Charles Bukowski

  1. Omiljeni citat:
    "Ako se desi nesto loše, piješ da zaboraviš; ako se desi nešto lepo, piješ da proslaviš; a ako se ništa ne dešava, piješ da bi se nešto dešavalo."

  2. natnat - pa to zna svaki lik koji bleji ispred diskonta :)

  3. Da, Korle, znam.
    Može li mi neko nabaviti pesmu "Besano", plaćam pivo, al stvarno :))))

  4. Odlicno,ovo zadnje moram da zapamtim.Ostalo mi je u pamcenju kada u jednoj knjizi kaze "Ako covek ima cetri zida oko sebe,moze da pokori svet".

  5. Pamti, al nađi mi pesmu!

  6. Nije pesma,vec on to kaze u nekog knjizi,ne znam tacno koja je.Imam sve koje su izasle kod nas u zadnje vreme,mislim da je Lom izdao.
    Natnat-Znas mozda kako se zove pesma na engleskom,nije sleepless

  7. Eh, dragi moj debeli pacove, dok ti tražiš, ja je nađoh i želim da je podelim sa svima koje interesuje. Izgleda da moram samu sebe da vodim na ćeps.


    Stare sedokose konobarice po kafeima noći odustale su,
    i dok koračam niz pločnike svetlosti
    i gledam u prozore staračkih domova
    mogu videti da ono više nije sa njima.
    Vidim ljude kako sede na klupama po parkovima
    i mogu videti po načinuna koji sede i gledaju
    da je ono nestalo.
    Vidim ljude kako voze kola
    i vidim po načinu na koji voze svoja kola
    da niti vole niti su voljeni.
    Kao da i ne pomišljaju na seks.
    Sve je zaboravljeno kao neki stari film.
    Vidim ljude u robnim kućama i supermarketima
    kako koračaju pored rafova i kupuju stvari
    i mogu videti po načinu na koji im njihiva odeća pristaje
    i po načinu na koji koračaju i po izrazima njihovih lica i očiju
    da ih nije briga ni za šta i da ništa ne brine za njih.
    Mogu videti stotinu ljudi dnevno
    koji su posve očigledno odustali.
    Ako odem na konjske trke ili sportsku priredbu,
    mogu videti hiljade
    koji ne osećaju ni za koga i ni za šta
    i za koje nema tuđih osećaja.
    Posvuda vidim one koji čeznu ni za čim
    osim za hranom, skliništem i odećom
    oni se koncentrišu jedino na to,
    Ne razumem zašto ovi ljudi ne nestanu
    ne razumem zašto ovi ljudi ne izdahnu
    zašto ih oblaci ne ubiju
    ili zašto ih psi ne usmrte
    ili zašto ih cveće i deca ne ubiju
    Ne razumem.
    Pretpostavljam da su ubijeni
    a ipak ne mogu se prilagoditi njihovoj zbilji
    jer tako ih je mnogo.
    Svaki dan, svaku noć sve ih je više,
    u podzemnim železnicama i u zgradama
    i u parkovima; ne osećaju teror kada ne vole
    ili kada nisu voljeni.
    Tako puno, puno, puno
    mojih drugova i drugarica stvorenja.

    Ne znam kako se zove na engleskom, niti se sećam iz koje je knjige, ali preturiću po policama, ovo sam našla ispisano na stranicama svog tinejdžersko dnevnika, pa prepisah.

  8. Ovu nisam jos procitao,prevod je odlican.Nisam znao da su ovako dobro preveli na srpski.
    Ako postujes jos ovakvih pesama ja cu da te vodim na pice,tebe i sve ostale koji ih budu postovali :D

  9. O.k. Sad ja pamtim. Imaš jednu kratku, majušnu, na mom profilu. :)

  10. Negde kaže: "Govno se skamenilo u meni"... ;)

    Dobar je Bukovski, životan, realan do bola.

