
    Dunav se uliva u Savu

    Rečenica koju možete pronaći u "dubokoumnim" analizama stranih medija o tome koji je nama u Srbiji kurac, zašto smo zli, zašto još nismo spremni da budemo deo Evrope / porodice civilizovanih naroda, te zašto je Serbia land of darkness, sunovrat sistema vrednosti. Pri svemu tome takva "analiza" nikad neće otići dalje od nivoa datog u naslovnoj sentenci - to je jednostavno gomila sranja čiji se autor nije udostojio da proveri neke osnovne činjenice o zemlji o kojoj piše.
    No, to ne smeta nekim "dobronamernim" ovde, kojima su Srbi jadni, da autora takvog teksta pravdaju: "Da, da, smesan tekst, jer je novinar napravio ove dve tupave greske. A recimo da nije, jel' bi i onda bio smesan ili manje bitan od tog nebitnog Dunava...Jbote, kako smo tek mi jadni kad se vadimo na debilnu novinarsku patku za ono sto je u ostatku teksta uglavnom tacno" (ovo je citat)...
    Naravno, takvi će doći do još "dubokoumnijeg" zaključka "Zašto smo za svet parije".

    Uostalom, evo šta sve možete naći u tekstu koji sadrži tako "nebitnu" omašku da se kod Beograda Dunav uliva u Savu:
    'It is hard to believe you can have such a concentration of evil in such a small place... Every institution is contaminated with war criminals. It's like the Weimar Republic after the second World War'

    You must not utter words such as 'Srebrenica or 'genocide' while travelling in a taxi. You do not know the driver. You must not let yourself be heard speaking English near the protests. You might be mistaken for an American. You must remain polite when someone tries selling you a biography of Karadzic in your hotel foyer.

    President Boris Tadic got death threats when, within a fortnight of his ascension to power earlier this year, Karadzic was arrested on a bus in Novi Belgrade, the soulless west-bank suburb built by Slobodan Milosevic for his cronies. But Tadic has lived on.

    Its 94-year-old leader and prolific author, Patriarch Pavle, who supported the war in Croatia and was filmed blessing soldiers departing for the killing fields of Bosnia, has been hospitalised in a military clinic for the last year. The contenders for his succession are virtually indistinguishable from him and from each other. The universities promulgate a largely nationalist point of view. British and other international right-wing movements such as Stormfront, the National Front, Blood and Honour and Combat 18 are active on Serbia's fertile soil.

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