i learn from melkor-thin-nek best engiand profesor in globe
He teach japaneese english what you did in life huh, he his boss can't get it up from bed in mornings when agreed
Youre england is Rasnis ppop, me no understand u.
Now many Japaneses will point at sky and say "this is sky"
El ko napiso tenk juri veliku macku i ti si moj mesec zonfu nisam pratio od prve strane ovaj smehostressss
Melk manipulates many volfs people because melk very smart
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8PHLCbU0eVM Evo jedne video šale da doprinesem temi.
verujem da jeste smešan video, ali na tvoje linkove ne klikam, niti ću ikada klikati, a verujem da i ostali rade na tom principu.
Good mourning every one.
good, like morning, like every one
good moaning
The past tense goal-man, of our representation, Edge King.
Dick that squirts blood in your eyes, monkey
I only vote Small Wolf, he cames from fridge to give money
Doesnt have bread in his intestine
Stupid man, your mother is broken into
That's why his posts are poor man's speaking
Vukajlija, lijek koji je potisnuo iz upotrebe Edronax, Zoloft, Prozac, Aktivin H i ostale antidepresive. Nuspojave su: grčevi u trbušnim mišićima, suzenje očiju, ludački osmjeh i lako se navući na njega.
Psiholog · 20. Februar 2011.
i learn from melkor-thin-nek best engiand profesor in globe
He teach japaneese english what you did in life huh, he his boss can't get it up from bed in mornings when agreed
Youre england is Rasnis ppop, me no understand u.
Now many Japaneses will point at sky and say "this is sky"
El ko napiso tenk juri veliku macku i ti si moj mesec zonfu nisam pratio od prve strane ovaj smehostressss
Melk manipulates many volfs people because melk very smart
Evo jedne video šale da doprinesem temi.
verujem da jeste smešan video, ali na tvoje linkove ne klikam, niti ću ikada klikati, a verujem da i ostali rade na tom principu.
Good mourning every one.
good, like morning, like every one
good moaning
The past tense goal-man, of our representation, Edge King.
Dick that squirts blood in your eyes, monkey
I only vote Small Wolf, he cames from fridge to give money
Doesnt have bread in his intestine
Stupid man, your mother is broken into
That's why his posts are poor man's speaking