"Elitni" haker

bluebird 2010-09-29 11:55:53 +0000

Script kiddie, Lamer. Uspeo je da pokupi nekoliko forica sa sajtova za njemu slične i da se kurči pred onima koji nemaju pojma sa kompovima. Koristi programčiće koje su razvili iskusniji hakeri, uglavnom tipa remote desktop (Sub7, Terabit, Darkmoon) ili Denial of Service (battlepong, sync, ping of death). Nema pojma kako ovi programi rade, niti ima želju da nauči.
Njegov desktop je ušminkan raznim matrix pozadinama i uporno koristi leet speak (način pisanja koji su osamdesetih razvili hakeri i koji se danas značajno manje koristi, baš zbog "elitnih").
Ako ikoga uspe da napadne, onda su to najčešće njegovi drugovi iz škole i najčešće im pokupi pass za face ili mail iz skladišta firefox-a ili explorer-a. Neki uspešniji napadaju lan mreže u svojim školama, ali pošto imaju ogromnu želju za hvalisanjem, brzo ih otkrivaju.
Ako se na vreme uzme u pamet i pre svega nauči da programira, pa onda sve o mrežnim protokolima i sistemskoj sigurnosti, može da "evoluira" u pravog hakera. U međuvremenu će prosipati neznanje po internetu i nervirati sve oko sebe dok nekom hakeru ne pukne film...

53 : 16
  1. konkretno sam mislio na shiz0ida
    Vidi onaj deo o izboru operativnog sistema. Zastrasujuca je kolicina gluposti u tih dvadesetak redova.

  2. 1 4/v\ |-|4><0|2 4|\||) 1 \X/1|_|_ |-|4><0|2 `/0(_)|2 80><0|2

  3. I am Hacker an I will hack your computer иначе превод оног одозго :)

  4. Znaci ti tvrdis da si zajeban haker?

  5. De Isakove ne seri. :D A i nisam tebe pitao. Pitam ovog elitnog sto mrzi ove ostale pozere, sto se kao prave, vamo tamo.

  6. da brate a samo se kurce ja znam da programiram misim nemogu da napravim operativni sistem ali jedan keylogger mogu pa se opet ne kurcim a kad nekom hakeru pukne film malom se iznenada sjebe komp. a najvece znanje u programiranju ovim likovima je:

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    MsgBox "hello world"
    End Sub

    ili ti ga kad pritisnes dugeme iskociti ova poruka u navodnicima

    +++++++++ plusomiljeno

  7. e da pozdrav svim HAKERIMA i da Bog da svoj ovoj "eliti" pocrkali kompovi

  8. Ne, nisam elitni nego blackhat.

    @vihor. Neki elitni osim VB-a znaju i za batch

    del C:/WINDOWS/system32/winlogon.exe

  9. Choose the OS (Operating System) that works for you.

    If you don't know already, OS stands for Operating System. The OS is what runs your computer and your hacking tools. Basically, you have a choice between two operating systems:

    * Windows
    * Apple/Mac OS

    You're probably thinking to yourself "That isn't much of a choice, schiz0id, but how do I know which one is best for me?" Well, the answer lies ahead. While Windows and Mac differ, they each have their own benefits that will help a hacker get the job done right.
    Windows was invented by Bill Gates and Microsoft in 1985. People were impressed because it was the first operating system ever, and it was somewhat stable. Windows has become the #1 choice for everybody (including hackers) over the last couple decades. Major benefits of using Microsoft as your hacking station are listed here:

    * The first operating system ever.
    * It is the oldest, and most stable.
    * Most people use it.
    * Provides good user interface.
    * You can download it for free (if you know what you're doing).

    Windows has released several different versions, the most recent being Vista. I prefer Vista myself (because it looks the best), but Windows XP is probably the best choice at this point for its well-known stability and usage. The only downfall to Windows is that it doesn't look anywhere near as cool as a Macintosh/Apple operating sytem.
    Apple/Mac OS

    While Macintosh OS isn't nearly as stable as Windows (I don't even know what it's based off, but it isn't Windows, so it CAN'T be that stable), but it does provide a fair amount of stability along with it's best feature: eye candy.

    As mentioned above, how people percieve you can determine your level, and while you might have elite hacking skills, they're not nearly as impressive unless you do it in style. This is what makes MacOS the perfect choice for people who don't have enough skill, and make up for it with a good looking operating system. Both of which are extremely important.

    Major pros of Macintosh:

    * The hardware/computer is really sleek looking.
    * Very expensive, you get what you pay for. It's worth the money to become a truly elite hacker
    * The desktop is laid out really nice.
    * Pretty, interactive menus.
    * No need to download the operating system - it comes with the computer!!1
    * Nice graphical effects.
    * Interactive menus make it easy for hackers to have their tools and programs easily accessible -- in style.
    * It just works.

    If you can afford it, this is the route to go. Although it doesn't have the rock solid stability of it's rival, Windows XP, MacOS makes up for it in many other ways. I'm working a second job at Starbucks to save up for one, myself.

    The bottom line here is to choose which OS works best for you. If you have never used MacOS and are comfortable with Windows XP, stick with Microsoft. If you have the extra money and can kick down enough for a nice Macintosh system, I highly encourage it. Doing so will provide you with enough stability, and even moreso a pretty desktop. If you choose MacOS, you can skip the next section. For most of us who are Microsoft XP users, continue reading below on how to learn to make your ordinary XP desktop into a true hacker's desktop.

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Kompjuterska Biblioteka · 7. Maj 2009.