  11. Natnat ova na profilu je odlicna,muskatla ima willie nelsona i on je odlican.Ali Bukowski je Bukowski.

  12. O pivu

    from: Love is A Mad Dog From Hell

    I don't know how many bottles of beer
    I have consumed while waiting for things
    to get better
    I dont know how much wine and whisky
    and beer
    mostly beer
    I have consumed after
    splits with women-
    waiting for the phone to ring
    waiting for the sound of footsteps,
    and the phone to ring
    waiting for the sounds of footsteps,
    and the phone never rings
    until much later
    and the footsteps never arrive
    until much later
    when my stomach is coming up
    out of my mouth
    they arrive as fresh as spring flowers:
    "what the hell have you done to yourself?
    it will be 3 days before you can fuck me!"

    the female is durable
    she lives seven and one half years longer
    than the male, and she drinks very little beer
    because she knows its bad for the figure.

    while we are going mad
    they are out
    dancing and laughing
    with horney cowboys.

    well, there's beer
    sacks and sacks of empty beer bottles
    and when you pick one up
    the bottle fall through the wet bottom
    of the paper sack
    spilling gray wet ash
    and stale beer,
    or the sacks fall over at 4 a.m.
    in the morning
    making the only sound in your life.

    rivers and seas of beer
    the radio singing love songs
    as the phone remains silent
    and the walls stand
    straight up and down
    and beer is all there is.

    from: Love is A Dog From Hell

    drunk and writing poems
    at 3 a.m.

    what counts now
    is one more
    tight pussy

    before the light
    tilts out

    drunk and writing poems
    at 3:15 a.m.

    some people tell me that I'm

    what am I doing alone
    drunk and writing poems at
    3:18 a.m.?

    I'm as crazy as I ever was
    they don't understand
    that I haven't stopped hanging out of 4th floor
    windows by my heels-
    I still do
    right now
    sitting here

    writing this down
    I am hanging by my heels
    floors up:
    68, 72, 101,
    the feeling is the
    unheroic and

    sitting here
    drunk and writing poems
    at 3:24 a.m.

    from: Love is a Mad Dog from Hell

    another bed
    another women

    more curtains
    another bathroom
    another kitchen

    other eyes
    other hair
    feet and toes.

    everybodys looking.
    the eternal search.

    you stay in bed
    she gets dressed for work
    and you wonder what happened
    to the last one
    and the one after that...
    it's all so comfortable-
    this love making
    this sleeping together
    the gentle kindness...

    after she leaves you get up and use her

    it's all so intimate and strange.
    you go back to bed and
    sleep another hour.

    when you leave its with sadness
    but you'll se her again
    whether it works or not.
    you drive down to the shore and sit
    in your car. it's almost noon.

    -another bed, other ears, other
    ear rings, other mouths, other slippers, other

    colors, doors, phone numbers.

    you were once strong enough to live alone.
    for a man nearing sixty you should be more

    you start the car and shift,
    thinking, I'll phone Jeanie when I get in,
    I haven't seen her since Friday.

    from: You Get So Alone At Times that It Just MAkes Sense

    in junior high the two prettiest girls were
    Irene and Louise,
    they were sisters;
    Irene was a year older, a little taller
    but it was difficult to choose between
    they were not only pretty but they were
    astonishingly beautiful
    so beautiful
    that the boys stayed away from them;
    they were terrified of Irene and
    who weren't aloof at all;
    even friendlier than most
    who seemed to dress a bit
    differently than the other girls;
    they always wore high heels'
    silk stockings,
    new outfits
    each day;
    one afternoon
    my buddy, Baldy, and i followed them
    home from school;
    you see, we were kind of
    the bad guys on the grounds
    so it was
    more or less
    it was soomething:
    walking along ten or twelve feet behind them;
    we didnt say anything
    we just followed
    their voultuous swaying,
    the balance of the

    we liked it so much that we
    followed them home from school

    when they'd go into their house
    we'd stand outside on the sidewalk
    smoking cigarettes and talking.

