Brzi prsti

  1. 66:0, 345-ti na listi

  2. You type 259 characters per minute
    You have 54 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

    a jebu me kvačice :@ :)

  3. You type 672 characters per minute
    You have 0 correct words and
    you have 299 wrong words

    nisam tacan al sam zato brz :D

  4. You reached 237 points, so you achieved position 232310 of 1655508 on the ranking list

    You type 420 characters per minute
    You have 66 correct words and
    you have 11 wrong words

  5. You type 151 characters per minute
    You have 25 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words


  6. You reached 222 points, so you achieved position 375 of 2619 on the ranking list

    You type 303 characters per minute
    You have 69 correct words and
    you have 1 wrong words

    carica sam :)

  7. Ja sam debil - a sviram klavr...blam.

  8. You type 200 characters per minute
    You have 28 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

    Jebiga, tek što sam se probudio.

  9. You reached 326 points, so you achieved position 38 of 2630 on the ranking list

    You type 402 characters per minute
    You have 103 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  10. Bezite dok nije dosao Znji da vas obruka!

  11. You reached 309 points, so you achieved position 76 of 2634 on the ranking list

    You type 434 characters per minute
    You have 94 correct words and
    you have 2 wrong words

  12. You have 98 correct words and
    you have 0 wrong words

  13. You type 616 characters per minute
    You have 13 correct words and
    you have 190 wrong words


Rekli o sajtu

Did you mean Vukajlija?

Google · 17. April 2015.