Ово ''Work'' је подложно импровизацији. Типа легнеш на кауч и џоњаш, а кад те неко пита шта радиш, а ти му га кажеш радим, а кад те пита какав ти је то рад, а ти му велиш да простиш, умни.
trazim ja nesto o nekim dimenzijama na youtube i nadjem ovo
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiIEyxZFtxw i nesto kontam, ovo nije to, ovo je neki lik sto kenja o svemu i svacemu i pogledam komentare...zanimljivo trolovanje
Коментари отпремаоца (TheGameofTime)
Im wondering if you have any tips on meditations that you may use yourself, and are willing to share with me. Ive been looking into Quantum physics and trying to apply that to my meditations. All my work is around love, and trying to understand what unconditional love is. But I cant seem to awaken. im trying to connect my 12 chakra's aswell as my DNA. yet i cant see much progress?
ballsaunga пре 5 месеци
@ballsaunga My answer is too long to fit in this little space, so I will try sending you an email message, ok?
TheGameofTime пре 5 месеци
David, I am using imagination meditation with love frequencies to speed up my own imaginary fantasy dimensional playing field in as many spaces and time in this universe or beyond all these universes. I have talked to some souls with bodies in many place and times in this and other universe. My life is to get a full picture of this universe in my head, using science and spirituality methodologies and become the einstein, buddha I love you David Thank you for this conscious awareness.
TheWayshowerTube пре 11 месеци
@TheWayshowerTube - About your imagination meditation - that is very interesting because I do exactly the same thing. It is amazing how far that practice can take you. I have never heard it said in those words before, that is a very helpful description. Thank you for sharing that with us.
TheGameofTime пре 11 месеци
David, take me with you, i dont resonate with this earth. Im serious
nicolasss82 пре 1 година
Well if anyone out there can remember how to open a portal or build a device that could transport us to our home worlds, will you please share that knowledge with us before you go? I will do the same.
TheGameofTime пре 1 година
Најпопуларнији коментари
Are you a pleadian..?
hassanfakiri пре 1 година 7
thanks! that really makes alot of sense. this is kinda like sacred geometry.
jessen420 пре 1 година 6
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Сви коментари (40)
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@TheGameofTime i would love to hear the answer too :D
Keylooh пре 1 месец
@TheGameofTime Would you PLEASE send me a message as well about those meditations? I would be SO grateful.
Crossthefuture пре 1 месец
I now understand why Albert Einstien is so important 0.0
bigbootyjewful пре 2 месеци
Had an experience about two years ago while driving. An internal voice said "Look up if you want to see us" Leaned over steering wheel and nothing;voice again said "Keep Looking" I then saw approx 75 ships at high altitude, for some odd reason I think they could very well be Pleiadian/Plejaren vessels. I can feel the shift and it is all very exciting, Always knew there just had to be more! Cannot wait to be free of this material essence once more.
alwayson09 пре 4 месеци
Hello, I thought you might find this interesting. Shannon Fry has a description video of The "12 Levels of Ascension".
MsShannonfry пре 4 месеци
The one who has received portal building technology is Arcturus Ra - a beig rom the Ra collective of the Arcturian civlizsation. His Youtube channel is SIRIUSSTARSEED
E ljudi, danas sam otkrio da mi je golub napravio gnijezdo na balkonu i leži na jajetu (tačnije golubica). Ja kad sam izašao na balkon ona se prepala, pa je pobjegla, a ja sam tačno vidio u gnijezdu golubije jaje. To je prvi put u životu da vidim golubije gnijezdo i golubije jaje. Kad sam se vratio unutra, pretpostavljam da se i ona vratila, pa sad ponovo leži na jajetu, jer i dok sam bio na balkonu, ona je samo čekala priliku da se vrati u gnijezdo. Inače, gnijezdo je ispod nekog starog stola koji stoji na balkonu, baš fino ušuškano, ali lako dostupno.
Na sajtu vukajlija.com definisan je pluskvamfutur I i II , poseban morfološki oblik glagola, kojim se služe političari kada govore o ulasku Srbije u Evropsku uniju.
Danas je drug iz razreda puk'o tiket na toj utakmici. Meni nešto bilo drago. Nemam pojma zašto.
Ko što naslov kaže, ajmo da delimo
45.347,32:874,32 = ?
Dnevni raspored Bendžamina Frenklina:
Ово ''Work'' је подложно импровизацији. Типа легнеш на кауч и џоњаш, а кад те неко пита шта радиш, а ти му га кажеш радим, а кад те пита какав ти је то рад, а ти му велиш да простиш, умни.
nije reklama!
igrom slucaja "likovi" sa moja 2 postera su se smuvali pre par dana...ako potraje koju godinu imacemo prvi bracni par sa svojim posterima na vukajliji xD
bas su jedno za drugo... :)
Ако не видите - десни клик и отвори у новој картици.
