Rat u Ukrajini 2022

  1. caro, kazi mi sta sad mislis da ce biti u ukrajini

  2. C/p tema kao s koreja

  3. Sta ti prediktujes o premudri?

  4. bas nemam pojma kuda ce da ode, zato te i pitam

    C/p tema kao s koreja

    kako mislis?

  5. Jbg slusamo jednu kuhinju, zapadnu jer je glasnija. Ne slusamo ni ruse ni ukrajince.

    Vec x puta smo ocekivali atomsku na s koreju i povod za napad na ruse sustinski nista se ne desava. Msm kad se desi najebace narod a to niko normalan ne prizeljkuje

  6. Skoro su r today ukinuli u nemackoj. Nznam kod vas

  7. znaci status kvo, ovo sto je i danas na neodredjeno vreme?

  8. Nije kvo, kapiram odjeb natoa od ukrajine to je neka sustina

    Mada obj salju oruzje tako da neutralnosti tu svakako nema

  9. Je li počelo ovo ili i dalje mere čiji je veći?

  10. Slanje oružja je po meni isto neutralnost lolo. Brt ti svog čoveka dok ne pošalješ lično da se maklja to je po meni neutralnost.

  11. a jeeeste baš su ludi trose svoju vojsku pored 44mil ukrajinaca

  12. Eo rusi sjebali vrtic


    jbt podmetacina uvek na istom levelu

  13. Caro, (ne)razumijem tvoje emocija prema Rusima ali pogledaj ovaj klip ipak.


  14. Za mene su rusi ukrajinci braca ne bi ih spec razdvajao.

  15. "pogledaj ovaj klip ipak"
    Ијао мртви укронацисти шмрц, шмрц, ко шипери у Рачку. Шта ће сад укробандераши из Љвова... да неће можда да славе SS&Hitler и раде војне вежбе са шиптарима на Косову и Метохији!?

  16. Кад већ причамо о ратним злочинима и ратним злочинцима...

  17. Колективни нацистички запад, опет, помера датум инвазије.

    "jbt podmetacina uvek na istom levelu"
    Да, да...

    укронацистима се изгледа жури

    Државни сајтови Донбаса и Русије су под DDoS нападима
    Руски одговор на амерички одговор, ауу :D

  18. Цirko osećam priklonjenost jednoj strani u tvojim postovima. Da li sam u pravu?

  19. Šmoklja, само мртав нациста је добар нациста :)

  20. 1/n There a number of momentous events unfolding around the world right now. For example the Trucker convoys that started in Canada and are now spreading to other countries. Protests are nice, but 18 wheelers blocking borders is civil disobedience with teeth. Truckers have the power to shut the system down and they have a means of communication that can't be censored (cb). This is excellent. This is part of the story of how we win. However it is important to be aware that we are now entering the most dangerous phase of a multi-year crisis. The enemy has several curve balls in the air, and all of humanity is about to get monkey hammered.

    In this series of posts we're going to counter some of the specific misconceptions circulating among alternative media and activist circles, and present evidence that is being widely ignored. Over confidence and complacency are dangerous. The goal here is not to start an argument or dampen hopes, but rather to galvanize and prepare for what comes next.

    Fear is the first enemy. Fear shuts down the rational mind and literally lowers IQ. Fear makes humans less able to process strategic information and puts them at a disadvantage in any crisis. The fearful are more susceptible to delusions because the truth scares them. Fear is also the most important ingredient of any societal psychosis. This phenomenon has become glaringly obvious during the pandemic.

    Some have made the case that the second prerequisite for mass psychosis is isolation, but a wider examination of historical events shows that mass insanity has transpired many times without isolation being a variable. Other forms of mass trauma, such as war, or genocide can induce the same symptoms.

    Why is this important now? Because the traumas about to be inflicted upon humanity are far more severe than anything experienced during the pandemic. These events will expand and deepen the mass psychosis that is already metastasizing within many countries, and they will effect people who were not susceptible to the cult of covid.

    The food and energy crises that have been engineered to accelerate this year are part of the equation. Just about everyone who in the alt-media seems to get this now. But how many are actually prepared for a multi-year famine? For most who've grown up in the post world war two era this is an unthinkable concept, but anyone who is watching supply chain and agricultural headlines will realize that this is not hyperbole.

    Also very few seem to understand how developments on the geopolitical front will impact this equation. The situation in Ukraine is NOT a simple "wag the dog" to distract from domestic issues as some have claimed. When the U.S. starts signaling that they are about to start a war (and shipping weapons) it would be foolish not to pay attention.

    War is the health of the state. When rulers are threatened internally they almost always start a foreign conflict. It's the oldest trick in the book. This kills two birds with one stone: public sentiment rallies behind the leader, and the young, fighting age men who would cause them the most trouble are sent to die on foreign soil.

