Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. Кака глупост...

    The Archive Cleric
    42% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 45% Intelligence, 38% Spirit, 25% Vitality and 18% Agility!
    Powerful and pure, the Archive Cleric is both a master of weapons and a master of light magic. By combining powerful sword techniques and close combat skills with their light magic, Archive Clerics can easily defeat any demonic and undead foes. In addition, they can use their light magic to create barriers, thus enhancing the strength of their armor and making them more resistant to damage. Furthermore, they can use their powerful light magic to heal themselves or their allies. In addition, Archive Clerics are skilled with powerful offensive elemental magic, which they can use to unleash devasting blasts of fire, ice, wind, and earth. They can even use their offensive elemental magic and light magic in combination with their weapon skills in order to augment their strength and imbue their weapon with magic properties. What makes the cunning and intelligent Archive Clerics truly unique is their ability to use archival rune magic to transmit thoughts, ideas, and information between people. In fact, Archive Clerics can literally "upload" maps, spells, and an assortment of other skills into the minds of their allies. By transforming and coding this information into the form of runes, knowledge can be easily transferred from one person to another. For example, rather than spending years teaching someone how to perform a spell, Archive Clerics can use their archival rune magic to quickly and effortlessly transfer that information from themselves to the other person; however, the person that the spell is transfered to must have the capacity to use that spell, otherwise the spell will be useless. In other words, transferring the information to use lightning magic would be useless for a swordsman if that swordsman is incapable of using magic. Similarly, Archive Clerics can collect knowledge on a variety of spells and techniques that they themselves may be incapable of using; however, they are still entirely capable of transferring that knowledge to allies who are capable of casting those spells. Not surprisingly, Archive Clerics will often amass knowledge and techniques from many disciplines.
    Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
    This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.

    Мада кад погледам како играм Дијабло, хм...

  2. Ja mislim da je to baš kulj klasa, Vald. Pa i jesi neki u potrazi za znanjem, ne? Mada ovo moje mi se za sad najviše đa. :)

  3. Ја сам мислио да ћу бити неки шејпшифтер.

  4. Кака глупост...

    Što glupost, baš sam ispao pametan lololo

  5. Fora sa Džinijem je da turiš None, kao da ćeš to sam da uradiš. Evo mene drugi put lololo.

    The Psionic Striker
    10% Strength, 33% Bloodlust, 50% Intelligence, 43% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 15% Agility!
    Instead of using magic to manipulate the elements and the world around them, Psionic Strikers will use their mind and mental energy. By focusing their mind, Psionic Strikers can use telekinesis to lift objects and even unleash powerful blasts and shields of mental energy. As masters of martial arts, Psionic Strikers can even use their telekinesis to increase the physical power of their punches and kicks or they can use it to levitate. Against weaker opponents, Psionic Strikers may use their powers to mentally shatter a person's neck or spine. By using their telepathy, Psionic Strikers can read their opponent's mind, and thus more easily predict their next move in battle. This makes them extremely difficult to counter because they always know what you are going to do next. Their telepathy can even be used to speak into another person's mind and plant thoughts and ideas there. They can use this power to manipulate and control their opponents, thus allowing them to turn any battle in their favor. Psionic Strikers often have a passion for death and battle, and some have mastered forms of dark magic. By fusing this dark magic with their psychic energy, Psionic Strikers can create and unleash devasting blasts of powerful energy from their mind and fists. On the other hand, some Psionic Strikers are more peaceful and have mastered forms of light magic, which they can also fuse with their psionic energy. In addition, Psionic Strikers can use their mastery over moon magic to enhance their strength and agility by transforming at night into various wild and ferocious beast-human hybrids.
    Congratulations on reaching this frighteningly powerful class!
    This is a special class and requires a very high amount of Psionic Force. You scored 96% on this variable!
    The Genie, impressed by your choices, has granted you the Hidden Power of Psionic Force.

    Više sam u ovom fazonu.

  6. Ја сам мислио да ћу бити неки шејпшифтер.

    Meni si baš delov'o kao neki čabrnjak, ono klasičini, elemental i to, taku sam neku sliku o tebi sklopila. :)

  7. Fora sa Džinijem je da turiš None, kao da ćeš to sam da uradiš. Evo mene drugi put lololo.

    Aaaa, to je. I ja sam stavil anone, ali sam razmišljala za besmrtnost, mada mi se nije svidelo da recimo dobijem besmrtnost na račun mentalne snage i želje za životom, ili da postanem master u svim sposobnostima na račun ambicije i ne znam čega. rek' bolje onda sama da probam, pa bez posledica. :)

  8. Неће да ми каже резултат јер имам мање од 18 година.

