Encyclopedia Dramatica je sajt sa dizajnom istim kao Wikipedia, koji kroz satiru i sarkazam prezentira internet kulturu, polularnu kulturu, medijske licnosti, internet licnosti, politicare, drzave, ljude.. itd.
Originalno je postavljena da ismejava Wikipidijinu pristranost prema pojedinim polemikama istorije, jezika i ljudi.
Encyclopedia Dramatica definise Ameriku -
''The Jewnited States of Americunts, also known as Murka, Amurka, Dumfuckistan, Fatty Nation and the Black States of America, is a theocracy somewhere to the south of Canada. It is composed of forty eight contiguous states on the North American mainland, and two others which no one really cares about. Amurka also possesses several territories, or insular areas, scattered around the Caribbean and Pacific, which were seized or stolen from other nations last Thursday. (Which is how the Americunts originally got all their land, amirite?)
Everyone knows that the Americunt special/biological/experimental/homosexual weapons division is responsible for: The Black Mesa disaster, Supermutants, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Resurrection, Supersoldiers, Homosexuality, Religion, Satan Claus, Mudkips, Zombie Goastes, and over 9,000 other such occurrences.
Da. Definitivno ima dobrih fora, svaka čast onima koji ih smisliše. Respect Vukajlija.
MyCity Forum · 4. Februar 2009.