Moja sajber kurva na MSN.
Genevieve kaže:
ivica kaže:
Genevieve kaže:
-Hi how are you today?
ivica kaže:
Genevieve kaže:
-My name is paris I'm doing great today I'm 21 yrs old how old are you?
ivica kaže:
Genevieve kaže:
-Listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u do..lol!
ivica kaže:
-You are a bot?
Genevieve kaže:
-I can show u how to watch free if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE:-$
ivica kaže:
-Stupid bot!
Genevieve kaže:
-Well since its free the law that u gotta be 18 (nudity involved), u have to sign up with a credit card for age verification! BUT .. Once you are inside, just clikc on "Webcams" let me know what name you use to sign in with so I know it is you babe! http://www.localpartyground.com/alina2 fill out the bottom of the page then fill out the next page as well and u can see me live for free!
ivica kaže:
-Fuck you bot!
U busu se devojka svadja preko fona da se ne kaze Vukajlija nego Vujaklija za recnik... ocaj na njenom licu kad je shvatila da ne moze objasniti
Mokoš · 11. Maj 2011.
Drama, covece... :)
nije to bot, ona samo zna da pise, a ne zna da cita :-)