  9. Ja prvi put stavio Omniscience, kao ako sam pametan biću i besmrtan i svemoguć.

  10. 23% Strength, 28% Bloodlust, 23% Intelligence, 52% Spirit, 32% Vitality and 28% Agility!The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based energy from their fists, or they us it for healing and restoring life to those whose lives are fading. With the ability to cure any illness or disease, Silver Hands are often viewed as gods to those around them. As one of the most pure and benevolent classes, Silver Hands almost solely walk the path of good rather than evil. However, because of their proficiency with life and moon magic, it is not uncommon for them to occassionally use their powers for the side of darkness. Just as they can give life, they can also drain it and absorb it as their own thus becoming even more powerful. By absorbing another's life energy they are literally absorbing their power, spirit, and will and are able to use it to enhance their own power. Furthermore, their moon magic can be used to transform themselves and others from humans into ghastly creatures of darkness.

    Ovo znači da sam neka vidarica. Mesec... to je sasvim tačno. :)

  11. Неће да ми каже резултат јер имам мање од 18 година.

    Idi na just see the results ili tako nešto.

  12. Na račun čega je bilo to? Ako je ambicije, teško da bi mogao to da ostvariš, tj. da se nateraš da ostvariš i ova druga dva. :) Zato i nisam htela ništa da biram, koji će mi besmrtnost (i ja sam prvo skontala tokom vremena mogu i ova dva, kad imam vremena koliko neću), ako izgubim želju za životom?

  13. The Grand Bishop
    17% Strength, 22% Bloodlust, 43% Intelligence, 43% Spirit, 32% Vitality and 28% Agility!
    Grand Bishops often have few skills with weapons and they are probably the least physically powerful of all the classes. However, they are by no means the weakest class. In fact, Grand Bishops utilize some of the most powerful magic in world: the power to control time. By controlling time, Grand Bishops can change and reverse the course of events and defeat opponents that no other class could ever dream of defeating. In fact, Grand Bishops can even alter the time of an object, allowing them to fast forward that object into the future or revert it to a state in the past. As an extension, this can be used as an advanced form of healing, enabling Grand Bishops to restore severed limbs and wounds. Although time may be a powerful ally, it requires a great deal of energy and magic to manipulate, so Grand Bishops use this power sparingly. Instead, they more often use their mastery over light magic and the basic elements to battle their foes. Grand Bishops may be supremely powerful spellcasters, but they most often use their power for good rather than evil. Those who use their power for evil may abuse their power over time and fall into chaos and oblivion.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class!
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

  14. Дајте неки тест нпр. које си дрво, баш дуго нисам радио такве тестове на фејсу. Или која си саксија за цвеће, боја маркера, мирис купке итд...

  15. Nije ambicija, nego na račun snage.

    EDIT: A nije fer, ja sam izabrao ono za time and lightning, ja sam hteo vreme.

  16. ManUtdOwn18, ti si baš neka opasna klasa u oba slučaja isp'o. Ovo baš zajebano.

    Ovo znači da sam neka vidarica. Mesec... to je sasvim tačno. :)

    Awwww, that's cute. :) Ti bi mogla mene da usmeravaš u pravom pravcu. :)

    Idi na just see the results ili tako nešto.

    Da, ne morate da dajete podatke, ispod imate just see the result, sitnim slovima. :)

  17. Nije ambicija, nego na račun snage.

    Aj, to i nekako, al' mislim da je bilo još nešto.

    Дајте неки тест нпр. које си дрво, баш дуго нисам радио такве тестове на фејсу. Или која си саксија за цвеће, боја маркера, мирис купке итд...

    Daćemo ti kad rešiš ovaj test! :P Hajde da te vidimo!

    Kiki dobrica. :)

  18. A Strength mi je 7 i 10, to nisu mogli više da pogode hahah.

    EDIT : Hoću i ja sliku. :D

  19. Ima slika? Kod mene nije bilo. :)

    I meni je strength 18%, ne treba mi više. :)

  20. Kako sam zao jebeno u oba slučaja. Mada piše da mogu i u korist dobra da ih koristim.

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Emisija RTS-a "Oko Magazin · 24. Novembar 2009.