Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. Poslala mi drugarica ovaj test. Jako je detaljan, možda čak i previše, ali mi se jako svideo moj rezultat. Zanima me da vidim šta biste vi ispali (može da se skrati test, ako kliknete end quest, mada sam ja odgovorila na sva pitanja). Ima 100 klasa, tako da bi trebalo da bude zanimljivo. Test je izuzetno detaljan, imate osnovni nivo treninga, gde vas otprilike sortira u onome što vam najbolje ide, pa srednji i na kraju kao fakultet. Posle toga imate dve priče, gde na osnovu vaših izbora strategije se izbrušuje klasa. Sto rezultata nije malo, uz to ima i još kul analiza.
    Stavljajte i slične stvari, ako imate neke dobre testove, taman da prekratimo vreme i hranimo svoj ego.

    Ovo je meni ispalo.

    The Chaos Phantom
    Silent, deadly, and frightening, you are the Chaos Phantom. You're dark, and you're light, and you might be a tad bit bipolar. Or maybe not. I really don't know what to make of you. The truth is that normally you're a relatively stable person. But as a master of both light and dark magic, there is both good and evil that resides within you. These energies are normally in balance, and when they are balanced they can create truly frightening and devastating magical combinations. For example, you are able to control gravity, create masterful illusions, and throw your opponents into vortices of darkness and destruction. You can even use your powers to teleport, enhance your stealth, and escape from danger. Your powers distort the very stability of the world around you, and therefore if your powers are not in balance, you may end up being devoured by the energy and the chaos within you. Or worse, you may end up consuming the world and everyone around you in your insanity! Normally introverted, Chaos Phantoms wander the earth alone trying to stay clear of anyone and anything that might disturb the balance within them. In battle, Chaos Phantoms prefer to attack from the shadows and from a distance; however, they are not opposed to using their powers at close range if absolutely necessary.

    Congratulations on reaching this extraordinary class!

    This is a special class and requires a very high amount of Chaotic Stability. You scored 76% on ChaoticStability, higher than 98% of your peers.

    The Genie, impressed by your choices, has granted you the Hidden Power of Chaotic Stability.

    Da, videla sam da ima tema šta bismo bili po Jungu, ali ova obuhvata više testova, u svakom slučaju ako moderator pronađe da ima nešto slično, ako može da me uputi tamo, ja nisam našla. Hvala.

    Do sad kako je ko ispao:
    1. Chaos Phantom: smorka (DŽEK HARPER)
    2. The Dark Magus: Томдрил Мерилин, Манијак, ManUtdOwn18
    3. The Archive Cleric: gonzo, Valdemar
    4. The Ninja Master: Trankila, Advokado
    5. The Psionic Striker: ManUtdOwn18, Срета-Штета
    6. The Silver Hand: marcipan, lemaja, Dub
    7. The Grand Bishop: kiki partizan, |-|ombre, snebivljivaazdaja, Zaрata, S_explanation_S
    8. Ninja Sennin: Џорди, Давид, Луди Чак
    9. The Shaolin Guru: Nana Og
    10. The Assassin: Цар
    11. The Pirme Wizard: MrOpravitelj
    12. The Demon Hunter: Warner von Latinsche
    13. The Hex Blade: SnimaFarrasta, Мatriks14. The Grand Diviner: highlander007, Mrs.Raven
    15. The Samurai Master: Caleb Lost
    16. The Mad Jester: Манијак
    17. The Rune Weaver: mylyca, XPACT, glavni, Skočimiš, selenijum
    18. The Odin Warrior: Bioshocker
    19. The Star Glider: Мatriks, Bruce
    , Шерлок, grej
    20. The Dragon Master: Bruce, Трошаринац
    21. The Silent Wanderer: MakaronMaster
    22. The Enchanter: Covpa
    23. The Night Walker: turg, kurator
    24. The Mirror Mage: Kajtezzz
    25. The Swift Mage: impressionism
    26. The Fenrir Knight: Триша, Мatriks
    27. The Battle Warlock: crnigrujan, Kile3386, Lukѕ

  2. Aj, uradi test, ali stvarno. Baš je kul. trep, trep :)

  3. ovo je neka zavjera masona kabala vjeroispovijesti da se domognu ličnih podatataka o nama i prodaju ih rotšildovsko-cionističkim bankarima koji će ih upotrijebiti protiv nas.

    edit:evo ja sada krenuo. koliko ima pitanja?

