Djevojčurak, početnik u seksu.
- Alo šta to radiš?
- Pa jesi rekao 'Sad ga lomi?'.
- Pa jesam, krele, ali ne bukvalno. Pa nije ti ga mama kupila na zelenoj pijaci, lagano s njim!
"There are 30,217 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than The site has a relatively good traffic rank in the cities of Jagodina (#15) and Cacak (#15), and visitors to this site view an average of 8.5 unique pages per day. Compared with the overall internet population,'s audience tends to be low-income; it also appeals more to childless men under the age of 35 who have no postgraduate education and browse from home. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly nine minutes, with 47 seconds spent on each pageview."
Alexa | 25. Septembar 2010
Ово је до јаја! +
svetla buducnost je za ovu defku
Vid primera što niče, hehe
hahah odlična +
vraticu sa za pola sata mozda jos nesto se doda na defki
Пример непотребан!
Ne dodaje se ič više. I ovo je mnogo.
Hm, vidim da je ideja već obrađivana, doduše na ekavici:
Ovo što kaže Ker na isti je fazon!