Džordan Piterson

  1. Treba feministinjama pustiti zanu “od modrica tvojih plava sam ja” i dati im trenslejt hahaha pa to bi bio pis zivi

  2. Jos spot onaj zika sa flasom rakije kao hahahah “sta te vuce na to sta te tera na to” hahahaha joj majko okacicu im na reddit posle

  3. Treba feministinjama pustiti zanu “od modrica tvojih plava sam ja” i dati im trenslejt hahaha pa to bi bio pis zivi

    ahahhahha ovo bi bilo odlicno :)

    napisi samo "is this song from Kosovo sexist?" i prevod :)

  4. kad smo kod toga, prvi put nakon 3 god sam napisao definisiju dajte mi pluseve

  5. A sto mesas kosovo sad sad me vredjate i na etnickoj osnovi jel

  6. Okacicu im za 15ak min samo da nadjem prevod ne pada mi napamet da kucam sve


  8. ja cu da ti prevedem, samo da vidim odgovore... daj mi 5 min

  9. ево ти и ова хрватска:

    има и превод, после у расправи помени јасеновац обавезно. нека гуглају.

  10. dajte ljudi jos nisam preveo ovu :)

  11. и окачите линк да пратимо

  12. evo:

    where is this ship sailing
    ship witout a caprtain
    where is this ship sailing
    in midst of an ocean
    where is this ship sailing
    where is this ship sailing
    ship we are sailing with

    where is this ship sailing
    waves as big as the house
    where is this ship sailing
    water fills our lungs
    where is this ship sailing
    ship we are sailing with

    bruises made by you are making me blue
    blue as pirate's eyes
    open your heart, put your cards on the table
    what's making you to do this
    what's forcing you to do this

    where is this ship sailing
    no coast in sight
    where is this ship sailing
    the fishes bite
    where is this ship sailing
    where is this ship sailing
    ship we are sailing with

    where is this ship sailing
    sails made of dust
    where is this ship sailing
    paddles out of breath
    where is this ship sailing
    where is this ship sailing
    ship we are sailing with

    sometimes, oh I am so strong
    eyes full with rage
    I grab the air just to show
    how strong am I

    where is this ship sailing
    where is this ship sailing

    mozda malo mispelovano u notepadu sam pisao al ok je...

  13. postavi neko ozbiljno pitanje, da pregore tipa

    is this woman from Kosovo singing this song sexist or is she just crying for help?

  14. ako imas nesto bolje gde moze da se odgovori i jedno i drugo a da oba budu libenaci, napisi :)

  15. da prevodim i ladno pivo jebeno?

    kod njih se ne kopipejstuje ko kod zane

  16. Njihov tred ne da da se kace linkovi hahaha pitam se zasto xd sad cu u formi pitanja da im postavim pa link u komentar

  17. postavi tekst samo i pitanje ko naslov... link ispod :)

  18. Pa to sam i uradio, evo link https://www.reddit.com/r/AskFeminists/comments/8fzxt9/is_this_song_from_kosovo_i_metohijaserbia_sexist/?st=JGMCRKMX&sh=f96b7e86

    Napisao sam Kosovo i Metohija(Serbia) mozda se i ovi separatisti uvate na bucku xd

Rekli o sajtu

Kada pitate dva čoveka o nečemu, dobićete više od dva mišljenja. Na toj osnovi je stvoren Vukajlija. Rečnik slenga i idioma.

Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.