C. O. Mighty M.

jokjuar 2010-07-29 20:49:39 +0000

Engleska verzija oduševljenja devojkom koju ste upravo videli na ulici.

- Sio o'u majtiem???

- A?

- Jesi video ovu majku ti j***m???

754 : 205
  1. hahah dobra fora.. + omiljeno

  2. Sta se dogadja sa Vukajlijom?Pa ovo nije cak ni malcice smesno...

  3. Imam isto pitanje kao Igla... nije mi jasno kako u odabrane pogotovo sa ovakvim skorom ocjena? :/

  4. Minus....Bez komentara.

  5. Što se neko ne zajebe pa stavi neko moje sranje u odabrane ako se već biraju takve defke.

  6. Hahaha, bravo vuče.

  7. Ahaha maestralno! Kaze igla kako moze nekom da bude smesno?! Ma idi nauchi engleski pa ce ti fora biti jasna :/! Fora je vrhunska ++++


  9. Ahahah xD Odavno ništa bolje nisam čuo xDD Dobro, nisam ni sad čuo, ali sam pročitao...kako god...+ i omiljeno :))

  10. CITAT
    Ahaha maestralno! Kaze igla kako moze nekom da bude smesno?! Ma idi nauchi engleski pa ce ti fora biti jasna :/! Fora je vrhunska ++++

    Have any problems, i speak English probably much better than you...Even in English i can confirm that this definition ins't that good, too many missing letters to complete the sentence that it is supposed to be, question mark in the second row is there cause 80% of people that hear this probably wouldn't know what the fuck is that gibberish, which doesn't mean anything in English, so just Serbs maybe could understand...

  11. Uvek pomesam jebenog Tacita sa taticem...Moderatori, sto ste zakomplikovali, zar nije bilo lakse da bude CITAT "citirani tekst" CITAT ???

  12. Yeah men. But you've done something wrong. To quote someone you must write TATIC and not TACIT.
    But generaly you have proven your point. And oh yeah, this definition is pure shit -

  13. Have any problems, i speak English probably much better than you...Even in English i can confirm that this definition ins't that good, too many missing letters to complete the sentence that it is supposed to be, question mark in the second row is there cause 80% of people that hear this probably wouldn't know what the fuck is that gibberish, which doesn't mean anything in English, so just Serbs maybe could understand...

    Kol'ko me je blam!

  14. Mene je još više sramota.

  15. Can you translate me to the other page of the street?

  16. Can you translate me to the other page of the street?

    Of horse, calculate on me.

  17. joj koliko iskompleksiranih hejtera uffff

  18. Odo da se izbrišem sa fejZbuka od sramote...

  19. Das definition ist sehr gut ;)

  20. Sve ovo je deo eksperimenta. Ako nije, ja ne razumem ni "definiciju" ni komentare!

  21. Где се пушћа вода да ово говно оде са насловне?

  22. Više se nasmejah komentarima nego samoj definiciji.
    However, sedi 1....
    - ko vrata

  23. Hahahhahahahahhahahah

  24. Hello,This is jane kindly get back to me Please for a special reason I am Waiting for you

Najnovije definicije

Rekli o sajtu

U busu se devojka svadja preko fona da se ne kaze Vukajlija nego Vujaklija za recnik... ocaj na njenom licu kad je shvatila da ne moze objasniti

Mokoš · 11. Maj 2011.