Kad je pre nekoliko dana osvanuo naslov u dnevnim novinama „Željko Mitrović: Trovali su me“, na samoproklamovanom rečniku slenga vukajlija.com odgovorili su mu bez mnogo pijeteta: „Pa dobro, i ti si nas, i još to radiš“.
Ekonom:east Magazin · 03. Februar 2011.
The Hex Blade sam bio sa Snimo0mFarrastom
a sad sam The Abyss Knight
Mitar iz Dubiča.
noćni hodač lolo
ajmo ljudiiiii ♥ KOI STE JEDNOROG ♥
You got: Rainbow Unicorn
You wonderful, perfect, transcendently magical rainbow unicorn! You’re all the magic in the world combined into one shining, perfect, rainbow beacon of hope. All the other unicorns want you at their unicorn parties!
Gde nadje jednoroge Jacquelin.
Ajde reeešiiiiii. :3
You got: Dark Unicorn
Awwww, ja sam Rainbow, mi smo opoziti. :3 ♥
Koje vam je boje vilinska prašina? :3
You got: Dark Unicorn
Predictable. :P
edit: Ali " All shall love you and despair!" ahahahaha, geek appeal.
crna, baš kao i duša...
:( Moja je zlatna, kakav sam standard smarački, jebiga.
The Mirror Mage
As swift as the Ninjas, fierce as the Monks, skilled as the Knights, and intelligent as the Spellcasters, the formidable Mirror Mage is probably the class that invokes the most terror and unease in its opponents. Not only are Mirror Mages extremely skilled with a sword, but often they are also masters offensive elemental magic, combat, and martial arts. Furthermore, Mirror Mages are often quite agile and speedy in battle, and some of the greatest Mirror Mages have mastered the art of stealth. However, there is often a tradeoff between skill in stealth and skill in martial arts: Mirror Mages who are more skilled in stealth are less skilled in martial arts and vice versa. On top of all that, Mirror Mages are experts of element magic and can easily launch a slew of powerful spells at their opponents. With their unique combination of abilities, Mirror Mages are a balanced and deadly class able to easily take down any opponent in battle. Lastly, Mirror Mages have one final incredible ability that surpasses all their others: the ability to use their powerful light magic to copy almost any opponent's spells or techniques. Using their light based mirror magic, Mirror Mages gain the ability to use almost any power their opponent uses. For example, if an opponent uses a special martial arts move or unleashes a powerful spell, Mirror Mages can use their own magic to instantly learn how to perform those abilities; however, Mirror Mages must first have the capacity to use those abilities. In other words, a Mirror Mage with low levels of agility and stealth would not be able to use any techniques copied from a Ninja. Similarly, a Mirror Mage with no knowledge of dark and light magic would not be able to use the powers and spells copied from an opponent who uses dark and light magic. Yet even with these restrictions, the Mirror Mage is still a truly amazing class!
Congratulations on achieving this powerful class!
This is a rare mixed class that requires at least three variables to be extremely high.
You have not mastered any Hidden Power granted by the Genie.
You got: Introspective Unicorn
You spectacularly intellectual unicorn! You’re a magical, magical creature, and you always look before you leap (on your spectacular unicorn hooves). You’re the unicorn all the other unicorns come to when they need life advice.
Evo još jedan.
Zadovoljan sam
Isto. :3
Please don't kill me, I make awesom cookies!