
  1. Al' se primio. :) Dosta mi je za večeras.

    Stranger: asl
    You: Allahu akbar!
    You: I said Allahu akbar, you infidel pig!
    Stranger: stupid bomber
    You: 9/11 was the greatest day in human history
    Stranger: nd the day ur asses get shot will b a better 1
    Stranger: :)
    You: I like how they jumped from the building to save themselves
    You: Stupid Americans
    You: Never heard for gravity
    Stranger: i liked the way ur ppl begged 4 mercy when we came in shot them
    Stranger: stupid bombers
    You: I laughed that day, and I hope some children died too in that demonic buildings
    You: Allah is the greatest, Allah fucks stupid Jesus!
    Stranger: they prob did but i laughed the day we invaded iraq nd went into ppls houses nd shot up families
    Stranger: allah is just the muslim name for god dumbass
    Stranger: o nd im not offended
    You: You should be
    Stranger: cuz ur prob just some fat ismalic dude who has no life
    Stranger: such a shame
    You: LOL, and you don't have brain
    You: 'cause you're American
    You: Q.E.D.
    Stranger: obviously u don't have a let me help u out.
    Stranger: it's u don't have A brain
    Stranger: if ur going to insult someone plz type right
    You: Yeah, and "plz" is VERY correct.
    Stranger: but hey ur probably is islamic so that explains y
    Stranger: yes it is
    You: Y is a letter, why is a word
    You: -.-
    Stranger: y can b used for whatever i want it to be used for because my people don't live in caves
    You: You live in the most rotten country in the world
    You: Morally corrupt
    Stranger: are you serious? you're people will follow anyone who's wearing curtain drapes and hasn't shaved in a year.
    You: Your women are whores!
    Stranger: oh i forgot to mention the fucked up hat they wear too. you people have a fascination with weird ass hats
    Stranger: your women wish they can be whores
    You: No, we respect our women
    You: If any become a whore, we stone her, we don't have whores, because we are so morally pure
    Stranger: okay you say that my people are morally corrupt but atleast we don't put bombs on our children and make them blow up the nearest enemy.
    Stranger: morally pure my ass more like morally fucked up
    You: One day, Islam will rule the Earth!
    You: And you can suck it!
    You: Suck my balls, you infidel scum!
    Stranger: no thanks
    You: Allah is merciful, there is still hope for you to convert to Islam
    Stranger: okay okay i'll convert to islam when you tell me where do you get those drapes and fucked up hats you guys wear because one day i will rule islam:)
    Stranger: o nd when i do ill make sure to find you and put you in a cage with twenty american black men
    You: You western people are all fagots!
    You: You make me sick
    You: We kill our gays.
    Stranger: awww there's no need to get angry
    Stranger: you islamic ppl are so touchy that's probably why your men can't fight because your all BITCHES
    You: Your mom is a bitch. I'll rape her with a knife. With Allah permission, of course.
    Stranger: see your a bitch because any smart person will rape someone with a gun not a knife you want to ensure less evidence dumbass
    Stranger: and it's with Allah'S perrmission, of course
    Stranger: see i'm teaching you so much
    You: English sucks. Arabic rules.
    You: اللعنة عليك!
    You: "Stranger is typing..." Will you type it already?
    You: This is getting boring.
    You: Bye.
    You have disconnected.

  2. Kako si imao živaca, jebote? :D

  3. Stranger: i'm a moron.
    You: really
    You: ?
    You: good for you
    Stranger: meant mormon.
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  4. Jbt tamo sve neke budale, ja više ni ne idem tamo kako su dosadni.

  5. Omegle...Ujedno i sranje i carski sajt. Upoznah nekoliko super likova tamo. Ko bi rekao da ih ima tamo (sebe ne ubrajam u normalne). Ali je zato pun retardiranih Amera i pičkopaćeničkih Indijaca i Indonežana.

  6. Odem nekad, sem velikog broja retarda, desilo mi se da sam nabasao na ljude koji vole da se bave muzikom kao i ja, tako da sam sa oko desetinak ljudi i ostao u kontaktu.

  7. You: yo
    Stranger: Hi i am a male that is a litttle bitch, can you slave train me?
    Stranger: TALK WHORE
    You: I'm 19 transsexual.
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: im 19 m
    You: And I can't slave train ya :D
    Stranger: can i suck you off?
    You: I'm m2f
    You: so you don't have anything to :D
    Stranger: you dont have a dick anymore?
    You: nope :D
    Stranger: lol
    Stranger: ok can i lick it then?
    You: Yeeess
    Stranger: would you even feel any sexual sense there
    You: But I'm lesbian now :D
    You: No, I wouldn't :D
    Stranger: you are a lesbian?
    You: Yes.
    Stranger: lol so you were a straight guy but now a lesbo trany hhahaa
    Stranger: no offense thats funny
    You: It's not funny to me :(
    You have disconnected.

    Иста фора на мало други начин...

  8. Валсинар је победио!

  9. Stranger: hey
    You: Ја јебем!
    Stranger: polak? xD
    You: Russian, you fucker!
    Stranger: hahaha sorry :d
    You: Fucking Polaks
    You: They should go fucking die!
    Stranger: spierdalaj debilu masz coś do nas?!
    You: We should burn their pitty country!
    You: Ја јебем!
    Stranger: my was też!!!

    I hate Russian!

    fuck you -.-
    You: Fuck you!
    You: You fucking Jew!
    Stranger: pierdolony rasity
    You: Ма зајебавам се с тобом! Ал' ти не знаш ћирилицу!
    Stranger: kurwa weż idź z tymi chińskimi znaczkami
    You: Ха, ја те тролујем, будало!
    Stranger: ta fajnie bo ja kurwa dużo rozumiem
    You: Деј си ми тролинг, тролинг он д ривр.

