Razni testovi ličnosti, šta biste bili u svetu fantazije, i ta pseudonaučna čuda

  1. Kako sam zao jebeno u oba slučaja. Mada piše da mogu i u korist dobra da ih koristim.

    Zašto da ne, zli dobrica, to je kul. :)

    Ja sam nešto između. Više sam kul, ako sam sa zlima, zla sam, ako sam sa dobrima dobra. Mada u principu idem sama, a vi se borite međusobno. Ili ako prolupam prizovem demone pa sve živo i dobro i zlo uništim, e onda moraju da me srede, jbg.

  2. E a ima i ovo.

    Za Psionica.

    You scored 10% on Strength, higher than 6% of your peers.

    You scored 33% on Bloodlust, higher than 72% of your peers.

    You scored 50% on Intelligence, higher than 86% of your peers.

    You scored 43% on Spirit, higher than 72% of your peers.

    You scored 37% on Vitality, higher than 75% of your peers.

    You scored 15% on Agility, higher than 11% of your peers.

    You scored 12% on AlchemicSorcery, higher than 29% of your peers.

    You scored 96% on PsionicForce, higher than 100% of your peers.

    You scored 4% on ExplosiveEnergy, higher than 18% of your peers.

    You scored 12% on ChaoticStability, higher than 54% of your peers.

    You scored 32% on AngelicLuminosity, higher than 67% of your peers.

    You scored 28% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 74% of your peers.

    You scored 16% on NecromanticWizardry, higher than 52% of your peers.

    You scored 8% on EnchantedEngineering, higher than 5% of your peers.

    You scored 0% on ElementalArchery, higher than 20% of your peers.

    You scored 13% on HiddenPower, higher than 23% of your peers.

  3. The Dark Magus
    20% Strength, 42% Bloodlust, 43% Intelligence, 17% Spirit, 27% Vitality and 32% Agility!
    As a powerful magician that tried to discover the true source of power and magic, the Dark Magus has mastered an array of powerful and deadly spells that often have unpredictable effects. As a sorcerer that often kills indiscriminantly (and often for pleasure), the Dark Magus is certainly someone to be feared and avoided. Although the Dark Magi most often walk the path of darkness, there are a few who occasionally stray to the path of light. Utilizing their mastery of fire and dark magic for the side of good may seem unusual, but Dark Magi are absolutely not opposed to becoming staunch allies of the light. Although Dark Magi specialize in fire based magic, thay are also proficient in the other basic elements. However, their mastery over fire far exceeds that of any of the other spellcaster classes allowing them to manipulate the fire more skillfully and effortlessly. By increasing the intensity of their fire they can even create blue and white flames, and on top of that they can unleash the power of volcanoes by manipulating the lava within them. In addition, some Dark Magi may be skilled with summoning techniques, allowing them to summon elemental golems with whom they have made blood pacts.
    Congratulations on reaching this high class, you crazy magical sadist :P
    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    ja. hehe.i to šimejlka, fakjea! zajeban(a) na kub

  4. Kod mene su ovi vredni pomena:
    You scored 32% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 83% of your peers.
    You scored 76% on ChaoticStability, higher than 98% of your peers.
    You scored 32% on PsionicForce, higher than 74% of your peers.
    You scored 47% on Spirit, higher than 80% of your peers.
    I ovi možda:
    You scored 20% on NecromanticWizardry, higher than 69% of your peers.
    You scored 28% on AngelicLuminosity, higher than 66% of your peers.

    Kul mi ovo demonic insanity i chaotic stability jedno uz drugo. xD

  5. Congratulations on reaching this high class, you crazy magical sadist :P

    Ho, ho, ho! :)

  6. ово ћу дурадим чим се вратим содбојке.

  7. Davide, obavezno. :) Baš je kul.

  8. Congratulations on reaching this high class, you crazy magical sadist :P

    vid promače mi ovo.
    bolje što ne živim u nekom fentazi rpg, sumnjam da bih bio neko na koga bi moglo (htelo,smelo) da se osloni neko selo, a kamoli celo kraljevstvo.

    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.

    bolje što nisam, ko zna zašto je to dobro hahah

  9. да видим доста је детаљно, није оно офрље 4 различита резултата само типа, а притом је тако пребачено у фентези свет што још више реко бих даје специфичнију слику.

  10. Ja kad malo bolje pogledam, ispao sam Archive Cleric - pop arhivar, dok ste svi vi tamo neke nindže, ratnici, senke, magovi, mesečevi, srebreni, zlatni, tri lepe. Ne da mi se da budem badass, nikako.

  11. да видим доста је детаљно, није оно офрље 4 различита резултата само типа, а притом је тако пребачено у фентези свет што још више реко бих даје специфичнију слику.

