Trenutno me mrzi da ustajem, a kamoli dubijam, stoji mi rafaelo ceo na ormanu na tri korak i opet ne ustajem (it's that bad) tako da nema brige, bezbedan si. lel
Auuuuu, Lukse, izdao si preldžijstvo za satenske čaršafe i čaj. :D
Ne znam da li si rešavao ti onaj skroz u prvom postu? Još uvek nešto najdetaljnije što sam našla, ima 100 rešenja, verovatno ima i neka baka da se nađe.
Auuuuu, Lukse, izdao si preldžijstvo za satenske čaršafe i čaj. :D
Aman. :'( Zamenio pečenje i pivu iz flaše Earl Grej čajem i integralnim biskvitima. :D
Sad nemam vremena, ali možda večeras, koliko vremena je potrebno da se reši taj prvi test, sat, tako nešto? Mora se neka baka ubosti (obratiti pažnju na višesmislenost značenja hehe)
The Battle Warlock
48% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 50% Intelligence, 28% Spirit, 12% Vitality and 25% Agility!
An expert with both magic and a sword, the Battle Warlock is certainly a balanced and deadly class. Battle Warlocks are quite skilled with a sword and can effortlessly combine this prowess with the art of magic, allowing them to create powerful and deadly combinations that no other class can. Battle Warlocks excel in an unusual element that no other class can utilize: metal. Being so unique, their metal magic often catches their foes offguard providing the Battle Warlock with an easy victory. Battle Warlocks can even use their metal magic to transform the shape of their own weapons mid-battle to confuse and disorient their opponents. On top of that, anyone who attacks the Battle Warlock with metal weapons and armor stands no hope of winning. A slash of an opponent's blade will simply melt harmlessly off the Battle Warlock, and an opponent's protective armor can be morphed by the Battle Warlock into a spikey prison of death. With the unique ability to morph metal into any shape they desire, Battle Warlocks are fearsome and powerful warriors. Although Battle Warlocks specialize in metal magic they are also proficient in the other basic elements. Indeed, the Battle Warlock's most powerful spell combines fire and metal magic by summoning powerful, fiery meteors from the sky that rain down mercilessly on all who dare oppose the Battle Warlock.
Trenutno me mrzi da ustajem, a kamoli dubijam, stoji mi rafaelo ceo na ormanu na tri korak i opet ne ustajem (it's that bad) tako da nema brige, bezbedan si. lel
Sacu da i ja rešim, očekujem da će rezultat biti povezan sa bakama, momenat.
Koji rešavaš, onaj u prvom postu ili ovaj sad što sam okačila? Ako je ovaj sad, stvarno ti treba sto godina. :P
Ovaj. Nema baka. :(
Auuuuu, Lukse, izdao si preldžijstvo za satenske čaršafe i čaj. :D
Ne znam da li si rešavao ti onaj skroz u prvom postu? Još uvek nešto najdetaljnije što sam našla, ima 100 rešenja, verovatno ima i neka baka da se nađe.
Aman. :'( Zamenio pečenje i pivu iz flaše Earl Grej čajem i integralnim biskvitima. :D
Sad nemam vremena, ali možda večeras, koliko vremena je potrebno da se reši taj prvi test, sat, tako nešto? Mora se neka baka ubosti (obratiti pažnju na višesmislenost značenja hehe)
Pa ne znam, sad sam već zaboravila, verovatno sam tamo napisala, mislim da treba 20-ak minuta. :) Reši kad možeš, budi mi.... frajer, super je. B)
Serem ti se u test, popunio sam sve i na kraju mi ne izbaci rezultat
ima kvocijent inteligancije 120 i boli me ćošaq
Au, sranje. Pa kako to? Ne znam, možda više ne radi, mada skoro su ljudi rešavali. :/ Stvarno je kul, molila sam te još tad da probaš. :P
Videću da popunim još jednom kasnije ako me ne bude mrzelo
Najs! Sa srećom.
The Battle Warlock
48% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 50% Intelligence, 28% Spirit, 12% Vitality and 25% Agility!
An expert with both magic and a sword, the Battle Warlock is certainly a balanced and deadly class. Battle Warlocks are quite skilled with a sword and can effortlessly combine this prowess with the art of magic, allowing them to create powerful and deadly combinations that no other class can. Battle Warlocks excel in an unusual element that no other class can utilize: metal. Being so unique, their metal magic often catches their foes offguard providing the Battle Warlock with an easy victory. Battle Warlocks can even use their metal magic to transform the shape of their own weapons mid-battle to confuse and disorient their opponents. On top of that, anyone who attacks the Battle Warlock with metal weapons and armor stands no hope of winning. A slash of an opponent's blade will simply melt harmlessly off the Battle Warlock, and an opponent's protective armor can be morphed by the Battle Warlock into a spikey prison of death. With the unique ability to morph metal into any shape they desire, Battle Warlocks are fearsome and powerful warriors. Although Battle Warlocks specialize in metal magic they are also proficient in the other basic elements. Indeed, the Battle Warlock's most powerful spell combines fire and metal magic by summoning powerful, fiery meteors from the sky that rain down mercilessly on all who dare oppose the Battle Warlock.
Марципан, је л' ти то на аватару из неког филма?
Spota: 8 Good Reasons. Ali budućeg.
U onom testu za životinje ispadoh šišmiš, a mogao sam da se zakunem da će da bude jazavac.
jesam baja
Broliiiii! ♥♥♥♥
Najs, ljudi, najs.
48% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 50% Intelligence, 28% Spirit, 12% Vitality and 25% Agility!
Opet koristiš neke telegencije i agilnosti a ne čistu snagu. :P
Evo imaš i sliku. Štreberu. :P