Sprava za mucenje uvedena umesto stare dobre druge klase na nekim relacijama. Iako sada na njima vozovi idu redovno, meni nedostaje stari dobri faktor neverovatnoce iz devedesetih, kada nisi znao dal ces lakse da udjes na vrata ili na prozor, ni dal ces upasti u kupe pun baba- pijacarki ili napupelih brucoskinja...
"There are 30,217 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than Vukajlija.com. The site has a relatively good traffic rank in the cities of Jagodina (#15) and Cacak (#15), and visitors to this site view an average of 8.5 unique pages per day. Compared with the overall internet population, Vukajlija.com's audience tends to be low-income; it also appeals more to childless men under the age of 35 who have no postgraduate education and browse from home. The time spent in a typical visit to the site is roughly nine minutes, with 47 seconds spent on each pageview."
Alexa | 25. Septembar 2010