    The first tactic is to provoke an enemy and create an opportunity for them to attack. But if an enemy doesn't fall for provocations, outright deception can work just as well. The Gleiwitz Incident which was used to justify the invasion of Poland (and started World War II) is a well documented case, but there have been countless others (even in recent years).

    Next: What's really happening in Ukraine right now?

    2/n Listen carefully to what this man says. Alexander Vindman was the former Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council (NSC) until February of 2020. These are not predictions he is making here. He has inside information. A decision has been made.

    "It's all but certain in my mind that there is going to be a large European war on the order of magnitude of World War II, with air power, sea power, mass ground forces offensives."

    "But Russia wouldn't be so stupid as to invade Ukraine" you say. "And even the Ukrainian president is contradicting the Biden administration's assessment." So nothing to to see here Right?

    Obviously Russia wouldn't be so stupid as to initiate a conflict in Ukraine. This is not in their strategic interests. But when the United States warns that Russia is planning to invade, what this really means is that they have decided to provoke Russia in a way that will almost certainly elicit a response. But how?

    3/n The Biden administration recently announced that they have sent 200,000 pounds of weapons and ammunition to eastern Ukraine. What most people don't realize is that much of this equipment will be handed to literal neo-nazis (Banderites), who already have a history of war crimes. These are the same extremists that the U.S. used to topple Ukraine back in 2014, and who were responsible for horrific atrocities against civilians in the Donbas. These guys were never charged. Instead their militias were integrated as official units within the Ukrainian military. Look up the Azov Battalion if you're skeptical. They have since received advanced training and modern equipment and they are about to be set loose on the population of eastern Ukraine.

    When ethnic Russians are being exterminated in eastern Ukraine will Putin show restraint like he did in 2014? Messaging from the Kremlin suggests that Russia might respond much differently this time around. And then there's China.

    The people who think that nothing will happen in Ukraine (even though the U.S. is currently arming nazi extremists there) don't seem to know the real story of what happened in Syria or Ukraine during the Obama years. Nothing will happen? ISIS happened. The Odessa massacre happened. Neighborhoods were shelled. Some of us saw footage that no one should look at. Atrocities are not "distractions", and it is foolish to assume that Putin will respond to new provocations the way he did five years ago. The geopolitical and economic backdrop has changed entirely. China, Russia, and other major players have been preparing for a confrontation for years. The war is an even more important part of the plan than the pandemic (and wait until you see how they interact).
    Two major events unfolded this past week in parallel: the attempt to shut down the truckers protests in Canada, and the beginning of hostilities in eastern Ukraine. In both cases the globalists are making strategic errors. The combined effect of these errors will be even more significant as they interact.

    One example: the police crackdown in Ottawa has been a public relations disaster. Police on horses trample a woman in a mobility scooter and arrest hundreds of protesters only to release most of them down the road with no charges (they knew charges wouldn't hold). Not a good look. This comes as more and more veterans and law enforcement are finding the courage to break ranks and take a stand. And by freezing bank accounts of those supporting the truckers the Trudeau administration has inadvertently undermined the legitimacy of both the state and the banking system and pushed many moderates over to our side of the spectrum.

    Then there is the shelling of eastern Ukraine and the mass evacuation of civilians to Russia. Those who said "nothing will happen" are now officially wrong. No, Russia is not about to invade. The real story is that the U.S. backed extremists who control the Ukrainian military have started their long planned campaign to retake the Donbas. It starts with artillery, but expect incursions by the Ukrainian side at some point soon. The president of Ukraine (Zelensky) might not have even given the order to attack. He's not the one in control. The U.S. is setting a trap for Russia, but it is almost certain to backfire.

    The timing couldn't be worse given the logistical realities of a major war in eastern Europe. Now that the elites have exposed their totalitarian agenda, will their attempted pivot to a foreign enemy succeed? Might the ill will they cultivated by mandating vaccines for police and armed forces come back to haunt them? Might truckers and port workers play a role in obstructing the the war effort as well? These should be viewed as goals rather than predictions. The outcome can be influenced.

    Now is really the most critical moment to wake up soldiers and police officers. Show them what is happening. Show them that their real duty is to restore human rights on the home front and arrest the criminals running this clown show. Every seed sown is important. A single soldier refusing to pull a trigger can start a chain reaction that brings down a regime.

    Discussion @OpenSourceTheNews

Rekli o sajtu

Slavna Vukajlija. Ima glupih stvari, ima bezveznih, ali ima i jako puno brilijantnih. Neću previše dužiti, samo odite tam pa vidite sami. Samo jedno upozorenje - ima ponešto napisano i na ćirilici (iako smatram da svako, ko kolko-tolko drži do opće kulture zna ćirilicu).

Skodin blog · 04. Septembar 2010.