Rendom visoki državnik bez napisanog mu govora.
1999 god., Okrug Džeferson, Kolorado, SAD
- Excuse me, sir, but...When do you think president Clinton will be taking his speech? We are waiting for almost an hour now...
- Sorry, ma'am, that's highly classified...
- It's just that people are devastated with this school masacre and all, they were hoping for a word of comfort from their leader...
- Mr. president is also devastated, ma'am. His speech assistant was run over by a car yesterday and since then hasn't been able to produce words for him. But that's also highly classified...
1996 god., Beograd, Srbija
Ivica Dačić: Što li to reče, bre?!
Mirko Marjanović: Ma, pusti, debeli. Posvađao se sinoć sa Mirom, nije 'tela jutros da mu napiše ni jednu jedinu reč!
Sporedni glumac kog su ispalili za bitnu ulogu i prebacili u statiste.
Voditelj vesti kojem je crk'o idiot sa koga čita.
Kada pitate dva čoveka o nečemu, dobićete više od dva mišljenja. Na toj osnovi je stvoren Vukajlija. Rečnik slenga i idioma.
Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.