Tekst narodnjaka + Gugl Translejt = ?

  1. Ovako..Svi znamo da tekstovi pesama na anglosaksonskom jeziku lepo, ali plitko zvuče za razliku od našeg prekaljenog srpskog koji zvuči jebitačno da se ne lažemo, ali samo kao mešavina ruskog i turskog jezika stanovniku sa engleskog govornog područja.
    E sad, pokažimo da tekstovi domaćih tvre narodnjaka osim što imaju isključivo nama mio zvuk, mogu da imaju slušljivu vrednost saksoncima i ostaloj žgadiji koja nas je bombardovala pre više od 10 godina.
    Na ovo sam mislio:
    pomoću gugleta transformersa, kace prevede lirika na engleski, zvuči ovako kada se pročita:

    Something strange is happening to me
    I can wander while she sleeps
    Fathers who are open pub door
    hey, these nights, my sister
    accept me for my brother.
    Cheated me and I have many of them var'o
    life in prison themselves zatvar'o
    and now me life passion and recalls
    hey, sad songs, you are my children

    meni ovo zvuči kao dumčina tipa Maj dajing Brajd, nači nema veze sa naordnjacima ololo
    Svaki gugltranslejt fejl je priča za sebe. Što više fejlova, bolje zvuči:)
    Aj iskopajte koji narodnjak, pretočite ga u engleski, pa da vidimo na šta liči.

    EDIT: hvala Stormi za ideju:*
    EDIT 2 : može i obratno,što da ne? da vidimo koliko će da fejluje translejt kace Gorgoroth pretoči na srpski

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgT7orJuDkk

    Thank you for days, thank you for the night
    Thank you very much for all

    Ref. 2x
    Tomorrow I will be with you
    relations between life continues
    I love you but who can
    fate sends me on the way

    Do not cry baby, be strong now
    not yet passed all

    Ref. 2x

    Here are but a midnight does not follow me anymore
    Now everything is redundant

    Ref. 2x

  3. Занимљива идеја :)

    I never in my life
    I was not drunk
    al 'intoxicated me your beauty
    I like to drink wine

    Ref. 2x
    I did and nagledao
    I and naljubio
    so soon all gone
    I lost you

    Are we coming back to
    I do not know where I will with you
    to 'want tonight
    again to be with you

    Ref. 2x

    I wonder if my dearest
    What a want of this life
    I can not live without you
    Your beauty kill me

    Овде је гугл транслејт мало заказао, песма је ,,Нисам те се нагледао" :)

  4. Tomorrow I will be with you
    relations between life continues
    I love you but who can
    fate sends me on the way


  5. Mićko, stavi i pesmu, ovako neće moći da se provali šta je.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O07XCmBvpB4

    Who is drunk asleep at the table
    Who is hanging out with sorrow and pain

    I am what people would hide
    I am happy not to drink

    The last pair until all his fine
    who gave the song and wine

    I am what people would hide
    I am happy not to drink

    Who laughed and cried drunk
    another youth who was so procerao

    I am what people would hide
    I am happy not to drink

  7. Добра је идеја, али не би било лоше да се убацује у гугл транслејт и у обрнутом смеру. И ту има добрих бисера. А не мора да се отвара друга тема. Ево, рецимо, овако:

    Love hurts

    Љубав боли, љубав
    Љубав ожиљци рана,
    Ани и означава срце,
    није довољно јак или јака

    Да се много бола
    требати пуно бола
    љубави је као облак
    има много кише

    Љубав боли
    Љубав боли

  8. Čake, ovaj Rade kace prevede zvuči kao životna Lemijeva priča:)

  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubVqgco8y40

    Who dust off the pavement
    winds carry me
    The gods gave the second
    Your blond hair

    Ref. 2x
    The gods wrote the book of life
    damn me for your beauty

    Who tear on the violin
    street musician
    The gods bear me grief
    pay to the valley

    Ref. 2x

    When the queen who condemned
    goods because of sin
    Gods condemned me
    in sorrow forever

    Ref. 2x

  10. When the queen who condemned
    goods because of sin
    Gods condemned me
    in sorrow forever

    jebote...bljek metalj!

  11. Jebote, ovo je dum folk :)

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POQ_pTtoAoc

    I love a guy across the river
    and he loves me
    but what good does a bridge
    and we love dies

    One hundred rivers and sick
    what to do i
    I will not back, forward I must
    fell cuprija

    Buy a small boat boy
    Preveza me through
    no time to wait
    Ukrascu someone


    On this side I am a boy
    spent days
    and now would like to 'one another
    with you night long

  13. I will not back, forward I must
    fell cuprija

    Ово ко неки ратни еп.

  14. A još ona slika Orka u spotu u pozadini!

  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3t57zwFDHA

    In the whirlwind of fire as
    bitter battles fought
    palio is a Warrior
    village where he was born

    A son from his mother's arms
    kidnapped the zulumcar
    Now his fate kuna
    which is driftwood

    On the hearth desolate house
    cried an old
    above it is the sword dig'o
    warrior who hara


    Not diz 'hands on me son
    if you either know your jade
    mother, I recognize you as
    above the lip mladez


    She lighted off the young horses driftwood
    throw sword rein release
    mother wanted to say something
    but does not utter

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YffepjDTGxk

    All sing the sad and I am silent
    on their sad fate is angry
    nobody bad like me
    as my dear wife is now the second

    Wine drinkers in me shed tears
    feelings themselves are hidden
    the life of me I can give him
    nobody bad like me

    It's been like a rose in May
    flourished in my embrace
    Now the second place my wife
    nobody bad like me

    What is there will be no more
    My Little and I can not hide
    nobody bad like me
    as my dear wife is now the second


  17. She lighted off the young horses driftwood
    throw sword rein release
    mother wanted to say something
    but does not utter

    Ово неки метал.

  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3xbbd69T2A

    Embrace me and went through
    Where are cowards
    it will follow you My eyes stray
    female heart softly like swallows
    it dies of pain

    Embrace me, only one
    Be a man, do not lie to me
    Oden never again seek me
    go ahead, do not trouble you, do not look at me
    I suspect all long

    Coward, I did not know
    you're such a coward
    with me spavas
    the second one is insomnia
    Are you afraid to admit to

    Coward, you're just
    one more coward
    I think that
    it is the same girl
    laze by anyone

    Embrace me, only one
    Be a man does not lie to me
    Oden never again seek me
    go ahead, do not trouble you, do not look at me
    I suspect all long


  19. with me spavas


  20. Be a man, do not lie to me
    Oden never again seek me

    Знао сам да је Цеца Викинг

Rekli o sajtu

Osim velikih istorijskih i nacionalnih zabluda, podložni smo i onim „sitnijim”, ali koje nam određuju svakodnevicu. „Ne valja da se sedi na kućnom pragu, posebno kad grmi”, „Hleb od 500 grama je opšteprihvaćen pod nazivom kilo hleba”, „Ne valja da se zviždi u kući, to privlači miševe”, „Ne valja da se otvara kišobran u kući”, „Žvakanje žvaka može da deformiše vilicu”, „Ma koliko vruće i zagušljivo bilo, ne otvarati prozor, ubiće promaja”, navode na popularnom internet portalu „Vukajlija” niz sujeverja i zabluda našeg naroda.

Politika · 31. Januar 2011.