Puno je to igraca, treba da angazuju jednog radnika pride da sve to prebroji, trosak im je to jbg, zato ce sl sezone da skrate ligu na 6 spanskih, fener i cska
Хрчу Амери увелико натовљени недељним бифтеком и ребарцима са роштиља. Они су +9 у односу на нас. Контам некад вечерас око 10 или 11 да ће ријешити ово.
I am concerned about time needed to lift lockout after round 1. I travel on Tuesday and will have very limited Internet connectivity for few days, so I am concerned about me being able to make trades for round 2.
This is very important to me because I am participating in private league with my friends from the website of funny content vukajlija.com. There are a lot of fantasy experts and Thilmo, I want to beat them this year and not making my trades would be disadvantage at the very beginning of the game.
Do you maybe know when prices will be updated and trades available?
Sports greetings,
Hi Darko,
Thank you for getting touch.
Trades are currently unavailable as the Round 1 lockout is still in place.
Lockout will be lifted on Monday when all stats are finalised which will then allow you to make changes to your team using your allocated transfer allowance.
Puno je to igraca, treba da angazuju jednog radnika pride da sve to prebroji, trosak im je to jbg, zato ce sl sezone da skrate ligu na 6 spanskih, fener i cska
Poslao sam im ljubazan mejl sa sve "sports greetings" na kraju, nema ih da odgovore
Хрчу Амери увелико натовљени недељним бифтеком и ребарцима са роштиља. Они су +9 у односу на нас. Контам некад вечерас око 10 или 11 да ће ријешити ово.
Pa i racunao sam 16 ekipa po 15 al otkud znam mozda neki bogatiji od nas imaju kojeg vise nisam upucen toliko ne gledam u tudj tanjur
Haha mlatoni posalji i onima iz abe da im jebem mater
Dok čekamo, nek najbolji iz ovog kola stoje ovde, da se jedemo sto ih nijesmo uzeli!
Sutra će biti otključano, a možda i večeras posle 12 jer neki australijanci vode, pa je njihovo sutra poprilično pre našeg sutra
I 'ajde, prvo kolo jbg, toleriše se, al' će nam uterati kurac sledeće nedelje kad se igra duplo kolo, ako ne otključaju tad na vreme onda jebi ga baš.
I na ep smo prvo kolo cekali bas dosta, posle islo fino. Videti cemo
A koja je formula jesu li rekli?
ne znam
Pa sta znas onda koje picke materine
Odgovorili mi ovi
I am concerned about time needed to lift lockout after round 1. I travel on Tuesday and will have very limited Internet connectivity for few days, so I am concerned about me being able to make trades for round 2.
This is very important to me because I am participating in private league with my friends from the website of funny content vukajlija.com. There are a lot of fantasy experts and Thilmo, I want to beat them this year and not making my trades would be disadvantage at the very beginning of the game.
Do you maybe know when prices will be updated and trades available?
Sports greetings,
Thank you for getting touch.
Trades are currently unavailable as the Round 1 lockout is still in place.
Lockout will be lifted on Monday when all stats are finalised which will then allow you to make changes to your team using your allocated transfer allowance.
Thanks, FanHub Support
Haha dobar štos
Mejmune ja sam Kortez.
Hahaha smesno je cak i ako se sprdas xd trebao si da pitas jel misle uvek tako ponedeljkom da otkljucavaju
Jebite se