Predlozi za preslušati


    Potpuno nenormalni... ako sad nisam umr'o od smeha, nikad necu :D


    We sold our souls to the man

    Maybe I'm in hell, maybe I'm alone
    But I can deal with this, at least I feel at home

    I never really cared about you, I never really got to thinking about you

    You just go get drunk, then you go mess up
    Then come back to me, telling me you're clean

    I never really cared about you, I never really got to thinking about you

    You are on your own, you are on your own
    You'll never change your ways, you'll just die the same

    I never really cared about you, I never really got to thinking about you

    And you know what I'm talking about

  3. Nisam imao pojma da je Sky srpski Zappa:)

Rekli o sajtu

Did you mean Vukajlija?

Google · 17. April 2015.