Prevedi pesmu na engleski

  1. Inspirisan Kuguarsovom pesmom "I was born" palo mi je na pamet da i mi pokušamo da prevedemo neke naše pesme na english.. Ne mora sad cela pesma nego samo refren, ali eto ako ste dokoni može i cela pesma..

    Ovo sam izguglao:

    Tozovac - Prazna čaša na mom stolu

    Empty glass on my desk
    from that glass you drank
    if the love was drink away
    let the glass will broken away!!!

    Munje (Meso) - Rizlu imaš

    You have smoking paper,
    but you don't have an ID
    maybe you take a night
    in our local PD!

    Bilo bi oke da linkujete pesmu u tekstu, a ne da stavljate komplet link kao što sam ja (jutjub share i kopiraj link) jerbo šteka kad ima buljuk jutjub klikova na temi...*Pokušajte da pronadjete reči koje se rimuju radi fore :D

  2. Tomislav Čolović, Mali mrav

    ''Litl ent litl ent mising in d brest,ou aj mast fajnd him to eksčejndž d plejs''

  3. As the days pass quickly
    memories come to me
    in my heart always remain
    one Sanja,one spring

  4. 'Op, žica, žica, žica,
    drma mi se kabanica.

    Oh wire, wire, wire,
    my raincoat is moving.

  5. Има тема за ово, и то двије чини ми се :)

  6. pobedila smrt majke jugovica

    Dear God! How great the wonder of it all-
    When the army fell on level Kosovo
    With all the Yugovichi in its ranks-
    Nine brave brothers and the tenth, their father!
    The mother of the Yugovichi prays
    That God will give her quick eyes of a falcon
    And a swan's white wings that she might fly
    Out over Kosovo, that level plain,
    And see the Yugovichi- all nine brothers
    And their father, noble old Yug Bogdan.
    And God Almighty grants her what she asks-
    Eyes of a falcon, white wings of a swan-
    And out she flies over level Kosovo
    And finds the Yugovichi lying slain-
    All nine brothers, and the tenth, Yug Bogdan.
    Driven in the ground nine lances stand
    With nine gray falcons perching on their ends;
    Beside the lances nine brave horses wait,
    And near the horses nine grim rampant lions.
    She hears the horses neigh, the lions roar,
    The nine gray falcons scream and croak and caw,
    And still her heart is cold as any stone
    And no tears rise at all, and no tears fall.
    Then she takes with her the nine brave horses,
    And she takes with her the rampant lions,
    And she takes with her the nine gray falcons-
    Slowly leads them off to her white castle.
    From far away her sons' nine wives could see her-
    And out they walk before the castle tower:
    And as the mother hears the widows weeping
    She hears the horses neigh, the lions roar,
    The nine gray falcons scream and croak and caw.
    And still her heart is cold as any stone
    And no tears rise at all, and no tears fall.
    When it is very late, when it is midnight,
    Damian's gray horse begins to scream;
    The mother goes to Damian's wife and asks:
    "O dearest daughter, my son's beloved wife,
    Why does Damian's stallion scream like this?
    Is he hungry for the choicest wheat?
    Does he thirst for cool Zvechan waters?"
    And the wife of Damian answers her:
    "O my mother, mother of my Damian,
    The stallion does not scream for choicest wheat,
    Neither does he thirst for Zvechan waters;
    Damian used to feed him oats till midnight,
    And at midnight he would ride the roads;
    The horse is grieving for his noble master-
    That he did not bring him here upon his back."
    And still the mother's heart is cold as any stone,
    And no tears rise at all, and no tears fall.
    When dawn has broken early in the morning,
    Two black ravens fly up to the castle,
    Their wings all red and bloody to the shoulders
    And their beaks all foaming with white foam.
    They carry there a warrior's severed hand
    With a wedding ring upon its finger
    And they drop it in the mother's lap.
    The mother of the Yugovichi takes the hand
    And stares at it, turns it in her lap,
    And then she calls to Damian's faithful wife:
    "O my daughter, beloved wife of Damian,
    Do you know whose severed hand this is?"
    And the wife of Damian answers her-
    "O dearest Lady, mother of my husband,
    This is the hand of Damian, your son;
    I know because I recognize this ring
    Which is the ring I gave him at our wedding."
    Again the mother takes the severed hand
    And stares at it, turns it in her lap:
    Softly then she speaks to that white hand.
    "O dear dead hand, O dear unripe green apple,
    Where did you grow, where were you torn away?
    Dear God! you grew upon this mother's lap
    And you were torn away upon the plain of Kosovo!"
    And now the mother can endure no more
    And so her heart swells and breaks with sorrow
    For the Yugovichi- all nine brothers
    And the tenth of them, Yug Bogdan.

  7. Ana Nikolic, Misa njen

    I can no longer manage to sustain
    No pills or liquor can take away the pain.
    And I cry my Mouse, cry with all my might
    Hopping that tears will help me win this fight.

  8. This is the hand of Damian, your son;
    I know because I recognize this ring

    The Fellowship of the ring

  9. Mile Kitić Kraljica trotoara

    The sky cracked above the city
    I just then, oo dear God
    I met the first love on the street
    wet to the skin

    Ever since I saw her
    like two centuries have passed
    no longer a girl, now a woman
    someone is waiting

    My first love
    My first acrros bridge
    my first love
    my innocence

    My first love
    now sweeping the world
    became the queen of the sidewalk

    Her eyes are not shining
    to see me was not allowed
    she did not want a cigarette
    she took, she took only a smoke

  10. Refren pjesme Jana 2,istoimene pjevačice Jane.

    Jana two,Jana two
    They say she is like me
    That sadness mock to you
    Happiness betraed you
    I know,I know
    Who is she and who am I
    From hero to fool she brings you.

  11. Плетем џемпер, плетем џемпер,
    игла ми у руци,
    дођи мала, дођи мала,
    па ми га навуци.

    I hand-knit sweater, I hand-knit sweater,
    needle is in ma hand,
    come baby, come baby,
    put it on to me

  12. Baska she and baska I
    Table to table
    She with him and I'm alone
    Injured from pain

  13. Play me
    Autumn's coming my quince
    Early autumn,
    but play it slowly,
    So i dont miss a word

Rekli o sajtu

Kad je pre nekoliko dana osvanuo naslov u dnevnim novinama „Željko Mitrović: Trovali su me“, na samoproklamovanom rečniku slenga odgovorili su mu bez mnogo pijeteta: „Pa dobro, i ti si nas, i još to radiš“.

Ekonom:east Magazin · 03. Februar 2011.