Pink Floyd

  1. "And if I show you my dark side will you still hold me tonight?
    If I open my heart to you and show you my weak side what would you do?" (The Final Cut)

    "Trying to impress but feeling rather empty." (Paintbox)

    "Won't hear a sound
    From my mouth
    I've spent too long
    On the inside out
    My skin is cold
    To the human touch
    This bleeding heart's
    Not beating much." (Wearing The Inside Out)

    "This is just a passing phase, one of my bad days." (One of my Turns)

    "What shall we use to fill the empty spaces where we used to talk?
    How shall I fill the final places?
    How should I complete the wall?" (Empty Spaces)

    "Showing feelings of an almost human nature." (The Trial)

    "You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world" (Bike)

    "You better run like hell
    You better make your face up in
    Your favourite disguise
    With your button down lips and your
    Roller blind eyes
    With your empty smile
    And your hungry heart
    Feel the bile rising from your guilty past" (Run like Hell)

  2. S obzirom da nema Sidova tema, staviću ovde :)

    Lime and limpid green, a second scene
    A fight between the blue you once knew.
    Floating down, the sound resounds
    Around the icy waters underground...
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    I hajde malo Votersove poetike,

    Who was born in a house full of pain.
    Who was trained not to spit in the fan.
    Who was told what to do by the man.
    Who was broken by trained personnel.
    Who was fitted with collar and chain.
    Who was given a pat on the back.
    Who was breaking away from the pack.
    Who was only a stranger at home.
    Who was ground down in the end.
    Who was found dead on the phone.
    Who was dragged down by the stone.

  3. Može li mi neko tacno prevesti Echoes i High Hopes, znam ja rijeci ali da to sve uvezem ukomponujem ili ako ima negdje kakav dobar link. i ovaj cover je odlican, bolji nisam slusao.
    Pjesma whish you were here je najslusanija rock pjesma na youtube.

  4. Evo ovde ima nekoliko posve zanimljivih prevoda pesama. Mada nema tih što tebi trebaju, nažalost.

  5. Uh, mislim da cu ovu oduziti ali neka. :D


    "Of course Mamma's gonna help build the wall" - Mother

    Life is a short, warm moment
    And death is a long clod rest." - Free Four

    "Just a little pin prick.
    There'll be no more AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
    But you may feel a little sick.
    Can you stand up?
    I do believe its working. Good.
    That'll keep you going through the show
    Come on it's time to go." - Comfortably Numb

    "So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep
    Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep
    And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take
    And I push her to the limit to see if she will break" - Take It Back

    ‎"And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes,
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon." - Brain Damage

    "There must be some mistake
    I didn't mean to let them
    Take away my soul.
    Am I too old, is it too late?" - The Show Must Go On

    "But it was only fantasy.
    The wall was too high,
    As you can see.
    No matter how he tried,
    He could not break free." - Hey You

    Evo za sada. :)

  6. i never had the nerve to make the final cut

    No more turning away
    From the weak and the weary
    No more turning away
    From the coldness inside

    Won't hear a sound
    He's curled into the corner
    From my mouth
    But still the screen is flickering
    I've spent too long
    With an endless stream of garbage to
    On the inside out
    ...curse the place
    My skin is cold
    In a sea of random images
    To the human touch
    The self-destructing animal
    This bleeding heart's
    Waiting for the waves to break
    Not beating much

  7. "And I’ve got a strong urge to fly.
    But I got nowhere to fly to." (Nobody Home)

    "If you wanna to find out what's behind these cold eyes
    You'll just have to blow your way through this disguise." (In The Flash)

    Гиша објаснио са овим троипоминутним солоом.

  9. Echoes

    Iznad glave albatros nepomicno stoji u zraku
    I duboko ispod kortljaju se talasi
    u lavirintu koralnih supljina
    Eho udaljenog vremena
    dolazi ostavljajuci trag na pijesku
    I sve je zeleno i pod vodom

    I niko nas ne zove sa kopna
    I niko ne zna gdje, ni zasto
    Ali nesto pokrece i nesto pokusava
    I pocinje da se penje ka svijetlu

    Kao kad nepoznati ljudi prelaze ulicu
    I slucajno se dva pogleda sretnu
    I ja sam ti, i sta vidim to sam ja
    I uzmem te za ruku
    I vodim te kroz zemlju
    Da mi pomognes da razumijem sto najbolje mogu

    I niko nas ne zove da krenemo
    I niko nas ne prisiljava da oborimo pogled
    I niko nista ne govori i niko ne pokusava
    I oko sunca ne leti niko

    A bez oblaka ti svaki dan dodjes na moje tek otvorene oci
    pozivajuci me i dajuci snagu da se dignem
    A kroz prozor na zidu
    dolaze talasi na krilima sunca
    Kao milion sjajnih ambasadora jutra

    I niko mi ne pjeva uspavanku
    I niko me ne tjera da zatvorim oci
    I ja otvaram prozor siroko
    I zovem te preko cijelog neba ...

  10. Prijatelju, ako si iskopirao, daj mu ceo link sa sajta, možda mu treba još neka pesma :D

  11. Anabel Lee, svidja mi se tvoj izbor. :)

    'Ajd da dodam jos par, mada znam da sam cuo puno boljih, jednostavno mi je ovo trenutno doslo:

    "He wonders if you're sleeping with your new found faith.
    Could anybody love him
    Or is it just a crazy dream?" - The Final Cut

    "There's someone in my head, but it's not me" - Brain Damage

    "If I were a good man, I'd talk with you more often than I do" - If

  12. ''Breakthrough'' је песма са Риковог ''Broken China'' албума из '96. Иначе, цео албум је прилично опуштајућ, право је уживање слушати. Препорука.
    Још једна ствар са тог албума
    са првог Риковог албума, песма посвећена Сиду
    и још једна која ми не избија из главе, прелеп соло

  13. Potpisujem Filozofa, mislim on je citirao mene, jer smo ga ja i ortak navukli na to ( šta sam sad rekao? xD)
    Najbolji bend ikada, definitivno. Ortak i ja smo pokušavali da provalimo o čemu se radi na Division Bell-u, kad smo otkrili, bilo je... osećao sam se kao Tesla, bez zajebancije.
    Najbolja pesma ikada, al' možete da zamislite lajv verziju. Višestruko je prejebava.

  14. Potpisujem Filozofa, mislim on je citirao mene


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Biznisblog · 26. Decembar 2007.