
Zbogom kikindo na kurac te nabijem !!! "

Ja bih ovo preveo - So long Kikindo, I stab you on the cock!

Nekako mi je u razigranijem duhu, haha.

Nevezano za ovaj konkretan tekst, ali više nego vezano za prevodilačke probleme: Svojevremeno su prevodioci imali velikog problema sa prevođenjem Nušića, tačnije sa rečenicom "E, nećeš, pa da si Božja cicvara!" Kako biste ovo preveli? (:

''Dijete, kad se rodi, kad navrši sedam godina, čim nauči pisati i čitati-marš iz škole!''

Child, when born, when is seven years old, as soon it learns to write and read - get it out of school! -možda.

("It" se koristi kada se govori o detetu kao takvom, nezavisno od pola.)

"Mala, dođi da izbalaviš kočić."

E, ko ovo prevede, ima gajbu piva

Aleksandra, samo sam citirao Savu... Tulume: ''Bejbee, kam tu slober litl piket''

Hmm, pa ne znam baš. Aj može da prođe, ali nije dovoljno za gajbu. A-a

Kumkum, znam, ali me je zaintrigiralo. (:
Tulume: Baby, come and drool on the little stake! (;

E to mi se već više sviđa. 'oćeš gajbu piva?

Gajbu piva? Meni? Pa ti bi cirozu jetre da mi napakuješ?

Tulume, ako neće ona ima ko hoće. :)

evo preveo sam i ja, ako je bitno vise, svejedno nemam pametnija posla :)

The morning
half past five
I got up
went to the loo
then I saw
garden full of water!
Where did the water come form- there was no rain.
It's summer, sun is shining- August,
then I realized, a septic tank was overflowing,
Nevermind, I took a phone and called,
We'll come Savo, today.
come, you can come.
They didn't come today
I called tomorrow, nothing again,
I called in a month, still nothing!
Well, I swear to God you will come fast, and you will come all!
Police will come
Ambulance will come
Firefighters will come.
They are chessing cards there
playing chess, playing cards
they have 20, 50 thousand dinars salary
while miserable poor people have no bread to eat!
well no more friend!
I took a wooden cross
I made a cross
stabbed it near the septic tank and wrote:
I jumped into a tank
because of kikinda's fagots
** nemam pojma sta bi moglo za jajare da stoji
then I climbed to attic
In less than a half an hour
3 communal trucks are coming to empty the septic tank
they emptied the tank
all but half meter of shit (jbg malo je drugacije)
then, when all the thickest remained
they dig the shit bare handedly
and put it into baskets, trying to get me out of the tank!
when they emptied the tank
they see, no Savo, no man- where's the man
It is the street Dositejeva 21/19
then I spoke from the attic:
Did I tell you, you will come?
Fuck all yours living and dead!
I could sue, but I didn't want, I was merciful
If I sued- 500 dinars every day
500 dinars for 30 days how much money is it?
it's 150 000 dinars.

But they didn't leave, no, they wanted to kick my ass!
Kikinda's hypocrites, fagots and demons!
No way friend!
Get the fuck out of my yard!
The end! that's how I learned them a lesson
all of them!
kikinda's fagots
and whores
and idiots
and hypocrites
so long kikinda you fuckin' dickhole! (tu je zajebano jer nema bas mnogo psovki za kurac u engleskom, mozda ono suck my cock ali to je to)

Znaci jajare i ovo na kraju "kikindo na kurac te nabijem" su zajebani pa ako nekom pada nesto na pamet nek sugestira

"Mala, dođi da izbalaviš kočić."

E, ko ovo prevede, ima gajbu piva

Baby, come dribble all over my love stick!

Preždero sam se varenike i sav se udrizgo.

Kako se kaže šćaše na engleskom?

ajd ovu psovku: majke ti ga sponabutam!

Како бисте превели "Old man Time" на српски? Хитно ми је!

Ma kurac, ignorisi me, sad se probudih.