Genijalna sitcom porodica koja jos vise pljuje Ameriku od Simpsona i Southparka, a prednost imaju i zato sto to rade mnogoooo pre gore navedenih. U toj seriji moze se naci srz ljudske prljavstine i lenjosti.
Al: Bud, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Bud: Luscious hooters?
Al: No. That's what I should have been thinking about, but no.
Kelly: I'm trying to teach these kids how to read.
Bud: But, Kelly, you can't read.
Kelly: Well you can't score, but you still have a bed.
Kada pitate dva čoveka o nečemu, dobićete više od dva mišljenja. Na toj osnovi je stvoren Vukajlija. Rečnik slenga i idioma.
Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.