    Ћирилицом на Пољака!

  10. Stranger: hi
    You: добар дан
    You: како си?
    Stranger: the game, you just lost it
    You: ПРЕЛОЛ

  11. You: You are my idol
    Stranger: my name is Alex
    You: Nice to meet ya I am Cockus
    Stranger: im a 16yo boy in colorado USA
    You: Me too,just in Romania,me fuck sheep
    Stranger: nive thats wher transylvania is
    You: Close too,but I dont like vampyres,my grandma was one
    Stranger: so ur like 1/4 vampire?
    You: Well I suppose
    Stranger: the son oh a dampire. cool
    You: But vampyres really exist,I dont get why people see them as ledgends
    You: legendsStranger: do they?
    You: Well,not like people imagine them
    You: Not like in comics
    You: or movies
    You: Especially not like twilight
    Stranger: lol then how r they in RL?
    You: Well they have disease(forgot its name) which gives them a urge to drink blood
    You: But they usually satisfy it by drinking chicken or horse blood
    Stranger: is this like a mental illness or can u catch it?
    You: I dont have that urge,but I met some
    You: None of that
    You: Its
    You: How do you call it when people have it in one generation?
    Stranger: i dont know
    Stranger: im not sure what u mean
    You: Well lets call it inherited
    Stranger: i see
    You: And those kind of people dont have that urge all of the time
    You: on some special dates
    You: forgot which ones
    You: it comes like addiction
    Stranger: can u find out what its called real quick and tell me?
    You: Umm its 3:25 AM and my brain is working really slow,but i dont have a clue where from I should start my search
    Stranger: oh dude i really want to know
    You: Google it,i just cannot remember
    You: It has some fucked up name
    Stranger: theres no way ima find it
    You: Oh yeah,in some cases,albino people have that disease
    You: or urge,whatever
    Stranger: can u give it to someone by biting them?
    You: Hahah noooo
    You: Thats a supersticion,supported by movies
    You: But in some rare cases you can my getting your blood mixed with theirs
    You: by

    Stranger: is it called hematophagy?
    You: Umm don't think so
    You: Its normal for animals to drink blood
    You: thats hematophagy,right?
    Stranger: yes
    You: Well human hematophagy is usually connected with drinking blood like dish,or adding a flavour to a meal
    Stranger: damn
    You: But this what I am talking about is more non-human
    You: Too complicated
    Stranger: damn dude if u find out what it is email me
    You: I will,no worries,just im not sure that im going to find it,but hey,who knows?
    Stranger: yeah maybe talk to ur parents or elderly folks
    You: You actually believed that?
    You: lol
    You have disconnected. Lik poverovao u moderni vampirizam..Stej tjuned

  12. tranger: Hey
    You: hey
    Stranger: Horny f?
    You: ou yeah
    Stranger: Cyber sex ?
    You: yes
    Stranger: What would u do to me
    You: I wear shorts and a mop
    You: i am very horny
    Stranger: Talk dirty
    You: I am your dirty bitch
    Stranger: Wat would u do
    Stranger: I'm gettin bired
    Stranger: Bored
    You: i am 18 centimeters
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

  13. Омегле проклет био!

    Љубав мог живота, Мери из Финске... Пар сати куцали и ја рекох, ајд' животног сапутника да не не оставим на нету, ја направим МСН, јер је она само то имала и кад се инсталирао јебеммуматер рестартује ми се комп. Додао сам све Мери из Финске.

    Мери иначе значи океан на том њиховом језику. Моја сродна душа тако остаде.


  14. Хахах, Фете, не верујем... Ја сам с мојом остао у контакту. :) Који смо...

  15. То Јогурте, знаш кад брате к'о са собом самим да причам. Музика, размишљања, све, све. Још је притом фина, а сигурно је и лепа, мада то на крају и није битно.

    Каже она мени, видиш колико вам Амери набише то да сте на истоку, кад ти мислиш да сам ја у временској зони иза, а у ствари сам испред. ТУ МЕ ЈЕ ОСВОЈИЛА

  16. Јебига, тебрекс, шта да ти кажем... :(

    У, јеботе, и ја сам с овом мојом из неке селендре у Низоземској имао тај трип са временским зонама. :)

  17. Stranger: hey
    Stranger: asl?
    You: I challenge you!
    Stranger: ok
    You: Guess where I'm from by asking me 7 yes or no questions!
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: r u from like north america
    You: No.
    Stranger: south america
    You: No.
    Stranger: Europe
    You: No.
    Stranger: Africia
    You: No.
    Stranger: Asia
    You: No.
    Stranger: Alstralia
    You: No.
    Stranger: thats all the continents
    You: No.
    You: There is still one.
    Stranger: antartica
    You: No.


  19. гегегегегегегегегегегег

    Имам ја постер са омегла.

  20. Stranger: hi
    You: hello
    Stranger: asl?
    You: what is asl
    Stranger: age/sex/locationi
    You: I no age, no sex and no location im alien
    Stranger: wow. let's fuck
    You: ahahahahahahahahahaha
    Stranger: :D
    You: lol
    You: Do u belive in aliena?
    Stranger: who is she?
    You: *alien
    Stranger: Aliena, the Mother Alien
    You: LOL
    You: Where u from?
    Stranger: Sweden, you?
    You: Serbia
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Rekli o sajtu

Kada pitate dva čoveka o nečemu, dobićete više od dva mišljenja. Na toj osnovi je stvoren Vukajlija. Rečnik slenga i idioma.

Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.