Esencija najgorih poroka u vidu robota iz serije Futurama. Pasionirani ljubitelj alkohola i cigara, okoreli kockar i osoba koja konstantno krade sve i svasta. Jednom recju, kralj.
Bender: Yeah, well, I'm gonna go build my own theme park, with blackjack and hookers. In fact, forget the park!
Definiše se sve i svašta. Tako se mogu pročitati definicije baksuza, alapače, čitulje, smrti, rezervoara za smeh, kolateralne štete, Živojinović Velimira, zvanog Bate, dnevne svetlosti, gospođe džem!, Brus Lija… „Je l’ ti puši ćale?”, „Je l’ mogu u WC?”, „Chuck Norrisisati” i još mnogo toga može se naći na ovoj internet stranici. Zato ne iznenađuje što se mnogi kad jednom dođu, ponovo vraćaju na nju. Neki čak postaju i zavisnici, pa traže od moderatora da ih banuju, poput jednog studenta koji je zahtevao da mu zabrane pristup na nedelju, dve dana da bi mogao da uči.
Status Magazin · April 2009.
Da, da. To je to. :)
Bender: Fry, as you know, there are lots of things I'm willing to kill for: jewels, vengeance, Father O'Mallee's weed-whacker. But at long last I've found something I'm willing to die for... This mindless turtle.
Bender: oh i get it, make the robot do all the work
Leela: this is the first actual work you've ever had to do around here
Bender: well i'm not doin' it, it's a robot holiday
Fry: really? which one?
Bender: only robonacauh, the holiest, two weeks on the robot calendar.
Leela: oh, come on bender, last month it was robamadan and before that robanza
Fry: man, that one was a blast
Bender: it wasn't just a blast, it was a sacred tribute to my robot prototypes which happen to take the form of a drinking contest.
Postavio definiciju za Futuramu, nije je bilo ranije. :)
Obozavam Bendera :D