    "someday". I told Baldy.
    "they are going to invite us inside their
    house and they are going to
    fuck us."

    "you really think so?"


    50 years later
    I can tell you
    they never did
    -never mind all the stories we
    told the guys;
    yes, it's a dream that
    keepds you going
    then and

  14. Hm, Bukovski. Od njega sam pročitala jedino "Žene" i mogu reći da ima baš veliku želju da šokira. To je, po mom mišljenju, jedno surovo, realno pisanije, koje svaki oblik ljudskog zbližavanja svodi na banalizovan seks. Prost i vulgaran, kao jedinu svrhu postojanja. Pored alkohola, naravno.

    Dopali su mi se neki delovi u knjizi, ima par pametnih. Iako u principu ne volim tako... ne mogu naći reč - nakaradne, šokantne, vulgarne pisce, one koji se trude da ti sve što si ikada smatrao nežnim i romantičnim ogade na svaki mogući način koji postoji, ipak mogu reći da je nekako anulirao sav taj svoj napor prosto svojom iskrenošću. Iskren je prema čitaocima u pogledu svojih godina, svog izgleda, svojih životinjskih potreba, svog ophođenja prema drugim ljudima, svog egocentrizma, samoće i koliko je sve to što on radi, zapravo - pogrešno. Ništa ne prećutkuje, ne opovrgava i ne laže samog sebe. Prosto i jednostavno svestan svojih mana, svih grešaka koje je napravio, čak i u trenutku dok ih pravi, u fazonu:

    "Takav sam, jebi ga, mator, dlakav, ružan, asocijalan... ali volim da menjam žene (i ophodim se prema njima kao đubre), koje me vole iz ne znam kog razloga (valjda se lože na pisce, šta li već?)".

  15. Књиге за индијанце.

  16. O boze, ne samo sto citate Bukovskog, nego jos i pricate o tome!

  17. Je l' bi trebalo da se stidimo?

  18. Ma, Jericho je Bludni sin! :))

  19. Eat your heart out

    I've come by, she says, to tell you
    that this is it. I'm not kidding, it's
    over. this is it.
    I sit on the couch watching her arrange
    her long red hair before my bedroom
    she pulls her hair up and
    piles it on top of her head-
    she lets her eyes look at
    my eyes-
    then she drops her hair and
    lets it fall down in front of her face.
    we go to bed and I hold her
    speechlessly from the back
    my arm around her neck
    I touch her wrists and hands
    feel up to
    her elbows
    no further.
    she gets up.
    this is it, she says,
    this will do. well,
    I'm going.
    I get up and walk her
    to the door
    just as she leaves
    she says,
    I want you to buy me
    some high-heeled shoes
    with tall thin spikes,
    black high-heeled shoes.
    no, I want them
    I watch her walk down the cement walk
    under the trees
    she walks all right and
    as the pointsettas drip in the sun
    I close the door.

  20. Ne volim pesnike čije pesme uglavnom možeš da pretvoriš u prozu prostim ukidanjem podele na stihove.

Rekli o sajtu

Osim velikih istorijskih i nacionalnih zabluda, podložni smo i onim „sitnijim”, ali koje nam određuju svakodnevicu. „Ne valja da se sedi na kućnom pragu, posebno kad grmi”, „Hleb od 500 grama je opšteprihvaćen pod nazivom kilo hleba”, „Ne valja da se zviždi u kući, to privlači miševe”, „Ne valja da se otvara kišobran u kući”, „Žvakanje žvaka može da deformiše vilicu”, „Ma koliko vruće i zagušljivo bilo, ne otvarati prozor, ubiće promaja”, navode na popularnom internet portalu „Vukajlija” niz sujeverja i zabluda našeg naroda.

Politika · 31. Januar 2011.