U subotu, 27. novembra 2010. u Klubu studenata tehnike biće održana smotra sadržaja popularnog šaljivog sajta. Vukajlija je mesto gde se Internet zajednica okuplja kako bi na duhovit i originalan način definisala reči i izraze, sleng termine, našu svakodnevnicu i aktuelne događaje, po paroli - „Ovde možete da definišete sve ono što ste oduvek želeli, a nije imao ko da vas pita”.
Mondo · 25. Novembar 2010.
Ukinuli im i finale ls
Dobra vest:igrace kod nas svoje int tekme
Ruska tribina na marakani: cirko i falicni dominiraju
Fake jbg
Ljudi skenjani ne treba ima taj shit.
Ma ko ih jebe hitlerovi koljaci ubijali su i klali sve pravoslavno za vreme rata, treba im jebati mater da se nauce pameti jednom za svagda!
Ovaj rat se kao i prethodni završava tako što lider agresorske zemlje izvrši samoubojstvo iz pištolja, u nekom bunkeru svoje prestonice, nakon čega njegovu zemlju rasparčaju saveznici izmedju sebe. Jedina razlika je što Rusija nije Nemačka, tako da se nikad neće ekonomski oporaviti od ovoga.
Jbt ko bi rekao da će Maestro postati najrealniji i najracionalniji vukajlijaš, čovek je procvetao nakon afere kurac, svaka čast Maestro ti si glas razuma ovde o/
nakon afere kurac haha
Pre 7 god jbt
'Russians entering Melitopol and destroyed Ukrainian column near Nikolaev'
'Destroyed Ukrainian column near Kherson'
'Destroyed Ukrainian BMPs in Sumy'
'Gangs in Kiev are shooting each other'
- Russians have taken Melitopol and Tokmak. They are inside these cities
- They have taken the airport of Berdyansk and fighting in the city
- Looks like Sumy is in Russian hands.'
Београд, вечерас
Јавили се и браћа Кинези :)
'The DNR head is saying that they find enormous quantities of NATzO weapons as they liberate the republic. Way more
than their intel was estimating. NATzO was arming the regime for it final ethnic cleansing operation in the Donbass.
All the posturing about arming "Ukraine" to stave off a "Russian invasion" was cover.'
'Lots of video and photo verified material and manpower losses for UAF in the last 24hrs. Many claimed losses for Russian forces, but very little in terms of actual hard evidence. Ukraine is pinning a lot on the propaganda war, which is somewhere where the West and friends actually do have "full-spectrum dominance" (the hot air department), Western OSINT crowd is running cover for Ukraine as well, which is making it even more difficult to get a clear idea of things on the ground.'
'Forwarded from Eric Striker
The way Russia is fighting this war is exemplary. Their doctrine is focused on parachuting men deep in enemy territory, a strategy military schools in the West teach is obsolete. They have been proven wrong. The Russians could turn Kharkiv into a crater with their artillery tomorrow, yet they are refusing to engage in area bombing in order to spare civilians. They are being precise, patient and methodical. Compare this to the US in Iraq, who indiscriminately leveled Iraqi cities and slaughtered untold numbers of innocents. The speed with which the Russian forces are taking territory is unprecedented. This will be studied by future military schools like we study the blitzkrieg or the battle of Inchon today.'
Хистерија на западу...
У вези санкција
'The thing about unilateral sanctions is they are unilateral (in this particular case USA/EU and a few other vassals) are just valid under their jurisdiction. A completely different case are UNSC sanctions like those over NK.
Both parties have little to no industries, most things are produced in China, and so everything necessary can be acquired using third parties, many of those likely to be doggy off-shore companies set by USA/EU companies... for this purpose.
The situation caused by the exclusion of the SWIFT should be normalized in a few months either by more countries connecting to the Russian system1 or using agreements between banks. E.g.
VTB (Russia) is sanctioned since ages, but there are VTB Germany whose deal with Russian interests inside EU (also Sberbank in Czech Republic). VTB Germany can't deal directly with VTB Russia because of the sanctions, but it can with VTB Singapore or VTB Hong Kong, and so the money can just be routed thru these jurisdictions - at this point completely transparently and likely instantaneous since this happens inside the same bank in practice.
Ever if EU tell VTB to leave (it happened in UK but VTB UK was in there for specific market stuff) there are tons of banks that can do the same as intermediate, specially Raiffesen (largest chunk of their profit come from Russia).
Also, these sanctions will make the major products Russia export more expensive which actually will make more money flowing to Russia. People in West are not joking when they say Russia was sanctioned but they are the ones who will suffer - they will prices will scalate.
The only relatively concerning one is the one related to aircrafts but this is possible to workaround too, as Iran proved; however with the Russian airspace closed to several European carries it will add 2 to 5 hours to flights to Asia (and surely a increase in the ticket price), and as you can imagine very few Europeans are patriotic enough to pay more to fly more time to reach some destination they can pay less and get faster using a non-European airliner (and there are still the air cargo business also affected, which is ever more important and not locked by contracts with airports). These airlines will sustain serious financial losses and likely some will bankrupt... lets see how much time EU will keep this one.
Yet, Russia have not yet announced its actual counter sanctions. If their nuclear one is removing Russia of the SWIFT, the Russian one is closing the oil and gas taps... and there are still raw materials...
Do it for 3...6 months (just for fun) and the German economy will come close to a complete collapse (bringing the whole EU together) - they can't replace the Russian gas.
These "superior" German industries work with a tiny profit margin otherwise they can't compete with the Asians, and so they are VERY sensible to inflation, specially energy one. Just those few weeks the gas got to ~2000 EUR was enough to make the WHOLE German industry almost literally panic. 
1 this is a BIG PLUS since SWIFT transactions are not encrypted to start with. Every USD transaction done over SWIFT is routed thru the US datacenter where they monitor everything. VISA/AMEX/Mastercard etc also use SWIFT and so, they know abut every cent you spent using your debit/credit card for instance.'
Inace ovde u Kosicama na svakih 2 sata ofrlje sleti transportni vojni avion na aerodrom. Zivim blizu koridora za sletanje, vidim sa prozora svaki. Razne oznake, od slovackih do francuskih i svapskih, bar ono sto vidim dok je dan. Sta voze bemliga.
Volio bih gledati Lazanskog na ovu temu
pa sto se vakciniso majmun
Ili thoughts and prayers :D
Moje skromno mišljenje na ovu temu je da bi svi trebali da odu u Diznilend i da gledaju Mikija, Paju i Šilju.
Jebi ga, jeste sve ovo prejezivo, ali je bolje od recimo nuklearne zime.
Inače navijam za Ruse jer ako pobede biće više dobrih romana a manje loših
A ja volim da čitam