  4. Kad stigneš do kraja, klikni samo ono: nah, just the result, pa ne moraš da ostavljaš podatke. :)

    Opet, malo je duži test, ali je jako kul, pa makar ga i judeomasoni pravili. :P

  5. edit:evo ja sada krenuo. koliko ima pitanja?

    Ne znam tačno. Ima nekoliko delova. Prvo trening- deo početka treninga gde se određuje da li si više za čini, borbu ili agilnost, drugi deo gde te izbori primoravaju da još uže odabereš specijalizaciju u čarobnjačkoj, ratničkoj i roug klasi, pa još jedan (master trening), gde se kao još više rafiniraju tvoji izbori i šta bi bio tvoj izvor moći. :)
    Posle toga imaš dve avanture, gde te ispituje na koji način bi rešio određene probleme. Kad se sve sabere, dobiješ klasu i podklasu. :)

    Ja sam jako zadovoljna rezultatom. :)

  6. Ja sam jako zadovoljna rezultatom. :)

    da ovo nije nešto kao horoskop gdje je fora da ti budeš samo srećan :D

  7. The Dark Magus
    33% Strength, 33% Bloodlust, 55% Intelligence, 23% Spirit, 22% Vitality and 13% Agility!
    As a powerful magician that tried to discover the true source of power and magic, the Dark Magus has mastered an array of powerful and deadly spells that often have unpredictable effects. As a sorcerer that often kills indiscriminantly (and often for pleasure), the Dark Magus is certainly someone to be feared and avoided. Although the Dark Magi most often walk the path of darkness, there are a few who occasionally stray to the path of light. Utilizing their mastery of fire and dark magic for the side of good may seem unusual, but Dark Magi are absolutely not opposed to becoming staunch allies of the light. Although Dark Magi specialize in fire based magic, thay are also proficient in the other basic elements. However, their mastery over fire far exceeds that of any of the other spellcaster classes allowing them to manipulate the fire more skillfully and effortlessly. By increasing the intensity of their fire they can even create blue and white flames, and on top of that they can unleash the power of volcanoes by manipulating the lava within them. In addition, some Dark Magi may be skilled with summoning techniques, allowing them to summon elemental golems with whom they have made blood pacts.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class, you crazy magical sadist :P
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  8. Evo ti rezultati Smorka

    The Archive Cleric

    35% Strength, 10% Bloodlust, 43% Intelligence, 42% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 27% Agility!

    Powerful and pure, the Archive Cleric is both a master of weapons and a master of light magic. By combining powerful sword techniques and close combat skills with their light magic, Archive Clerics can easily defeat any demonic and undead foes. In addition, they can use their light magic to create barriers, thus enhancing the strength of their armor and making them more resistant to damage. Furthermore, they can use their powerful light magic to heal themselves or their allies. In addition, Archive Clerics are skilled with powerful offensive elemental magic, which they can use to unleash devasting blasts of fire, ice, wind, and earth. They can even use their offensive elemental magic and light magic in combination with their weapon skills in order to augment their strength and imbue their weapon with magic properties. What makes the cunning and intelligent Archive Clerics truly unique is their ability to use archival rune magic to transmit thoughts, ideas, and information between people. In fact, Archive Clerics can literally "upload" maps, spells, and an assortment of other skills into the minds of their allies. By transforming and coding this information into the form of runes, knowledge can be easily transferred from one person to another. For example, rather than spending years teaching someone how to perform a spell, Archive Clerics can use their archival rune magic to quickly and effortlessly transfer that information from themselves to the other person; however, the person that the spell is transfered to must have the capacity to use that spell, otherwise the spell will be useless. In other words, transferring the information to use lightning magic would be useless for a swordsman if that swordsman is incapable of using magic. Similarly, Archive Clerics can collect knowledge on a variety of spells and techniques that they themselves may be incapable of using; however, they are still entirely capable of transferring that knowledge to allies who are capable of casting those spells. Not surprisingly, Archive Clerics will often amass knowledge and techniques from many disciplines.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  9. Томдрил Мерилин