Poznajem jednog diplomiranog ekonomistu, koji je završio megatrend, a ne zna šta je kriva tražnje.
Zapanjujući makeovers-i. Iz emisija "Sudije za stil" ("Style by Jury").
trazim ja nesto o nekim dimenzijama na youtube i nadjem ovo
i nesto kontam, ovo nije to, ovo je neki lik sto kenja o svemu i svacemu i pogledam komentare...zanimljivo trolovanje
Im wondering if you have any tips on meditations that you may use yourself, and are willing to share with me. Ive been looking into Quantum physics and trying to apply that to my meditations. All my work is around love, and trying to understand what unconditional love is. But I cant seem to awaken. im trying to connect my 12 chakra's aswell as my DNA. yet i cant see much progress?
ballsaunga пре 5 месеци
@ballsaunga My answer is too long to fit in this little space, so I will try sending you an email message, ok?
TheGameofTime пре 5 месеци
David, I am using imagination meditation with love frequencies to speed up my own imaginary fantasy dimensional playing field in as many spaces and time in this universe or beyond all these universes. I have talked to some souls with bodies in many place and times in this and other universe. My life is to get a full picture of this universe in my head, using science and spirituality methodologies and become the einstein, buddha I love you David Thank you for this conscious awareness.
TheWayshowerTube пре 11 месеци
@TheWayshowerTube - About your imagination meditation - that is very interesting because I do exactly the same thing. It is amazing how far that practice can take you. I have never heard it said in those words before, that is a very helpful description. Thank you for sharing that with us.
TheGameofTime пре 11 месеци
David, take me with you, i dont resonate with this earth. Im serious
nicolasss82 пре 1 година
Well if anyone out there can remember how to open a portal or build a device that could transport us to our home worlds, will you please share that knowledge with us before you go? I will do the same.
TheGameofTime пре 1 година
Најпопуларнији коментари
Are you a pleadian..?
hassanfakiri пре 1 година 7
thanks! that really makes alot of sense. this is kinda like sacred geometry.
jessen420 пре 1 година 6
прикажи све
Сви коментари (40)
Пријавите се или се региструјте одмах да бисте поставили коментар!
@TheGameofTime i would love to hear the answer too :D
Keylooh пре 1 месец
@TheGameofTime Would you PLEASE send me a message as well about those meditations? I would be SO grateful.
Crossthefuture пре 1 месец
I now understand why Albert Einstien is so important 0.0
bigbootyjewful пре 2 месеци
Had an experience about two years ago while driving. An internal voice said "Look up if you want to see us" Leaned over steering wheel and nothing;voice again said "Keep Looking" I then saw approx 75 ships at high altitude, for some odd reason I think they could very well be Pleiadian/Plejaren vessels. I can feel the shift and it is all very exciting, Always knew there just had to be more! Cannot wait to be free of this material essence once more.
alwayson09 пре 4 месеци
Hello, I thought you might find this interesting. Shannon Fry has a description video of The "12 Levels of Ascension".
MsShannonfry пре 4 месеци
The one who has received portal building technology is Arcturus Ra - a beig rom the Ra collective of the Arcturian civlizsation. His Youtube channel is SIRIUSSTARSEED
His latest videos will go into the subject.
MaBu888 пре 5 месеци
I think there are 15 chakras.
MaBu888 пре 5 месеци
I love your shirt !
Вољан сам да поделим пола пљуге са неким?! Жели ли ИКО?
Jest', pa da posle pričaš kako ti je neko sa sajta pušio. Nije niko lud. :)
Хахахаха, па добро, изваљен сам 'ебага. :)
mmmm... :)
E ljudi, danas sam otkrio da mi je golub napravio gnijezdo na balkonu i leži na jajetu (tačnije golubica). Ja kad sam izašao na balkon ona se prepala, pa je pobjegla, a ja sam tačno vidio u gnijezdu golubije jaje. To je prvi put u životu da vidim golubije gnijezdo i golubije jaje. Kad sam se vratio unutra, pretpostavljam da se i ona vratila, pa sad ponovo leži na jajetu, jer i dok sam bio na balkonu, ona je samo čekala priliku da se vrati u gnijezdo. Inače, gnijezdo je ispod nekog starog stola koji stoji na balkonu, baš fino ušuškano, ali lako dostupno.
Ја морам с вама да поделим ову патетику од текста
Pokazi mi sta znas
da jos si najbolja
kad me osvajas
da jos si najlepsa
kad se doteras
da jos si najludja
kada mi usne das
Pokazi mi sta znas
da jos si carica
da kazem, vidi je
to je moja curica
i sebi nadimak
najgori da dodelim
ako ikad drugu pozelim
Komotno može i na transfer blama...
Smrt govnetu!