
U poslednjih par godina najviše slušam neo-classical metal, mada ne zapostavljam ni ostale žanrove. Ne gotivim jedino brutal death (ali zato je melodik dobrodošao xD), a ni blek nešto ne obožavam, mada ima stvari koje mi se svidjaju i tu.

Dakle mjetaaal... ja vam dodjem fan proga, alternative, thrasha, grungea, modernijeg hard rocka, industrijala i nekih cudnih mesavina koje niko za metal ni ne priznaje, al dobro, jebiga, ko vas sljivi, evo te cudne liste:

Tool, Rammstein, Faith No More, Opeth, Meshuggah, Mr. Bungle, Tomahawk, Napalm Death, Slipknot, Stone Sour, Alice In Chains, Disturbed, Machine Head, Pantera, Demon Hunter, Extol, Russian Circles, Carcass, Primus, Death, KoRn, Metallica, A Perfect Circle, All Shall Perish, Molotov Solution, Rage Against The Machine, Soulfly, Deftones, Queens of the Stone Age, Kyuss, Static X, Nine Inch Nails, Aborted, Crowbar, Becoming the Archetype

A sto se domacice tice:
Block Out, consecration, Bjesovi, Pero Defformero, Zaklana Celjad, Nadimac, Draconic, Dreddup, Jewy Sabatay, Styptic

i opet zaboravih SoAD... i Tenacious D! i ostalu rok plejadu. i van canto koji su sranje, ali su barem a capella metal... no dobro, you get the idea, me not be true...

i Type O... i Ministry... jebote, supljikaviju listu nisam napravio davno... a ko da to iko cita...

Ne potcenjuj ljude kojima je dosadno. :)

Ko nije cuo, a zanima ga dolazi nam Deicide u SKC 26og maja. Za ono sto je ostalo od GnR, bar ja sam ispusio, jer dolaze u sred ispitnog roka. Sto se Exita tice, za sada po spisku izvodjaca pusimo ladan kurac. Kako trenutno stoje stvari, da su se trudili nisu mogli veci fegetluk da naprave, od metalstine ni M.

E, ako na Miku ne odemo, bolje da se roknemo :)

Молим вас да прочитате следећи коментар са сајта ,поводом теме ,,METALLICA's ULRICH, HAMMETT Name Their Favorite Albums, Songs Of Past Decade - Dec. 10, 2009'':
,,COMMENT | Metallica = False Metal
posted by : ThermanGilly
12/10/2009 2:26:59 PM

UPDATE: I just found out from my friend that used to be in Darkthrone (long ago, before they sold out) found out that Lars never wrote a song about sodomizing Jesus (The Metal Up Your Ass shirt doesn't count either) or recording their album in a forest (though St. Anger comes close...) They are sooooooo False.''

Упоредите то с овим коментаром:
,,COMMENT | taste in music....
posted by : slayerreigns
12/10/2009 1:27:43 PM

Although I definitely question some of these choices, they are not mine, which is what makes everyone different. When I was younger I remember being floored reading that Tom Araya loved country music. As I got older, I quickly realized there are so many wonderful musicians out there and why should I be so shallow and closed-minded to avoid them just because I love metal. Being a fan of this genre certainly has given me many wonderful moments, from concerts to exercising some demons to being addicted to playing guitar. The first time I heard Cannibal Corpse was like a breath of fresh air, much like when I heard Nirvana, or when I heard Cradle of Filth, Jewel, Sarah Mclachlan, Dream Theater, Pantera, Mammas and the Pappas, Pink Floyd, Lynard Skynard Pearl Jam and countless other bands.
The only thing I hate about metal fans is how they refuse to listen to other styles of music. It does NOT soften you or whatever their claims are, I am 33 and love many different styles of music. My last concert was Behemoth, before that was Manson, before that was Melissa Etheridge and before that was Slayer. I love a lot of different styles of music as does Kirk and Lars apparently. Many fans would probably be amazed to hear some of their favorites bands influences, which can be quite drastic from the material they themselves are writing.
You like what you like, and that's cool, but why bash someone else for their tastes because it differs from yours?
You should stop trying so hard to hate every other genre of music just because it is not the heaviest or fastest thing you have ever heard before. Who knows, maybe you will find something out there that you really like, which will NOT mean you now have to hate metal.''

Шта мислите,ко је од њих двоје у праву?

Za prvog ne znam, ali drugi definitivno jeste.

Читао сам линк који је Џими оставио на некој теми и случајно налетех на ову расправу,па сам је копирао овде.
Мислим да људи и не знају шта воле да слушају,док мало не прочепркају по светској музичкој баштини.Оно што им највише одговара,то и треба да слушају,али не ниподоштавајући ничији рад(ако ти нешто не одговара-заобиђи).
У јеном периоду живота сам управо размишљао као ,,искључиви metalhead";
међутим,после сам сконтао да на само себе лажем,а заправо ми одговарају и неки други поджанрови(посебно блуз и све његове варијанте).

Изгледа да је умро Питер Стил.

Evo sad citam,kao postoji mogucnost da se sprda i da je ziv.Svejedno,plakao sam za Chuck Shuldinerom,i za Anselmom i Dimebagom,jer su vredeli,ali ovaj me toliko nervirao,da me savrseno zabole.

Глеј сад кад емо-готичарске клинке организују масовну сечу вена. xD

Што сахрани живог Анселма? Мислим знам да је био у коми, али је јож живахан. :)

Au,Dzimi,ja sam mislio da je on tad riknuo(tako se pricalo),nisam se posle iskreno ni nesto raspitivao,ali sad videh da je ziv,hvala na infou :)

Море, Филип Анселмо не да је жив, него разваљује:

Као да има 20 година. :)

Jebote,pa izgleda mladje od mene sa 40 i kusur godina :)Svaka mu dala(nepotrebno,jer vec jeste)