Brzo, ali nesigurno

    Ovde bi trebala da uleti dvojka na Bedena, ali nisam igrao, nemam na računu ništa

  2. Dear Tadić,

    My greetings to you and your family. I'm Mr. Ibrahim Salami, a Legal Practitioner by profession working under the law office Equality and Justice Chambers Benin Republic. I was a legal representative to late Marko Tadić, a citizen of your country and a former director Oryx Petroleum, an oil and gas servicing and distribution company base in Benin Republic West Africa. On October 22, 2010 my late client was among the victim of disasterous flood, for more details view ( He had an account valued at US$8.5M (Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) deposited in Bank here in Benin Republic.

    The Bank issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or had the account confiscated. I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased. Then we can share the money 50% to me and 50% to you. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Upon receiving your information ( Full name, address and phone number), I will give you more information about the transaction thereafter.

    Pleases kindly send it to my email address:(, ) for security reason and I'll forward more details and profs to you.

    Awaiting your urgent reply,

    Best regards,
    Mr. Ibrahim Salami.

    Click to open the sheet I've shared with you:

    Equality Justice Chambers

    If you are new to Smartsheet, you will be asked to set a password for your email address after you click the link.

  3. Duvaj ga sirotinjo

  4. tl;dr

    daj ukratko vicim neki milioni, zapalo mi za oko.

  5. Kad legnu genge teram kera do bogojavljanja

  6. Imam preveliki osecaj da ce Rize i Besiktas da zavrnu

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  9. E, hvala što si rek'o na vreme brt.

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  11. Posle 3 meseca krvi,znoja suza hvala svima koji,su bili uz mene nadam se,da je ovo znak za povratak u neke lepse dane

  12. Ukenjao te Bajern

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MyCity Forum · 4. Februar 2009.