Definiše se sve i svašta. Tako se mogu pročitati definicije baksuza, alapače, čitulje, smrti, rezervoara za smeh, kolateralne štete, Živojinović Velimira, zvanog Bate, dnevne svetlosti, gospođe džem!, Brus Lija… „Je l’ ti puši ćale?”, „Je l’ mogu u WC?”, „Chuck Norrisisati” i još mnogo toga može se naći na ovoj internet stranici. Zato ne iznenađuje što se mnogi kad jednom dođu, ponovo vraćaju na nju. Neki čak postaju i zavisnici, pa traže od moderatora da ih banuju, poput jednog studenta koji je zahtevao da mu zabrane pristup na nedelju, dve dana da bi mogao da uči.
Status Magazin · April 2009.
Oh my God, ooo kakva tema, svršavam od sreće. Yes, yes, yes :))
Oh, when I saw this, I was like... oh my God! Dunno how it's possible this wasn't here earlier! I freaked out! It's so fuckin' cool! Oh my God! OH MY GOD, totally!
I know! I'm so thrilled now! I'm dancin', shakin' my butt and stuff cuz I'm so happy about this! Oh my God, I hope many people will come here!
..and then i told her: "you can have my man but you cant have my hair extensions"..
you biatch!
Oooooh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this subject is sooooo coooooool !!! I mean there are no losers or some other ugly people to make fun of our beautifulness !
Sweet Lord... ova tema je takav nonsens...
And I was like JA JEBEM and NODDY JEBE, too.
Oh my god, kakav nekrofil.
Koja jada od teme.
OMG zDju, how can you say that decxko(shawty?!)? Oh, Im so gonna scratch ur eyez out biatch. Dont ever touch ma single ladies in this thread again u whore! This thread is so hot, when I saw it, girl, i was all like "omg, this just cant be true"! Oh yeah this is so fucking hot, imma tweet this right fucking now girl.