election until ALL states have certified. Just like a state cannot certify unless 100% of their counties certify, the same is true of a national election with the states themselves.

As Trump hasn't conceded, he now has a right to contest the entire election and that will mean the remaining 49 states will have to conduct a full forensic audit as a result.

Why do you think so many states are visiting AZ for the audit right now, including states that supposedly already went Trump and didn't have contested election issues? They know what is coming.

Do you all remember prior to the 2018 election Trump signed an EO making national elections a matter of national security?

Now put two and two together. If even ONE state shows fraud it calls into question the results of the entire election. Being a matter of national security now puts it under the purview of who as forensic audits are done state to state?

If you answered the military you are on the right track.

Now, the states will TRY to claim that it is state sovereignty and the Feds cannot do that. However, for anyone who has read my Storm Series the military is NOT federal - it belongs to the individual states as that is where the citizens in the military are derived from. Therefore, the state being a part of the US means the military in each state may take over. True, citizen soldiers from Texas, for example, could not oversee the audit in Michigan, but the military will be able to oversee it just fine.

There will be states that will take this up on their own to avoid the military. There will be states that will resist. However, as Trump warned them BEFORE certifying the results, the legislatures in states that resist and refuse to do audits will now find themselves embroiled in accessory to fraud once the audits are done.

But you see, here is where it gets good. Once the election is "on hold" while results are determined it means the current fraud President is technically not holding office. But neither is the former President.

So who gets to run things while this all gets sorted out? How do you introduce all the military evidence they collected in the sting? Why you have the military LEGALLY engaged in a national security issue and then they turn up with the evidence of foreign involvement.

As I previously said in the Storm Series - this is why you only need ONE state to turn up fraud. I hope now more understand why.

Either the states are going to band together and fix this in defiance of the Federal Government since it calls into question the legitimacy of the entire government (I mentioned this in Part IV) or the military is going to take control, per the Law of War manual, until this is sorted out.

It is going to be a very, very hot summer

Prošišali su 80% listića

Jesu kurac. Triforce ne kmeči i ne hvataj se za slamke i lažne analize amaterskih qanon retarda.

Election is over son. Trump lost. Stop crying

Da, izbori u americi inače u potpunosti zavise od toga da li će bivši predsednik priznati rezultate. To je ključna faza. Ima smisla. Besprekoran sistem koji ne može da omane

Dugo sam mislio da je trajfors samo trol sa dosta slobodnog vremena, a i dalje se donekle držim toga, ali nepojmivo mi je ipak da se neko iz čiste zajebancije toliko duboko umače u kacu govana. Pa ipak biram da grešim na stranu toga da je dokon trol nego da je vanredni moron

Ovo što presretač veli. U poslednje vreme mislim da su veća opasnost (po sebe, a ko zna, možda i po druge) likovi spremni da se toliko potapaju u govna zarad prilično nejasnog cilja od onih koji su prosto glupi. Glupost je krajnje jednostavna i prilično self-explanatory, ali potreba da troluješ na Vukajliji 2021. - i to da mnogo vremena posvetiš tom trolu - kranje je zrela za stručnu pomoć.

As Trump hasn't conceded, he now has a right to contest the entire election

Ovde je poenta buraz, pošto je navodno već preko 200.000 glasova "prepravljeno", a treba ti svega 10.200 da se proglasi decertifikovano glasanje u toj državi onda saberi 2 i 2 jbg

Sve do sada nisu imali prilike da oficijelno izvrše uviđaj, znalo se još u novembru prošle godine maltene

As Trump hasn't conceded, he now has a right to contest the entire election

Ovo je netačno. Javno priznanje ili ne priznanje izbornog poraza u Americi ne znači ništa. Radi se samo zbog tradicije i legalno ne drži vodu.

It's OVER idiote. Prestani se sramotit.