
Sta serete ljudi, nije gotovo....a i ubacili 36 poena samo...

Povešće Radnički u trećoj, al' pitanje je da li će izdržati... Dobra je Sloboda kod kuće. Istopili su +18 protiv Metalca koji je dobio Zvezdu a i Radnički bi da nisu sudije izvukle.

Poceli su jako, pao je intenzitet u drugoj, videcemo...

Prosao minus Sloboda, i ukupan ne, ja necu da natezem singlove...eboote


добро, прође минус, ал' карињо кад ја играм петролул 0-2, а они 0:3. на 2.7 квоти. па да сам играо дуплу шансу х2, они би пукли 1:0. мршукурац, ваљда ће макар панатинаикос да изгуби, да не једем курац опет због једне утакмице.

ovaj radnicki ko fmp, paracinska kurva hehe....

I ja sam pao petrolul 0-2, a pogodim brugge gg, brom x2, goteb ng, mjallby 0-2 i naravno raspali petrolul nije bio zadovoljan sa 0-2 na gostovanju jebo ih bog...
Za vikend ima da opicim 15 parova da uzmem milionce ko onaj lik prosle nedelje u mozzartu.

Kolko je PAO lose odigrao u rasponu od dva dana, Dijamantidis nijedan poena za 35 minuta i izduvace kurac Barsa prolazi... :)

Sta vam je bre, opustencija :)

Gazimudo 1 . bukmejkeri 0.

Red je da jednom i ja gusto prodjem, uglavnom puknem za pola poena ili poen.

Sutra PSG H2 i Efes - Olimpijakos plus poeni, i zdravo djaci...ako ne nadjem 3. par

Kolko mi onaj lav ide na kurac ne mogu da verujem, malopre bacio pogled na stranicu, transfer do transfera. Kladionice umešale prste jer ima previše uplata na njegove parove, haha.

sve je moguce....mada ko je jos odrzao kontinuitet u kladionici, a ovi se svi naprzili da ce svaku dan da kapa lova...

Red je da jednom i ja gusto prodjem, uglavnom puknem za pola poena ili poen.

Испратио сам те и зарадио 39 динара и још се сјајно забавио пратећи меч :D

Prekosutra za NBA

No. 8 Seeds Are Behind The 8-Ball

For the most part, No. 8 seeds in the NBA playoffs are teams that likely scratched and clawed their way into the post-season. Not good enough to be seriously considered threats against top-seeded opponents but just barely better than the dregs of the league.

Rest assured, their life expectancy is not long at all, as they’ve lost over 70% of time (45-114) in games against No. 1 seeds since 1996. In fact, only the 1996 New York Knicks, the 2007 Golden State Warriors and last year’s 2012 Philadelphia 76ers were good enough to pull the rug on top seeded foes and advance to Round Two of the playoff.

And you can virtually write them off in games against No. 1 seeds that are off back-to-back SU and ATS wins. These guys scratch out of the match with alarming regularity, going 3-23 SU and 7-19 ATS, including 1-13 SU and 2-12 ATS whenever the 8-ballers are off a loss of 14 or more points in their last game.

Upset Losers Are Winners

No, it’s not an oxymoron. Instead, it’s a powerful handicapping edge. It occurs whenever a team was upset as a favorite in an opening round game and is at home in the game immediately thereafter.

That’s confirmed by the fact that they are 56-35-4 ATS, a rock solid number. If they were upset at home in this round and return home they improve to 52-14 SU and 39-24-3 ATS, including 24-1 SU and 18-6-1 ATS when squaring off against a No. 6 or lower seed.

Don’t be afraid of these chalkbusters. That’s because they don’t lose their composure. Instead they almost always elect to dig down deep and respond with aplomb in games after being embarrassed.

Double-Digit Dogma

Surprisingly, in the right role, double-digit underdogs do well in opening round contests, especially when playing off a playoff loss. These overweight puppies are 28-16-2 ATS in this role, including 17-8-1 ATS versus a non-division foe.

And if these same guys are involved in a game with the Over/Under total set at 193 or higher they zoom to 15-3 ATS.

Granted, these dogs are not exactly pedigree puppies but the fact of the matter is they tend to come up big against disinterested favorites not capable of chopping heavy lumber.

And Down Goes Frazier

The psyche of teams that are not playing well comes immediately to the surface during the opening round of the NBA playoffs. That’s evidenced by the fact that teams riding a three game-exact loss skein are wobbly and oftentimes one punch away from being counted out.

With glass-like jaws, these swirling teams are just 6-30 SU and 11-25 ATS away from home this round, including 1-10 SU and 2-9 ATS in lid-lifters.

Worst of all, road dogs of more than six points on a three game exact losing skid are 3-23 SU and 7-19 ATS on their way to the canvas.

Golden Trend

The Golden State Warriors are 12-1-1 ATS as dogs or favorites of less than 3 points in the first round of the playoffs, including 8-0 ATS when taking 8 or less points.

Enjoy the opening round of the 2013 NBA playoffs.

NBA je cirkus, analiza neće pomoći da ga shvatite.

Da, jedina stvar od koristi je injury update, ostalo batali.

Испратио сам те и зарадио 39 динара и још се сјајно забавио пратећи меч :D

Jebo mater, koliko si ulozio? :)

Medvedice, sta mislis, moze li Dimitrov sutra da bar posteno oznoji Nadala ?
I da li ce Djovak, po dobroj staroj navici puci vec sad? Par puta mi je dobru kintu donosio