    Ima sto rezultata, a počinje od osnovnog treninga, pa srednji, pa kao faks (sve uža i uža specijalizacija) i na kraju imaš dve priče gde se za sigurno oblikuju tvoje sposobnosti. :)

    bolje što ne živim u nekom fentazi rpg, sumnjam da bih bio neko na koga bi moglo (htelo,smelo) da se osloni neko selo, a kamoli celo kraljevstvo.

    Ja baš mislim da bi mogli, ne deluješ mi kao loša osoba. Mada ja realno nikog ne smatram lošim, mislim da bih stvarno mogla daidem u oba pravca. Milosrđe je nekako bitno za mene, i u bilo kojoj RPG poštedim ljude, nekako- daj im šansu (pod kontrolom), iznenadiće te. :)

    Ja kad malo bolje pogledam, ispao sam Archive Cleric - pop arhivar, dok ste svi vi tamo neke nindže, ratnici, senke, magovi, mesečevi, srebreni, zlatni, tri lepe. Ne da mi se da budem badass, nikako.

    Šta će ti bedesizam u životu ionako? Samo se mučiš i unesrećuješ bez veze. Ovo lepo učiš za svoj groš i još te poštuju, kud ćeš bolje.

  12. 20% Strength, 12% Bloodlust, 28% Intelligence, 28% Spirit, 15% Vitality and 57% Agility!

    Ninja Sennin are able to become one with nature and absorb the energy of the world around them to enhance their strength, stealth, and agility. By becoming one with nature, the Ninja Sennin are able to feel, connect with, and channel the lifeforce of all living creatures surrounding them, thus raising their senses, powers, and abilities to godly levels. Ninja Sennin often have some skill with the basic elements though certainly not as much as the spellcaster classes. Usually, Ninja Sennin have a natural affinity for one or two different elements and will try to train those exclusively. However, by combining their weak elemental magic with their own energy and the energy of the world around them, they can create devastatingly powerful techniques and spells that no other class can perform. Their stealthiness and formidable power may make them seem like dark and ferocious foes, but deep down they are often truly benevolent and wise; however, Ninja Sennin that cannot control any darkness and hate within them will certainly fall into madness and chaos. Those who can master this darkness will know what it means to be truly alive and at peace with the world.

    Congratulations on reaching this high class!

    You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.


  13. Ja ništa od milosrđa nisam izabrao hahah.

  14. Haha, Džordi, ti s' neki ninđa hipik. :)

    A pazi mene, leba ti:
    You scored 32% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 83% of your peers.
    You scored 76% on ChaoticStability, higher than 98% of your peers.

    Dimonik inseniti i keotik stebiliti, najviši. :) Ludo stabilan lik.

  15. али што је најјаче, ја сам милосрдни убица! хахахах краљевски

  16. Ja ništa od milosrđa nisam izabrao hahah.

    Ja jesam, ali nisam mogla dodolim onim mračnim mađijama, mnogo mi se više sviđa od svetlosnih, jbg. Ne volim ta ograničenja, nisam ja za to.

  17. You scored 32% on DemonicInsanity, higher than 83% of your peers.
    You scored 76% on ChaoticStability, higher than 98% of your peers.

    Па ти си ко она из Гокуа, сад не моду да се сетим имена, што је иначе добра а кад полуди онда сви чувају главу, лололо

  18. Ja ništa od milosrđa nisam izabrao hahah.

    Сад ме занима колко би рецимо Циклон изабрао милосрђа :)

  19. Manje od mene ne može lololo.

  20. Lanč? :D

    Ma, master of chaos, koji sam Galvatron, e! :) Stabilni haos i demončići, uz to još i isceliteljskih moći, meni sasvim dovoljno. Čudno, vama svima piše da ste recimo verovatnije na dobroj/lošoj strani, ali možete da se prebacite uspešno i na drugu, a meni nema ništa od toga, samo da se držim podalje od ostalih da me ne uznemiravaju. Koja sam ladovina, e. :)

Rekli o sajtu

Osim velikih istorijskih i nacionalnih zabluda, podložni smo i onim „sitnijim”, ali koje nam određuju svakodnevicu. „Ne valja da se sedi na kućnom pragu, posebno kad grmi”, „Hleb od 500 grama je opšteprihvaćen pod nazivom kilo hleba”, „Ne valja da se zviždi u kući, to privlači miševe”, „Ne valja da se otvara kišobran u kući”, „Žvakanje žvaka može da deformiše vilicu”, „Ma koliko vruće i zagušljivo bilo, ne otvarati prozor, ubiće promaja”, navode na popularnom internet portalu „Vukajlija” niz sujeverja i zabluda našeg naroda.

Politika · 31. Januar 2011.