    Tebe sam bukvalno tako nekako i zamišljala. :) Haha, kako nam avatari inače prate istu tematiku. :) Ja sam bukvalno takva kako kaže, ne znam, zlu mađiju bih koristila za dobro, uglavnom, a i dobra mađija je kul. :)

    da ovo nije nešto kao horoskop gdje je fora da ti budeš samo srećan :D

    Mislim da nije, baš je detaljno, probaj pa ćeš videti. :)

  10. Similarly, Archive Clerics can collect knowledge on a variety of spells and techniques that they themselves may be incapable of using; however, they are still entirely capable of transferring that knowledge to allies who are capable of casting those spells

    Aaaaa, predobro, pokretna biblioteka! Možda si dobrica, kako kažu i nisi za mračnu mađiju, ali bar možeš da zapamtiš sve o njoj, i da mi prenesš znanje, kako kul! :)

  11. Мени испало Јебач, ал добро то сам и раније знао.

  12. Aaaaa, predobro, pokretna biblioteka! Možda si dobrica, kako kažu i nisi za mračnu mađiju, ali bar možeš da zapamtiš sve o njoj, i da mi prenesš znanje, kako kul! :)

    Hihihihihi uvek sam bio kapacitet.

  13. The Ninja Master

    20% Strength, 28% Bloodlust, 42% Intelligence, 25% Spirit, 20% Vitality and 50% Agility!

    Da da da to sam ja.

  14. Kad bi to moglo tako, ti se malo tu mučiš, mi samo upijemo znanje, i ako imamo kapaciteta ga koristimo. Olakšan put ka greatness. :D

    Aj, Šomi, rešavaj, sve su klase jebačke, da vidiš koji si podtip jebača. :P

  15. Za, Trankilu. :)

    The Ninja Master

    By combining their stealth and evasion with powerful elemental magic, Ninja Masters are some of the fiercest warriors. Although they may not be the most physically powerful warriors, their cunningness and spellcasting abilities more than make up for any deficiencies. In fact, Ninja Masters can use their ninja techniques to enhance their strength, thus making them even more powerful and formidable. Their strength truly becomes something to be feared when they enhance it enough to be able to punch through solid stone. In addition, their agility allows them to rapidly and stealthily set explosive traps and unleash powerful blasts of elemental ninja techniques that quickly overwhelm the enemy; however, Ninja Masters more often prefer to silently and quietly eliminate their opponents. When faced with armies of warriors, Ninja Masters can increase their own numbers and overwhelm their opponents by sneakily creating elemental clones. It is often difficult to determine whether or not a Ninja Master will walk the path of good or evil, though it is certainly not true that all are evil.

    Congratulations on reaching this high class!

    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    Kul, a niko da otkrije neku skrivenu moć. :P

  16. The Dark Magus
    7% Strength, 38% Bloodlust, 62% Intelligence, 27% Spirit, 23% Vitality and 23% Agility!
    As a powerful magician that tried to discover the true source of power and magic, the Dark Magus has mastered an array of powerful and deadly spells that often have unpredictable effects. As a sorcerer that often kills indiscriminantly (and often for pleasure), the Dark Magus is certainly someone to be feared and avoided. Although the Dark Magi most often walk the path of darkness, there are a few who occasionally stray to the path of light. Utilizing their mastery of fire and dark magic for the side of good may seem unusual, but Dark Magi are absolutely not opposed to becoming staunch allies of the light. Although Dark Magi specialize in fire based magic, thay are also proficient in the other basic elements. However, their mastery over fire far exceeds that of any of the other spellcaster classes allowing them to manipulate the fire more skillfully and effortlessly. By increasing the intensity of their fire they can even create blue and white flames, and on top of that they can unleash the power of volcanoes by manipulating the lava within them. In addition, some Dark Magi may be skilled with summoning techniques, allowing them to summon elemental golems with whom they have made blood pacts.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class, you crazy magical sadist :P
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    To je to.

  17. I ti isto? :) Svi smo neki čarobnjaci, samo Trankila neki roug. Trenutno.

  18. Idem da pokušam da impresiram Džinija. Sviđa mi se što sam ovo ispao.

  19. Nema potrebe da pokušavaš, mislim da je fora sa tom klasom da si već dovoljno izbalansiran i specijalizovan, da ti nije neophodna skrivena moć, bez obzira da li si se odlučio za put dobra ili zla. Meni je bila potrebna da bih zadržala unutrašnji haos između svetlosti i mraka pod kontrolom. :)

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Biznisblog · 26. Decembar 2007.